
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Woman's close encounter with mystery UFO

A YOUNG woman from a small north Pembrokeshire village believes she had a close encounter early this morning (Tuesday). 

 Western Telegraph: PICTURE: Elyse O'Neill

Elyse O’Neill from Wallis, near Woodstock, was standing outside her house at around 6.45am when she saw an unidentified flying object hovering over a large tree near the bottom her garden.
“I ran inside the house to get my phone, but there wasn’t enough battery left to film it, but there was enough to take pictures, so I started snapping away,” she said.
Elyse, 26, described the UFO as being the size of a car and was 'spinning around like a topper.'
She said: “As I watched it, it split up into two pieces and then it went back into one. It then shot off into the sky in the blink of an eye. It just went up and up until I couldn’t see it anymore.”
“I’ve never seen anything like this before, it was a bright morning with clear blue skies.
"I’m sounding as if I’m crazy, but I’m just a normal girl living in the country.
“My heart is still in my mouth.”
Elyse shared her photos of the UFO on Facebook, tagging various friends and family, and they were soon picked up by the national tabloids.
“I just want people to see what I saw,” she said, “and let them make their own minds up about what they think it was.”


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