Thursday, February 20, 2020

Capilla del monte Cordoba. Ser de luz??

Source video: Marcezen65

Capilla del Monte is located in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, a stone’s throw from the Sierras Chicas mountain range, in the northern part of the Punilla Valley. The main tourist attraction in the area is Cerro Uritorco, a small mountain just 3 km from the city and the Ongamira Valley, both areas famous throughout Argentina for being the epicenter of paranormal phenomena, UFO sightings and alleged bases. Extraterrestrials. Ongamira is a valley located 25 km from Capilla del Monte in Argentina and is famous for its caves and abundant vegetation. Ongamira is a site of interest for Ufology and paranormal scholars, who assert that there are true dimensional portals where UFOs and mysterious light beings are observed repeatedly and repeatedly. Paranormal researcher and UFO expert Gustavo Fernandez declares in an interview made by Mexican journalist and UFO expert Ana Luisa Cid that: “it is not the first time, as is known in the ufological world that unidentified objects and strange beings are recorded by cameras and cameras, even if not simultaneously, visible to the naked eye. Various scenarios have been illustrated on this, including one in which it is shown that the appearance, or the disappearance of the spontaneous phenomenon is so rapid that the human eye cannot grasp, and would make the camera and video camera presumably more sensitive . Basically, in summary and that the human eye is different from the photographic eye and it can manage to immortalize mysterious objects and entities even in places where dimensional portals are presumed to exist. This is linked to the increasing recruitment of researchers of this phenomenon, as it would seem that these intelligences exploit interdimensional “shortcuts”, ie space-dimensional portals very similar to the famous “wormholes” or “stargates” also studied in Astrophysics and which, to easily explain how they work, they allow to communicate two distant points of space-time, bypassing the intermediate points. Perhaps it is difficult to understand by our logic, but no more than other paradoxes of modern physics. Thus, Ongamira would be one of the many “dimensional portals” distributed on the face of the planet, where there would be no access to the level of intelligence of our existence. The image was taken in Ongamira and Pablo Dessy sent it to me. Paul said this photo was given to him by a friend who lives in this region. ”  Little is known about this image (photo above), the date and name of the author who took some photos with his camera near the cave is not known, without perceiving the phenomenon at that time. So here are manifested in a single frame two entities or beings of light that in the opinion of Pablo Dessy (researcher of the paranormal) would be a male and a female. As mentioned above, Capilla del Monte is located in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, a stone’s throw from the Sierras Chicas mountain range, and one of the main tourist attractions in the area is Cerro Uritorco, a small mountain just 3 km from the city, famous to be the epicenter of paranormal phenomena, UFO sightings and alleged extraterrestrial bases. There is no shortage of testimonials, such as that of two girls who on January 13, 2012 at 12.13 pm, had managed to document a UFO and some mysterious entities (self-illuminating) in the mountains. In the video you can see how a glowing sphere that moves between the vegetation and undisturbed a mysterious figure that moves with slow movements. The Alien seems to have a green suit and a sort of autoluminescent case. In the video, it seems that at one point one or more mysterious shapes can be observed next to the UFO. These shapes that can be observed near the sphere of light, suggest the presence of possible alien entities which in turn move abnormally between the rocks and vegetation of the Cerro Uritorco mountains. Certainly those you see are not people who are having a picnic, too different the silhouettes, the figures that appear near the sphere. Other testimonies come from Capilla del Monte, where a group of hikers was able to document a huge cigar-shaped UFO above El Cerro Uritorco.

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