Friday, October 1, 2021


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In a 1993 taped confession never before made public, Albert Einstein's assistant in the summer of 1947 made the stunning admission that she and the Professor were flown to Roswell, NM under government direction and examined the debris and bodies resulting from the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle.


The interview of the assistant can be listened to below. She later earned 2 PhDs and was an academician at Florida universities for nearly 50 years. In the winter of her life, she felt an obligation to history to reveal the truth. She acted on this by allowing herself to go on record and detail the trip that she and Einstein made in July of 1947 to examine a craft and crew from another world. Einstein was of course the most renowned theoretical physicist of the 20th century who revolutionized the science of the astronomic and microcosmic levels. Einstein proved the existence of atoms and molecules and showed that the fabric of the universe was made of space-time.


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Shirley Wright held two PhDs - one in Chemistry and one in Physical Sciences. She led a good life and a productive life. We learn from her obituary appearing in a July 2015 Miami Herald that she was a college educator and teacher, a member of the Dominican Sisters, a philanthropist born of means, and a student of Albert Einstein's:

"WRIGHT, SHIRLEY, Shirley, devoted daughter, 85, passed away July 1, 2015. She was born in Boston, MA and spent her childhood in Chicago, IL. As a teenager she moved to Miami Beach, where her parents built the Tropicaire Hotel, which she later operated for many years. She was a dedicated teacher and scientist, earning PhDs in Physical Chemistry and Physical Science. She was a chemistry professor at MDCC for over 50 years. She was a student of Dr. Albert Einstein at Princeton. Shirley taught at the University of Miami and Barry College and was also an instructor at JMH School of Nursing and Hialeah High School. She was the first female president of the MDCC 

Faculty Senate. She was a member of the Dominican Sisters Third Order. For over 50 years, Shirley donated scholarships to students for excellence in the sciences. A generous person, she supported many charities and helped friends in need."


You can view the archived obituary here: 

Her Roswell story was originally told by the late UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield in entries in his privately published early 1990s "Status Report - UFO Crash Retrievals" monograph series. He gave Einstein's assistant the pseudonym "Edith Simpson" to protect her name and family's privacy. But Stringfield did mention in his book the name of the researcher in Florida who met with Dr. Wright to interview her, a woman named Sheila Franklin. Franklin was active in the state's Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) organization. Stringfield and Franklin collaborated to document what the woman had to say.


Franklin and Wright had shared a mutual friend. It is through this connection that Franklin had learned that Wright had mentioned that she and Einstein had made the Roswell trip. The friend arranged for Franklin and Wright to meet. Franklin taped Wright's Roswell testimony when the two arranged to get together in Miami, FL in November 1993.



It was hoped that the Sheila Franklin that Stringfield mentioned as the interviewer of Einstein's assistant was still alive. And if she was, hopefully she could be located. After utilizing several online directories and after many calls, Franklin was located and reached. Initially somewhat skeptical of the call, once the intent of the reach-out to her was understood, she became more forthcoming. She explained that not only did she have notes of her interview with Einstein's assistant, but that she had actually recorded it and still had the tapes. Even more, she was willing to try to find the now nearly thirty year old interview tapes and send them to me for the world to hear. Very thankfully, after great effort, Franklin did find and email a file of one of those interviews. Other portions of Wright's testimony were committed to print in Stringfield's


Wright explained to Franklin that in 1947 she has been chosen from a number of gifted students to work for Professor Einstein during the summer in 1947. She had undergone extensive security and reference checks because her job would place her in a sensitive position. Einstein took a professional liking to Wright and he took her everywhere. She recalled Einstein as "warmhearted, sympathetic and friendly to all his students." But it was in July of that year that an event transpired that remained vividly emblazoned in her memory for life. She had accompanied him to attend a "crisis conference" taking place at a Southwestern army air base with military and other scientists in attendance. They had flown from Princeton to Chicago on a regular flight, where they took another flight to a small civilian airport. It was raining when they landed and a colonel in a trench coat drove them perhaps 50-75 miles through the desert to the base. They were taken to a heavily guarded hangar. It was there that Wright and Einstein realized that they were dealing with something unearthly.


She described the craft stowed in the hangar. "It was disc-shaped, sort of concave. Its size stood up to one fourth of the hangar floor." The craft appeared in some way damaged on one side. She said that unfortunately she was not able to get close enough to see fine details as the craft was surrounded by guards, photographers and specialists that were studying it.


Wright said that "the body of the ship was what I would call today a rather reflective material but when you got up close to it, it was rather dull." She added, "they were very curious about what the materials were."


Franklin asked Wright what interested Einstein most? Wright replied, "Propulsion and more about the universe." She added, "He was not disturbed at all by seeing the actual evidence. I didn't record in my notes his initial comments but he said something to the effect that he was not surprised that they come to earth and that it gave him hope that we could learn more about the universe. Contact, he said, should be a benefit for both of our worlds."


Franklin wondered what Wright's personal reaction to the viewing had been. Wright replied, "My reaction was wonderment, half curiosity and maybe half fear."


But Wright and Einstein were shown something more than just a craft.


Also inside the air base hangar were extraterrestrial creatures. She said of them, "Some of the specialists were allowed closer looks, including my boss. To me they all looked alike all five of them. They were about five feet tall, without hair, with big heads and enormous dark eyes, and their skin was gray with a slight greenish tinge, but for the most part their bodies were not exposed, being dressed in tight-fitting suits. But I heard they had no navels or genitalia."


