Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bird spotted 'frozen' mid-air with beak 'still moving' in New Mexico

Source video: End Times News

A woman who lives in the town of Gallump, New Mexico (USA) has recorded a rather unusual event that has generated many controversies on social networks: a completely immobile crow in the sky !! Maybe it’s a new Matrix foul or anomaly? Ever since Nick Bostrom, a Swedish philosopher from the University of Oxford, presented his book “Are you living in a computer simulation?” There are many questions that arose from his hypothesis. The philosopher claims that either humans will die before reaching a higher evolution, or civilization after ours will create simulations to observe their ancestors’ way of life. In short, our reality could be that simulation and, in fact, there are several “clues” that could indicate that it is true.
Anomalies in the MATRIX?
Fouls or anomalies in the Matrix would become “mistakes” in our reality. The Internet is full of videos and related images, however new evidence has appeared. New Mexico is a little strange in its climate, in the morning its temperature drops a few degrees below zero, so some animals died frozen.  However, despite its low temperatures, it is impossible for a crow to freeze in flight and remain motionless in the sky. This is what a family has recorded, that is, a totally motionless crow in the air. This happened when the kids were going to school. Kayleen Bowman was shocked when she saw the crow standing in the air, partly because the bird seemed to have apparently frozen in the air. So the woman shared her video on social networks where the crow is seen standing completely still near the high voltage cables in the city of Gallump.  For 15 full seconds, the crow looks like an inert body, suspended in the air, without moving an inch of its position. When people looked at the pictures, comments quickly began to form about the Matrix and its “failures”, its anomalies .. and that this was even a much stronger test. Some also commented that they should have thrown something to see if the bird continued flying later or if, at least, it was alive. Many people have also explained that some birds can “hang” in the air while flying in the wind at a similar speed. But this time you don’t see a single pen moving. Several tech experts, like Elon Musk, have ensured that our descendants have reached such a high technological level that they are able to create a simulation so complex that it looks real, even reaching the level of awareness of the people who add in the simulation. In this way, these evolved humans would have easy access to these simulations, which can reconfigure it at will. Therefore, there is a possibility that we, as well as our universe, are part of a computer simulation of a higher race is latent.

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