Thursday, November 24, 2011

Phil Hoyle’s Shropshire UFO Casebook – Part 6 – The RAF Cosford Sphere

Link to Phil Hoyle’s Shropshire UFO Casebook – Part 6 – The RAF Cosford Sphere

Phil Hoyle is a UFO researcher from Shrewsbury who has been studying our skies for many years. Phil reopens his fascinating Shropshire UFO casebook for

The global awareness of the UFO phenomena marches forward with every new day; professionals from around the world are working on the protocols for disclosure of the alien presence that will mark the biggest event in human history. As the reality of disclosure becomes more evident more and more witnesses from every walk of life are now coming forward to do what they wished they could have done a long-time ago and that is tell the truth? The following case files are just a small sample from witnesses’ living in Shropshire and the bordering counties who now feel the time is right to disclose their experiences and encounters with intelligences from beyond our present reality.

My colleague and leading investigative researcher Peter Jones placed an advert in a local Newport newspaper in the hope people in that surrounding area might contact him regarding any UFO sightings or encounters. One of the responses came from Roger Erdington who lived near Newport, Shropshire and who had some very interesting but disturbing UFO encounters back in 1978.

The UFO sighting took place just outside the RAF Cosford perimeter fence on a minor road where an old gothic style pumping station is situated in a small hollow.

Roger ran a small nursery business selling plants and garden ornaments and used to sell items at the Rag market in Birmingham. This meant Roger and his assistant had to load the items for sale into their van very early in the morning, about 2 or 3 am so they could get down to the market and lay the goods out for sale before the 6am opening time.

It was while loading the van for the Rag market that Roger and his assistant noticed a bright object fly over from their left and hang over a hill. It then moved towards the RAF Cosford Airbase, it was approximately 150 yards from them and a hundred feet above the tarmac inside the RAF Cosford compound, it was comparative in size to a bus but in the shape of a sphere. To give an indication of size Roger stated that at arms length it would have been about 5 inches across.

The object just hung in the sky hovering silently then all of a sudden the lights went out on their van and the engine started to cough and stop. Roger and his mate got out of the van to see what was happening, Roger said “God look at that,” and they could see a bright distinct object that was now illuminating the road. It made no sound at all and Roger felt that was quite eerie, it then moved quite slowly into a bank of cloud to their right, the lights then came back on in their van and Roger could re-restart the engine. They then drove off down the road over the crest of that hill to a V junction, they decided to pull over and stop by a pub then called the ‘Foaming Jug’. They saw a car approaching and decided to flag it down and ask the occupants if they had seen the object. The car they stopped, it turned out to be a police car with two officers inside. The first thing Roger said to the police officers was that they had seen something that they thought should not be hanging around a military base and that they were concerned for base security. The police officers at first thought the object was the moon but then realised that it wasn’t, the object remained stationary below the cloud. The police officers then took a verbal report of the incident from Roger and his mate and after a short while Roger drove the van off leaving the police officers still viewing the object.

Roger and his assistant were very excided and chatted about their sighting along their journey to the market, they are certain it was no helicopter or other military aircraft from the base as they both are very familiar with helicopters and planes as they have lived in that area all their lives, there was also no apparent military activity at the base at the time of the sighting.

There was no evidence of any missing time as all journeys and jobs were done in the expected time frame.

Roger saw the object over the RAF Cosford Airbase as shown in this artists impression

Around the spring of the following year Roger was contacted by the police and asked if they could call on him and relate his sighting again to a police officer from Newport and a police inspector. Roger agreed and two police officers came down to Ray’s home to interview him, they asked Roger to repeat what he had seen. Roger knew the one local constable who stated he knew about the sighting as he had seen a report from the Wolverhampton Police Force. This police constable is now retired and lives locally so Roger is considering going to see if he can contact him regarding the incident because he might have a better recall of the date as Roger says his memory is not what it used to be. Roger also had the impression that the police interest was dealt with behind closed doors and not a normal police enquiry.

Around this time Roger was working at a large company just outside Bridgnorth were he was preparing the flower beds and hanging baskets for the coming summer a job he had done for many years. One day Roger got taking to the managing director a Mr Alex Davenport who told Roger about his sister who had to leave her house that was situated in the old sand, rock hole in Cosford. Roger enquired why did she have to leave and Alex said that she had had enough of weird lights hanging over her house. Roger asked which area had she seen the lights and he was told by the gothic pumping station, and that she saw one of these lights about November the previous year. On that occasion she reported it to the police as she saw two men get out of a transit van and point at the light. Roger was amazed by this and related that one of those men was he and she must have also witnessed the whole UFO sighting.

Roger was working at a large company, just outside Bridgnorth, were he was preparing the flower beds and hanging baskets for the coming summer, a job he had done for many years. One day Roger got taking to the Managing Director a Mr Alex Davenport, he recalled a story about his sister who had to leave her house that was situated in the old sand, rock hole in Cosford. When Roger enquired why she had to leave, Alex replied that she had, had enough of weird lights hanging over her house. He recalled a situation of when she had seen the lights around November the previous year, in the area by the gothic pumping station. On that occasion she reported it to the police as she had seen two men get out of a transit van and point to the light. Roger was amazed by this and related that one of those men was he and she must have also witnessed the whole UFO sighting!

If you have had experiences or sightings and would like to contact us at the UFO Investigations & Research Unit, then plese email Phil Hoyle or Peter Jones – all information is in complete confidence.

Read More Casebooks:
Casebook Part 1 - The Witness
Casebook Part 2 - The Triangle Mystery
Casebook Part 3 – UFO abductions
Casebook Part 4 – Crafts and crop circles
Casebook Part 5 – Shropshire Animal Mutilations


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