Spazio: ultima frontiera. Credere che si sia soli nell'universo è come credere che la Terra sia piatta. Come disse l'astrofisico Labeque al palazzo dell'UNESCO, durante il congresso mondiale del SETI di Parigi del Settembre 2008, " SOMETHING IS HERE", "Qualcosa è qui", e I TEMPI SONO MATURI per farsene una ragione. La CIA, l'FBI, la NSA, il Pentagono, e non solo, lo hanno confermato!
Thursday, October 20, 2022
AL DI QUA - La musica degli alieni ( Maurizio Baiata )
Friday, October 7, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
UFO Spotted In Minnesota? Deputy's 1979 Experience Is 'Completely Genuine,' Says Investigator ( IBT )
- An investigator believes a reported UFO sighting that happened in Minnesota in 1979 was "genuine"
- The alleged extraterrestrial encounter resulted in a deputy sheriff getting injured, while his squad car got damaged
- