
Monday, December 2, 2019

UFO Sightings In NYC: Those Are Not Fireworks, Viewers Say

This year New Yorkers said they saw UFOs take the BQE, head toward The Bronx and appear during a dazzling display of July 4th fireworks. 

NEW YORK CITY — No, they are not fireworks and whether or not it's the Fourth of July makes no difference, according to these New Yorkers reporting UFOs.
Fourteen New Yorkers reported unidentified flying objects — floating cigars, white dots in the night sky and something that was different from the other Fourth of July fireworks on display — to the National UFO Reporting Center between July and September, records show.
 Patch took a look at these most recent sightings of UFOs — or Unmanned Aerial Systems, as the U.S. Navy likes to call them — to see where the extraterrestrials might be hanging out.
According to New Yorkers, they're everywhere:

Bright Lights Over The Beach

When: Sept. 27, 10 p.m.
Where: Queens
What: "On balcony enjoying a beautiful night by the beach a bright light appeared from the north white and bright. Object shot left and disappeared in seconds, but not before it left a trail. "
Cigar Shaped Crafts Hover 9/20/19 15:30
When: Sept. 20, 3:30 p.m.
Where: Brooklyn
What: "The craft showed a clear and low starting point and moved upwards into the sky and then proceeded to stay level at a certain altitude but moved rapidly from West to East. When it reached a certain area which I believe was over Queens, the trail abruptly stopped and the silver object leading it vanished."

Bright Wide Light Flies Toward Stars
When: Sept. 19, 9 p.m.
Where: Staten Island
What: "A bright round light that moved across the sky and then went straight up towards the stars and disappeared as it got smaller."

Zooming Red Lights Merge
When: Aug. 27, 9:45 p.m.
Where: The Bronx
What: "Two zooming red lights that sometimes merged into one, stopped, hovered, flew around, made a quick descent and was gone."

UFO On The Hudson
When: Aug. 20, 3 a.m.
Where: Manhattan
What: "UFO appeared over Hudson River and Upper West Side of Manhattan."

White Dots Over Prospect Park
Where: Brooklyn
What: "Star bright / white dots - over Brooklyn Prospect Park."

Gold Over Flushing
When: Aug. 4, 4 p.m.
What: "

Zig And Zag
When: July 31, 8:15 p.m.
Where: Queens
What: "Red and white. Going fast stops short stays still went back and forth and up and down and zig zag."

UFO Heads To The Bronx
When: July 25, 11:30 p.m.
Where: New York City
What: "This triangular 'vehicle' eventually moved in a straight south direction, stopped, reversed course and then proceeded to move in a straight northward direction towards the Bronx"

Craft In The Backyard
When: July 24, 11:15 p.m.
Where: Queens
What: "I observed a cylindrical shaped ufo flying through the backyard going north to south. Flying close to the ground."

Teal UFO Hovers Above East River
When: July 24, 11 p.m.
Where: New York City
What: "I was looking into the sky standing by the water view in between the manhattan bridge and Brooklyn Bridge, when i noticed a sphere like shape flash in the sky."

Flying Saucer
When: July 22, unreported time
Green orb released from a flat saucer like craft hovering inexplicably

When: July 20, 8:30 p.m.
New York City
What: "My husband and I were heading south east of Brooklyn queens expressway. There was a hyper blue light flew across the sky that that lasted 3 seconds or less towards west direction. We both confirmed we saw it and it never appeared again."

Not Fireworks
When: July 5, 1:30 a.m.
What: "
I sat on my porch and observed the scattered fireworks crackle in the sky. However, unlike the expected movement of light with any firework (a ball of light going up, reaction/crackle in the sky, slowly trickles down) I saw something that moved very differently. What I saw was a small red or orange circle going up in the sky at a 45° angle (or at a slope) extremely fast.: Mind you this sighting was a few seconds, but as this ball of light continued to travel it suddenly stops and a flash of light appears or opens up in the sky. As the flash of light was about to close or disappear the light (or ball of light I don't know at this point) continued its straight path and also disappears. There was no sound, just a visual, and again this was a few seconds. The closest thing I can use as an example would be a reference to the light speed scene in Star Wars The Last Jedi."

Kathleen Culliton & Patch staff

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