Saturday, January 5, 2019

UFO destroys 10 US NUKES in silos

A former captain of the US Air Force broke his promise to keep quiet about an extraordinary UFO incident in a missile base with nuclear weapons.
Captain David D Schindele is a former commander of the ICBM I Minuteman in the Minot Air Force Base missile sector in North Dakota. In December 1966 he served in a missile launch control facility near Mohall, North Dakota, when an unexplained incident occurred. He claims that a UFO destroyed 10 nuclear missiles, rendering them totally inoffensive, that is, unusable. On December 6, 1966, the Minot Daily newspaper published a first page stating that UFOs had been reported locally. Schindele assures that the air force officers had ordered him not to talk about the incident, and that indeed this story had to be erased from his memory. But now he said that this story, the “true story of the incident” is written in his new book “It Never Happened, Volume 1”.
Schindele told the Minot Daily News: “During that time in Minot, many of us had no worldly incidents in Minuteman facilities, but we all swore individually to remain silent.” The case was locked up with the Top Secret. ” about 35 years after my accident at Minot, when I heard of an identical incident happened to my other colleagues, as Captain Robert Salas, who worked at Malmstrom AFB in Montana, was in the same period I was serving. So I started to join these colleagues and start saying things like they are, to tell the truth. “Extraterrestrial Intervention as a warning. The investigator Robert Hastings together with Captain Robert Salas, Col. Charles Halt, David Schindele and many other former soldiers, others gave their testimony in a press conference broadcast by CNN and held at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Do not fail to provoke reactions the recent article dell’ufologa Candida Mammoliti, published long ago in the online newspaper Ticinolive. Candida Mammoliti tells how during a press conference held in the United States by former USAF soldiers responsible for the silos for launching intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles, they testified that UFOs repeatedly “disarmed” or tarnished atomic weapons. “The press conference, which was held at the National Press Club in Washington DC, – declares Candida Mammoliti – did not have among the participants of people who are not very serious or unreliable. At the National Press Club in Washington DC the “sbufalatori” in fact were not invited, but there were in their place journalists, politicians and the most important media in the United States (CNN in the lead) because they talked about very important things. The conference was in fact called “UFOs and Nukes” and dealt with the UFOs that conditioned the nuclear potential of the United States, the Soviet Union, Canada, serious things, on which we can not allow ourselves to joke. In fact, at the press conference there were retired soldiers who were literally holding the destinies of the world. Their wrong action, their “yes sir”, the turning of a key and we would not be here to write about them, which now testify, that the UFOs have repeatedly deactivated nuclear warheads under their eyes. The press conference, of which CNN transmitted the main extracts, had among its protagonists of former USAF soldiers, atomic weapons officers who were eyewitnesses of UFOs present on military bases and their “pacifist” effect on the newspapers nuclear. “At the press conference, former Air Force captain Robert Salas, for example, an official launch at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana in 1967, where 10 ICBMs were ready for the Third World War, saw them become inoperative, in the moment in which the base was flown over by a mysterious, red and bright UFO, Robert Jamison, former retired USF “nuclear missile targeting officer”, testified that several times he had to “reactivate” the missiles that had been mysteriously deactivated by the UFOs in their passage over the military base and that had been observed nearby.
The events described by these men leave little doubt that the US nuclear weapons program is a continuing source of interest for “someone” with far superior technology. Hastings, like Robert Salas, believes that UFOs are driven by visitors from other parts of the universe and are interested in our long-term survival.

A FORMER US Air Force captain has broken a pledge to keep quiet about an extraordinary UFO incident allegedly involving nuclear weapons. ​Source: ​ Read here: Follow us on facebook:

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