
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Policeman claims to have seen 'square to almond shaped' UFO above Chelsea ground, secret files reveal

Secret files reveal claims that instead of having his eyes on the game, a policeman saw a UFO at the FA Cup quarter final in 1999.

The files, released by the Government, include more than 6,700 pages detailing seemingly close encounters with UFOs over the last 30 years.

The policeman claimed that he saw something ‘unlike anything I’ve seen before’ at Stamford Bridge while Manchester United beat Chelsea 2-0 in the FA Cup quarter final replay.

The UFO files: Sightings at an FA Cup quarter final and a field in Wales are just two detailed in the 6,700 page document

The UFO files: Sightings at an FA Cup quarter final and a field in Wales are just two detailed in the 6,700 page document

Unaware Andy: Manchester United player Andy Cole was too busy battling for the ball with Chelsea's Frank Leboeuf and Bernard Lambourde in the FA Cup quarter-final replay to look up and see a UFO

Unaware Andy: Manchester United player Andy Cole was too busy battling for the ball with Chelsea's Frank Leboeuf and Bernard Lambourde in the FA Cup quarter-final replay to look up and see a UFO

He said a ‘square to almond shape’ yellow object with four lights floated silently above his horse.

Another file describes a West Wales hotelier who saw a UFO landed in a field. Two ‘faceless humanoids’ in silver suits emerged and took measurements.

The files were kept by the former UFO Desk Officer at the Ministry of Defence.

UFO not so unknown: UFO expert Nick Pope says the London Olympics would be a prime time for extraterrestrials to make an appearance

UFO not so unknown: UFO expert Nick Pope says the London Olympics would be a prime time for extraterrestrials to make an appearance

Fiction to fact: With so many sightings, governing bodies are taking notice and not discounting it as science fiction UFO expert Nick Pope says

Fiction to fact: With so many sightings, governing bodies are taking notice and not discounting it as science fiction UFO expert Nick Pope says

One of the UK’s top UFO experts, Nick Pope, who worked at the MoD for 20 years, investigated reports of UFOs between 1991 and 1994, and says he began his research as a sceptic, before becoming convinced that the sightings raised important defence for national security and air safety issues.

Mass summer events like the upcoming Olympic Games in London would be a prime time for crafts from other worlds to present themselves to mankind, according to Mr Pope.

He said: 'It has been a widely held belief in Ministry of Defence circles that "aliens" have been able to detect us for decades via TV and radio broadcasts.

'What once seemed like science fiction is steadily being realised by central governing bodies as distinctly real.

'If aliens have studied our psychology, they may choose to appear in our skies on a significant date – the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games is one date being widely circulated by conspiracy groups.’

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