Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How NASA Could Look For Ancient Life on Mars (Infographic)

Four billion years ago, Mars had abundant water and a substantial atmosphere. Life could have evolved there, but its reign would have been short: Mars soon lost most of its air and water to space. Scientists are planning the next steps to determine if life ever existed on the now Red Planet

The next-generation of Mars rovers would be based on the Curiosity rover — the centerpiece of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission — but would have upgraded instruments and be capable of storing returnable core samples of Mars soil.
Full Story: Incredible Technology: How to Find Life on Mars
To detect life on Mars, NASA could pursue three strategies. A robot probe could conduct tests on the Martian surface, then beam the results back to Earth ("in situ" investigation). Second, a sample-return mission could launch a bit of Mars soil back to Earth on a return rocket for study. The third option would be for humans to go to Mars in person.

  Find out about how NASA will look for ancient Mars life in this SPACE.com infographic.
Source SPACE.com: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration.

Poll: Do You Believe Life Exists on Mars Now?
MIT’s Chris Carr designed a DNA-sequencing microchip capable of detecting DNA and RNA less than a million years old. The device, called SETG (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Genomes), would have to isolate biological material, amplify and detect DNA and then sequence it. Carr hopes to have this device ready for a Mars lander that could launch in 2020.

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