Friday, September 17, 2021

UFO Incidents: Roswell crash exploration continues ( JoBlo )

Last month, the video series UFO Incidents made its premiere on the Paranormal Network YouTube channel with part one of a two-part exploration of the most famous “UFO incident” of all time – the crash landing near Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th, 1947. If you enjoyed that first episode, the moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived: the second half of the two-parter has now been released, and you can check it out in the embed above!

A great help with this dive into the Roswell legend was Charles Berlitz and William L. Moore’s book The Roswell Incident, which was first published in 1980. The book reignited interest in the mysterious “weather balloon crash” at a time when the public had all but forgotten about the stories that came out of Roswell in the ’40s.

With the UFO Incidents series,

The Paranormal Network invites you to accompany us on a new journey, where we’ll take you inside some of the most compelling and mysterious close encounters ever recorded. We’ll examine the evidence, we’ll listen to the witnesses, we’ll consider every possibility. Join us as we investigate history’s most infamous… UFO INCIDENTS.

UFO Incidents is Written by Eric Walkuski, Narrated by Shawn Knippelberg, Edited by Juan Jimenez, Produced by Jason Hewlett, and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

Let us know what you think of the series by leaving a comment below!

The first episode of the show can be seen below, along with a couple sample episodes of other video series we have on The Paranormal Network. (I’ve also embedded the full movie Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot for your viewing pleasure.) To see more, click over to the YouTube channel, which is dedicated to things like UFOs, hauntings, and cryptids. If you’re into those subjects, subscribe while you’re there so you’ll be notified about our weekly shows.

UFO Incidents writer Eric Walkuski also writes The UFO Show for the channel, bringing viewers fresh UFO-related news every month.

Cody Hamman 

Source News 

 Watch the attached videos!


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