Thursday, February 6, 2014

UFO spotted over Folkestone

A TERRIFIED motorist has spoken of the moment an unidentified object hovered over his car while he drove home at about 35 miles per hour.
The witness, named as Michael D, told a local website he had been riding home from a friend’s house when he spotted a “massive flying thing” in the sky above him. He eventually caught up with the unknown entity which started to hover above his head as he drove from Hawkinge towards Canterbury at about 1.50am on Monday, December 27.

The witness said: “I was riding along home from a mate’s house when I saw this massive thing flying in the sky.
“At first I thought it was a plane but as I rode along at 35mph, the object was going about the same speed as me or maybe a bit slower.
“I caught up with it and saw it had a green light on one side and red on the other, both flashing slowly with a dot of white underneath. It was as if it stopped over me but had no sound. I carried on trying not to look directly at it as I was kind of scared.
“I carried on to a bit further down the road and wanted to take a picture but the lights suddenly turned themselves off. It made me jump and I nearly crashed my bike.
“It was terrifying.”
Shepway has a long affiliation with sightings of UFOs. In 2011 a witness who called himself Cliff, reported seeing three lights in the sky near junction 11 of the M20.
Files released by the Ministry of Defence in 2010 showed a large triangular UFO was seen hovering in the skies above the home of former Shepway MP Lord Howard of Lympne in the 1990s.
Eyewitnesses in Burmarsh and New Romney saw the ''humming'' object, the size of two passenger planes, near Mr Howard's home on March 8 1997, when he was serving as home secretary for the Conservative government.


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