
Thursday, September 6, 2012

UFO WATCHING NASA SPACEWALK? September 5, 2012 by ISS Expedition 32

Pubblicato in data 05/set/2012 da

NASA not saying what this object was during the LIVE broadcast of their Expedition 32 today on 9/5/12 is mighty SUSPICIOUS, isn't it? Yeah, and we taxpayers pay for all the equipment AND their salaries expecting them to give us ALL the space discovery news and information they're gathering up there... Not WITHHOLD IT. Especially since our country's infrastructure is rotting away and economy goes downhill.... They should at least be giving us something cool for our money like high definition footage of ALIEN CRAFTS. And sorry SETI, you really should get some telescopes instead of wasting time and money listening for radio signals. The ETs who've discovered our planet obviously don't use them to communicate.

And to fill everyone in on what some unknown ET group's crafts/technology can do since it's been observed AND FILMED enough times to get a 'feel' for them, here's what NASA's not telling you:

1. THE ET GROUP MOST REPORTEDLY SEEN (probably more than one group) travels here usually small in size, often looking like thin, clear bubble first, then 'powers up' and looks more solid (Example: see STS-80 footage of them passing from behind camera - ). They AVOID detection coming into our atmosphere usually by ACTING LIKE A METEOR OR BOLIDE and dropping, or float around like low-altitude "fake star" which has been seen misting up and "poofs" to emit more orbs that float down closer to ground level to do their thing (see playlist on my channel).

2. When the Tesla-ball styled energy sphere/blob decides to 'power up', it must protect/contain a portal or craft inside which usually emerges or morphs AFTER an incredible power display that resembles a MINI-SUN (can be any color, but mostly golden, orange/red shades, or white w/prism sparkles). See my 11/12/10 series that also has blank FAA radar report.

3. After that energy-burst, a CRAFT in any shape is now formed/seen but STILL SMALL SIZE -- usually triangle, diamond, oval, rectangle, etc.... BUT those crafts can CONTINUOUSLY MORPH SHAPE and EXPAND in size and also can have any number and colors of lights (or none at all)... OFTEN copying our own aircraft navigational lights to fly covertly. SO FAR HAVE NOT SHOWN ON RADAR REPORTS I'VE GOTTEN. (also on 11/12/10 series on my channel showing blank FAA radar report).

4. When done flying around lower to ground checking us out (or whatever their agenda is), they then are seen SHRINKING BACK DOWN and change/morph back into a SPHERE SHAPE -- usually parking/hiding in wooded areas, then eventually shooting back up to space like a meteor in reverse.

There are many other variations on this group's behavior since they like to mimic MANY common man-made objects or things commonly seen in our skies -- like planets, stars, helicopters, streetlamps, weather balloons, etc. Yeah, it sounds crazy until you WITNESS THEM many times and get confirmation from hundreds of others located in various parts of the world. (Check out list of others w/locations in description on my Youtube main channel page -- I can't fit any more names!)

Link to Youtuber friend Sheilaaliens website featuring the 2 live NASA feeds:


Scienze e tecnologie

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