Saturday, January 5, 2019


United States, Navy Captain releases interview on the Battle of Dulce and Secret Space Program!
We offer a very interesting interview with Captain Mark Richards released by Vacaville prison in November 2013 and the previous month of July 2014. Mark Richards was a Navy officer involved in the Battle of Dulce and very active in the secret space program US Space Command. He was arrested for an alleged murder in reality never committed, classic behavior of the government against someone who knows too many things …
We recall that the Base Dulce is the name given to a hypothetical military installation located in the subsoil of Dulce (New Mexico) (USA). This possible basis is very present in the conspiracy theories concerning UFOs and urban legends of the same environment. According to some ufologists, the base really exists, and covered by military activities is a fulcrum center for the study of alien species, new aircraft of the latest generation (Stealth and TR3B) and innovative weapons (impulse cannons or particle beam, microwave, laser , etc …). Currently, the existence of this base is only the subject of debate, there are no photos or videos to test the ufologists supporters of its existence, unlike the Area 51 but whose existence has been established.
Interview with Captain Mark Richards
This is the first time, in over 30 years of his imprisonment, that a journalist is able to interview him; Kerry Lynn Cassidy did it, although he was not allowed to document this interview face-to-face with the camera or any other recording device. Cassidy was also forbidden to take notes during the interview, everything you are about to see is the result of the memory after the meeting with Richards. Shortly before the interview Cassidy managed to speak briefly with his wife Jo Ann who was also present during the interview. “When the truth was clear to everyone that sub-human beings and other creatures were produced by abducted human females, pregnant against their own will, a group of secret resistance formed by military and intelligence personnel, themselves that after having renounced their role within the Intelligence Agency, having been blackmailed in order to keep what was happening secretly, they were murdered or died in suspicious circumstances. ”
The Dutch Ellis Loyd Richards Jr., the official agent of the Air Force, met the aliens at Holloman (Air Force Base) in 1964, the same man who allegedly ordered the attack on Dulce in 1979, and whose son, captain Mark Richards would bring the human attack on the structure of the EDH (Earth Defense Headquarter). The interview was recorded in November 2013 but we repeat it through the words of the researcher Carry Cassidy who spent almost 4 hours with the former captain and has transcribed the whole interview.

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