
Friday, May 3, 2013

[UPDATE] Is a flying shark the UFO that almost collided with a plane?

[UPDATE] Is a flying shark the UFO that almost collided with a plane?

On Tuesday, April 30, we published a story about a passenger plane that nearly collided with a UFO over the Glasgow suburb of Baillieston in December 2012. The pilots reported narrowly missing an unidentified object that was bigger than a balloon and was “blue and yellow (or silver) in colour with a small frontal area.”
The incident was thoroughly investigated by the UK Airprox Board, but the group was unable to identify the UFO. But according to Scotland’s Daily Record, a possible identification has just surfaced.
Helium-filled, remote-controlled shark toy. (Credit: William Mark Corporation)
Helium-filled, remote-controlled shark toy. (Credit: William Mark Corporation)
The Daily Record published a story on Wednesday, May 1 about the near-collision incident. After reading the story, Baillieston resident James Orsmond contacted the Daily Record to report that his son Billy lost his grip on his six-foot-long, helium-filled, remote-controlled shark toy at about the same time the incident with the plane occurred. He explains, “The report said the object was blue and yellow and silvery. I just thought, ‘Aw naw’ because that was the colour of Billy’s remote control shark and it went missing round about the time of the incident.”
A helium-filled, remote-controlled shark toy was also suggested as the likely identification for a UFO captured on video by a twelve-year-old girl in Ohio in March 2012.
Although no official identification has been made regarding the object in Scotland that nearly collided with a plane, Billy’s shark toy is a plausible explanation that fits the description provided by the plane’s pilots.


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