Friday, November 19, 2021

US government moves to form 'UFO Office', will study alien technology ( TweakTown )


Congress is making an effort to create a 'UFO Office' designed to study and understand unidentified aerial phenomena, or UFOs.

It seems that Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), or more commonly referred to as UFOs, are bringing the two US government parties together in an agreement.

Congress is moving towards creating a specific program that focuses on studying UFOs. According to the proposal, the program will create a "UFO Office", or "Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office". The proposal reads that the program would be designed to "gain as much knowledge as possible" into UFOs and develop technology capable of studying them.

The program isn't assuming that the UFOs seen by US military personnel are of extraterrestrial origin, or if they are from another country with unknown advanced technology, but they aren't ruling out either. New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who is leading the push on this program, told Politico, "If it is technology possessed by adversaries or any other entity, we need to know. Burying our heads in the sand is neither a strategy nor an acceptable approach."

If you are interested in reading more about this story, check out this link here.

Jak Connor

Source News

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