
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Steven Kwast | The Urgent Need for a U.S. Space Force

Source video: Hillsdale College

Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast of the recently retired US Air Force held a conference last month that seems to signal further that space will be the next major battlefield. Steven Kwast’s conference, which was held at the prestigious Hillsdale College, included comments that strongly suggest the possibility that the US military and its industry partners may have already developed next-generation technologies that have the potential to change drastically the aerospace field and human civilization, forever, as also reported by The Drive magazine in an extensive article on advanced space technology. Between the minute 11.55 – 12.10 of the video you can see below, Kwast somehow claims bizarre that the United States currently has revolutionary technologies that could make current aerospace capabilities obsolete: “Technology is on engineering benches today. But most “Some Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look into what is happening here. But I have had the benefit of 33 years of study and friendship with these scientists. This cutting-edge technology can be built today with a technological system that is not evolutionary to transport any human being from anywhere on planet Earth, anywhere else in less than an hour. ” So General Kwast, in his speech at Hillsdale College, clearly stated that STARGATE technology really exists. Dr. Dan Burisch, a former employee of the secret military forces of the United States, who also worked directly under the orders of the “Majestic 12” talks about these technologies. One of his most important statements is that relating to the “Stargate” or dimensional portals. They are devices made also on Earth, but with technology of extraterrestrial origin. According to Dr. Burisch, information on how to build the Stargates is in the Sumerian tables that were used to communicating with other extra-planetary civilizations. Through this Stargate technology, any human being can access a wormhole and teleport from the Earth to anywhere else, even in space, on the Moon or on Mars. Dan describes a Stargate that is in Area 51 telling that next to this huge apparatus, there was a platform that allowed the object to be thrown inside the wormhole to travel to other stars, transporting people or materials from one place to another. other instantly.

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