Wednesday, June 23, 2021


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Dear friends of I TEMPI SONO MATURI today this blog turns 11 years old. When I started posting the first news and my articles I made 350/400 views per month and I was mostly read in Italy. Today I TEMPI SONO MATURI, it has exceeded 2700000 views from 180 countries around the world. The blog went through ups and downs, some months I couldn't post anything due to work commitments, other times I was prevented by health reasons. Most of my readers are now in the US, and soon after in Italy. For the rest it is read by many European countries, but also by all other continents, albeit to a lesser extent. For those who still do not know  I TEMPI SONO MATURI is now also on Twitter, where it is enjoying great success with the public and where every day I have the opportunity to exchange information with researchers from all over the world. In Italy this blog arrived before many others to select the news and videos that came from the world and publish them here for all of you and without advertising. Yes they offered it to me, but I always refused it. Then there are those who threatened me for what I publish and those who complimented me. For some years this blog has also been on the Android app UFO, Videos, News & more, where it occupies on average from 50 to 60 spaces out of 80 dedicated to the most popular news, a sign that those who look at the app click to read them. Thanks again everyone. Keep following me. There are big news on the way.  I also thank my father who on June 23, 2009, a year before I started this blog, left me to move permanently to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Oliviero Mannucci

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