Later in their stay, there was another leg to their trip. She and Einstein were escorted by jeeps about 50 miles through the desert to a lone, isolated building with guards at the door. Ushered into the building, they were greeted by an officer to an area where uniformed personnel and medical people were gathered around a gurney on which a creature was struggling in pain. It made unusual sounds, but never "spoke". Wright herself was kept at a distance, but described it as a greyish bipedal, perhaps a bit more human than the others she had seen previously. Its torso was grotesquely expanded. "It must have been a fresh case, but I was told nothing and before long all of us were dismissed from the premises."  Wright told Franklin that later she had heard that the creature had survived.


Wright says that Einstein "who had the right clearance, made a report, which I didn't see. I was just told to keep my mouth shut." Though she was not made to sign any papers, she was reminded of her pledge to say nothing. Franklin recalls that Wright had mentioned that the Roswell trip would be denied, that there would be no written documentation of the trip and that any evidence of it having ever been made would be deleted. Wright had uneasy concerns that at certain times after the event, she may have had ‘tabs' kept on her in some way, including officials questioning people in her surroundings about her.



Some of Wright's testimony can be heard here:

When listening to her voice and demeanor, Wright's story impresses as one that actually happened. When she answers Franklin's pointed questions, Wright replies in a manner consistent with truth.

In addition to the Stringfield monographs, this author utilized Franklin's recollections based on her notes and memories of the interview. These were provided by both phone and email contact.


Certainly Wright had nothing to gain - and gained nothing - from telling her story. She did not seek money. And she did not seek fame, with her story being told fully only here and now, after her death.




Even though Wright warned a paper trail of their Roswell trip would not be found, attempts were made. The Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech were both contacted to see if there was any indication of Einstein's whereabouts during the period of July 7- 20th of 1947 (the period after the crash.) Is there a calendar or schedule by chance that reflects his activities and locations? Although the chances of such documentation were very low, it needed to be addressed. The responses, sometimes after great delay, were varied.


The Albert Einstein Archives offered up a letter from an associate dated July 21, 1947 (which cannot be reproduced without their permission) from an associate that references his offer for Einstein to go on a sailing trip. The reply was that Einstein regrets he could not go due to the onset of symptoms of an ulcer. The letter-writer said that hearing that news was "startling." The fact that Einstein suffered an ulcer (perhaps exacerbated by stress) after viewing the Roswell artifacts about two weeks prior may in itself be significant.


The Einstein Paper Project at Caltech, through their Assistant Editor, at first implied that the years from the 1940s on had yet to be "digitized." After this, it was explained that her Senior Editor told her that Einstein did not leave Princeton in July of that year. It was not explained just how he knew what Einstein was doing 75 years ago, on a few given days of a given month in the summer when he was free of the academic year's schedule.




Frank Edwards was an early radio pioneer and author of several UFO books including the classic "UFOs: Serious Business". He was a household name across America in the 1950s and 1960s. In a lecture given to a Detroit, MI audience in 1956, Edwards made statements about Einstein that he believed to be true based upon his sources and his understanding of historical circumstance. And these statements are nothing short of remarkable. Edwards maintained that just four years prior, in 1952, Albert Einstein had delivered an urgent message to then President Harry Truman. Taking strong interest in the UFO phenomena, Einstein warned that Truman's "shoot down" policy of UFOs over DC was unwise. This extremely rare, two minute recording can be heard here:



Einstein is known to have addressed the subject of intelligent extraterrestrials only four times.


Before Roswell, he was favorable to ET reality; after Roswell, he was contradictory. In one statement he said the people were "seeing something" but that he "doesn't want to know more"; he maintained having just a cursory knowledge of the phenomena; and even refused to comment about the reputed Roswell crash:


As early as 1920 Einstein suspected that intelligent extraterrestrial life was real and contact was possible. An intriguing item from January 1920 was an article in the London Daily Mail, whose correspondent asked the soon-to-be Nobel laureate

his opinions about extraterrestrial life. Radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi had recently told the same paper about mysterious signals he speculated may have come from Mars. What did Einstein think? "There is every reason to believe that Mars and other planets are inhabited", answered the professor. "Why should the earth be the only planet supporting human life? It is not singular in any other respect. But if intelligent creatures do exist, as we may assume they do elsewhere in the universe, I should not expect them to try to communicate with the earth by wireless [radio]. Light rays, the direction of which can be controlled much more easily, would more probably be the first method attempted."

In 1952 it was reported that Einstein wrote to evangelist Louis Gardner in reply to Gardner's query about UFOs: "These people have seen something. What it is I do not know and I am not curious to know." What is more interesting about the Einstein quote is what is not said. Though Einstein admits that the phenomena is real ("These people have seen something", underline Einstein's), he says that he does not want to know just what it is that the people are seeing. This is of course disingenuous of Einstein. Since when does science shy away from encouraging finding solutions to mysteries? His reply was clearly a "dodge".

Also in 1952, in a letter dated from November 12th, Einstein makes a brief reply to the late, controversial UFO author, Albert K. Bender. Bender inquired what Einstein made of the saucer phenomena. Einstein wrote back, "Dear Sir: Having no experience and only superficial knowledge of the subject, I regret not to be able to comply with your request. Sincerely, Albert Einstein"

Appearing in the Wednesday, July 9 1947 newspaper Irish Times is this: "The U.S. War Department stated last night that they were without news of the New Mexico "flying saucer" and were checking with Roswell. Professor Einstein told a U.P. correspondent he had 'absolutely no comment' to make."

I think that we now know why the great Professor chose not to say a thing about the event: he was there and sworn to say nothing about it to anyone ever.

Anthony Bragalia

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