
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cardiff University professor UFO existence evidence

A scientist at Cardiff University’s Centre for Astrobiology claims that UFOs and extraterrestrials do exist after discovering a meteorite that crashed in Sri Lanka

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, 74, believes that aliens are true and that they may have been the creator of life on Earth as he found seaweed fossils inside the meteorite from the outer space. He asserts that the findings he got from the 2-inch wide meteorite are strong proofs that human existence came from the outer space and that what people called as unidentified flying objects may have even started life on the planet.

The meteorite fell like a fireball and was found near a village a few miles from Polonnaruwa city. Fragments of the meteorite were brought to the university’s School of Earth Science. Examination using scanning electron microscope showed algae fossils that make up seaweed.

The British professor thinks that the fossils clearly show how life on Earth started from outer space 3,800 million years ago. He adds that the organisms inside the meteorite are identical to ones found in the planet fossils.

Moreover, Wickramasinghe insists that latest findings generate that fact that human life is associated with UFOs and that it may have been coming from other planets or galaxies. Other findings reveal that the meteorite contains other organisms that are still unknown.


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