Wednesday, March 30, 2022

UFO researcher says he encountered flesh-eating aliens ( IBT )


The UFO hunter claimed that aliens are torturing humans to boost their adrenaline


The conspiracy theorist who hails from Maine, United States, claimed that these aliens are sacrificing humans. 

"I was sitting there and I felt a touch underneath my chin and it lifted up my head. I looked down and I could see a translucent being in front of me with big eyes, a small, maybe three-foot-tall see-through creature. And another creature stepped around from the side of it with an Iron Rod and put it up against my neck. Then that creature disappeared," Malone told Daily Star

He continued, "The first creature then lowered my head down and then stepped back and disappeared. After that, I was like, oh, my God, they're real. They're here." 

Are aliens real?

A few months back, Haim Eshed, a former Israeli space security chief had sensationally revealed that alien existence on earth is real. 

During an interview, Eshed claimed that an advanced alien species is working together with world powers like the United States and Israel. He also talked about the existence of a secretive underground base on Mars where human and alien representatives meet together. 

A few months, Pentagon too had confirmed the existence of UFOs in the skies, after two video clips of tic-tac UFO went viral. 

Nirmal Narayanan

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