Thursday, February 6, 2014

UFO Sightings: Two Witnesses Filed Report to MUFON About Hovering Black Discs in West Greenwich, Rhode Island

An unnamed couple from West Greenwich, Rhode Island filed a report to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) about their UFO sighting experience in the area. The MUFON Case Management System listed the UFO sighting as Case No. 53853 where the two witnesses recounted seeing and capturing images for evidence of the two black discs that they spotted above the sky.
According to the Huff Post Weird News, the UFO sighting took place on Friday, January 31, at about 5:33 p.m. where the couple noticed the objects while traveling down the highway. The couple was able to capture a few pictures of the black discs but when they tried to get a closer look at the mysterious objects, they disappeared.
The couple's UFO sighting experience in the Open Minds UFO News and Investigations report reads: "So me and my Boyfriend were driving down the Highway when I saw two hovering black disks out the passenger window. I told my boyfriend to look and he grabbed a series of pictures showing the objects standing still in the sky (hovering). They were circular and had no lights. We took the next exit and headed towards where we saw them. We had lost them in the trees after taking the exit and by the time we reached the area they were previously above, they were gone. We also saw a helicopter heading in the same direction as we drove closer. This occurred at roughly 5:30pm in Rhode Island."
Included in the report are the five images that the couple took. To view the witnesses' report and see the full sized images, check the MUFON Case Management System.
The first image was captured with the vehicle's windows rolled up that accounts for the massive glare. The second to fifth images shared were captured with the windows down and the last image has been zoomed in.
Currently, Rhode Island has the rating of UFO ALERT 5 where a low number of national UFO sightings. For January 2014, Oklahoma, which is the 47th highest reporting state, only had one report while the highest reporting state California had 102 reports.


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