Thursday, November 24, 2011

Extraterrestrial War of the 1930’s: Witness confirms FOX-TV Fringe like-time travel and Political Control

Alex Collier is a self described Ethical Extraterrestrial contactee who describes regressive aliens, as having travelled back in time, in order to selectively interfere with human history, and then to destroy the consciousness of that interference. The denial of human contacts with UFOs, and Extraterrestrials, have reportedly been a part of that destruction.

In FOX’s Fringe, Peter Bishop is a scientist who conducted experiments on children toward the enabling of time and interdimensional travel.

Pure fiction? Not according to Andrew D. Basiago

Andrew D. Basiago, a lawyer, writer and 21st century visionary is the founder of Project Pegasus (the world’s only group lobbying the US government to declassify time travel secrets) and president of MARS (Mars Anomaly Research Society).

"Andy is also one of America’s early time-space explorers. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was a child participant in the time-space exploration program of the U.S. defence-technical community, "Project Pegasus." In that capacity, he was the first American child to teleport and took part in probes to past and future events utilizing time travel technologies then being researched and developed by the Defence Establishment.

According to Dr. Michael Salla, much of today’s science fiction on TV and on film, is “hiding truth in plain sight”.

Alfred Lambremont Webre, J.D., M.Ed documents that:

Time travel technology has been weaponised with its principal impacts to date being for the sequestration in time loops of secret military installations, military activities on Mars, political control of the human population, political surveillance, and attempted imposition of a catastrophic timeline on humanity by withholding or manipulating information about future events.

Andrew D. Basiago suggests in the video below that time travel does exist, and is apparently being weaponized as part of a broader alien agenda, which Alfred Lambremont Webre further documents.

Background articles:

Fukushima linked to Extraterrestrial War on Earth during the 1930’s

Extraterrestrial War in the 1930’s altered human consciousness of itself into a destructive time-line

Fukushima: Extraterrestrial War in the 1930’s linked to experiments against humankind

Extraterrestrial War in the 1930’s linked to Historical Accounts

Internet site reference:

Source & Video:

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