Thursday, June 17, 2021

STARSHIP TROOPERS UFOs kept secret by military for decades in bid to harness ‘unbelievably’ advanced technology for war, says filmmaker ( The SUN )

        BOB LAZAR: AREA 51 & FLYING SAUCERS: One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap  To Conclusions | Film Inquiry


UFOs kept secret by military for decades in bid to harness ‘unbelievably’ advanced technology for war, says filmmaker

 Corbell has been behind a string of high profile leaks featuring encounters between UFOs and the US military - most recently 14 craft appearing to swarm the USS Omaha.

                      UFOs kept secret by military for decades in bid to harness 'unbelievably' advanced  technology for war, says filmmaker

The filmmaker has become one of the leading voices in calling for the US Government to finally release what it knows about the strange phenomena.

US intelligence services are set to release a historic report within weeks, which is expected to not rule out a possible alien origin of the bizarre encounters. 

Leaked videos - which have been confirmed by the Pentagon as genuine - show objects which appear to move at incredible speeds and in ways not matching known human technological capabilities.

Corbell credits the efforts of a dedicated community of UFO enthusiasts for helping to pressure the US government to finally start to open up after decades of secrecy on what he described as a “global phenomena”.  

And he believes the world’s population is ready for the truth about what is going on in our skies - rubbishing suggestions it could be hysteria like “War of the Worlds”. 

However, Corbell told The Sun Online the one reason behind the veil of silence - which has lasted for some 70 years - is the desire by militaries to exploit any possible technology they can from the UFOs.

“We already know how the public is going to react, because there has been this slow sense of confirmation over the years,” Corbell said.

“Most of the public are not in the same position as militaries who want to exploit these technologies prior to admitting them - that is what they are trying to do, to make sure they have a technological advantage for warfare.

“That is one of the main reasons why the secrecy has been in place since around Roswell time, because it is the mandate of the Department of Defence to defend. 

“So part of that strategy is not to show your cards, and to exploit next generation technologies to try to have a leg up in warfare and combat.”



Corbell had previously directed 2018 documentary film Bob Lazar: Area 51 and the Flying Saucers  - which tells the story of Lazar, who claims to be a former US government physicist who worked with tech from UFOs.

Lazar's story has been highly scrutinised, but his extraordinary claims are coming into the spotlight once again amid a fervour of interest around the topic.

And earlier this year FOI requests appeared to show the Pentagon may have been “holding and testing” wreckage from UFOs, and former Senator Harry Reid claimed debris may be in the hands of defence giant Lockheed Martin. 

Meanwhile, former officials have claimed the Pentagon is in possession of the "exotic materials".

Corbell described the capabilities as witnessed by pilots - such as US Navy flight commander David Fravor during the 'TicTac' encounter - as “unbelievable” and said the acknowledgement of this apparent technological superiority is also helping to drive disclosure. 

He told The Sun Online: “Who has these technologies? Who has them? Because whoever has them is far more advanced. As far as warfare, the superiority is unbelievable.

“You listen to Commander Fravor engaging the ‘TicTac’ UFO and he had not a chance, no chance.

“This thing outmanoeuvred, outpaced and shot off whenever it wanted. That's why we are seeing the stigma dissolve.” 

UFOs are now more commonly referred to in scientific and intelligence circles as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

The issue had also for the longest time been consigned to the fringes of public discourse, but has stepped into the spotlight into the last few years as videos emerged showing UFO encounters with the US Navy.

And now following interventions from US military pilots, US Senators and Congressmen, and even US President Barack Obama, the issue is being discussed as a serious national security concern. 

Competing theories on the strange encounters continue to rage – with some grounded on Earth claiming the videos capture never-before-seen military aircraft or drones, while others claim it shows otherworldly craft possibly piloted by aliens.

Others however are more skeptical and sometimes even dismissive, claiming the bizarre videos may just be camera tricks, natural phenomena or even outright hoaxes.



Corbell told The Sun Online for now the objects remain firmly as “unidentified” - but he is hopeful of more answers. 

He said: “We are in a new age of UFO transparency, I hope. And we don’t have the answers, I don’t know where these come from - everybody tries to corner me, ‘are these aliens?’ but I have no idea.

"These are unidentified until identified.”

The filmmaker added: “Collectively we are bringing forward the interests of the public and we are demanding answers.

“It's the social pressure and the use of social media so feverishly now it's really forcing the hand of the Pentagon through our representatives.”


The UFO report - which was commissioned by Congress - is being compiled by the UAP Task Force, who were given a 180 day deadline in December which is due to expire this month. 

Corbell told The Sun Online he is “excited” by the very fact the report exists, saying its a “huge deal” - but he does not expect a sudden rush to full disclosure. 

He said: “I think they are going to confirm there are vehicles of unknown origin and intent that are technologically advanced, and do penetrate our restricted airspace and have been doing so for a long time. 

“If we get that - that is a huge leap forward for the acknowledgement for UFO transparency.

"They could go further than that, but they could button it up and go less than that. 

Henry Holloway

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