Tuesday, July 5, 2022

‘Dispatch’ from 1947 offers another look at UFO incident ( The Telegraph )


ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) — The Roswell incident has been one of the most thoroughly researched and debated mysteries in the history of the UFO phenomenon and among the most enduring.

Barring a major revelation between now and July, Roswell will mark the 75th anniversary of the alleged 1947 UFO crash with the debate over what occurred here far from settled.

That hasn’t been for a lack of digging. For decades now, journalists, authors, documentary film crews and others fascinated by the incident have unearthed and publicized countless bits of information and artifacts of that time.

Along the way, they’ve brought attention to many pieces of Roswell history, such as the July 1947 front pages of the Roswell Daily Record that recorded initial reports of the incident along with a follow-up version of events presented by the military that some now view as one of history’s greatest cover-ups.

The intensity of focus placed on the Roswell incident for three-quarters of a century has led some to posit that most contemporaneous records have already been scrutinized. But one piece of local history recently uncovered provides an interesting companion to those iconic 1947 headlines the public has become familiar with — while adding yet more pages to a still-growing historical record.

The Roswell Morning Dispatch, a long-defunct sister newspaper of the Roswell Daily Record, was published in the mornings from 1928-1950. The Dispatch covered the news of the day, and as such, it carried accounts in July 1947 of the unfolding events related to the alleged recovery of a crashed “Flying Disk” outside Roswell, along with the military’s explanations for what had occurred.

Its historical headlines were discovered among archived editions of the newspaper, the Daily Record reported.

Of interest to UFO research enthusiasts: The July 9, 1947 headline in the Morning Dispatch read, “Army Debunks Roswell Flying Disk As World Simmers With Excitement,” followed by a sub-head bearing a familiar assertion that would help fuel future accusations of a cover-up: “Officers Say Disk Is A Weather Balloon.” A sidebar describes then-sheriff George Wilcox fielding calls from media around the world as journalists sought information on what would come to be known as the Roswell incident.

Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs for the UK Ministry of Defense, said discovery of the old headlines holds significance for researchers and others interested in the phenomenon.

“It’s a fascinating piece of history that time had forgotten,” Pope said. “It just shows that 75 years after the Roswell incident, there are still discoveries to be made in the archives.”


FILE - Col. John Haynes holds a copy of an U.S Air Force report entitled "The Roswell Report" during a Pentagon news conference in Washington on Tuesday, June 24, 1997 to discuss the UFO incident in Roswell, N.M., in 1947. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the incident, the Air Force offered what it hopes is the final word on claims by UFO buffs that alien bodies were recovered at the crash site. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

He added, “Any historian will tell you that going back to the original sources is priceless when it comes to getting an insight into what happened and how those people involved were reacting and perceiving things, and what the feeling was in the local community.

“This is just an amazing glimpse into Roswell in 1947 — which was ground zero for this mystery that still endures to this day.”

Barbara Beck, publisher of the Roswell Daily Record, said that bringing a new resource to light for researchers is something the paper’s staff is excited about. “It has taken over 70 years for the Roswell Morning Dispatch with its unique articles and headlines to be discovered while looking through our newspaper’s archives,” she said. “The Dispatch was originally owned by my family and it’s very exciting that we now have a new primary resource to further understand the history of New Mexico and its undiscovered stories.”

 FILE - This photo is from the US Air Force's "The Roswell Report," released Tuesday, June 24, 1997, which discusses the alleged UFO incident in Roswell, N.M. in 1947. On balloon flights, test dummies were used and placed in insulation bags to protect temperature sensitive equipment. These bags may have been described by at least one witness as "body bags" used to recover alien victims from the crash of a flying saucer. The 231-page report, released on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Roswell, N.M., UFO incident, is meant to close to book on longstanding rumors that the Air Force recovered a flying saucer and extraterrestrial bodies near Roswell. (US Air Force via AP, File)


The Roswell Daily Record headlines related to the 1947 UFO incident have, for some time, been federally trademarked. Beck added that the Roswell Morning Dispatch accounts have also now been trademarked, meaning they can’t be reproduced without permission.

There’s much to be discovered in the archives. A look at the Dispatch records provide a reminder, for instance, of the degree to which a public fascination with UFOs had taken hold here and across the country at that time. The Roswell incident is one of four UFO-related accounts that appear just on the front page of the July 9, 1947 Morning Dispatch. The other items: “Carrizozo Man Sees Flying Disk,” “Joe Massey Spots Disk Over Roswell,” and an image of an unknown object in the sky over Seattle, Washington, with a caption that asks the question, “Is this a flying disc?”

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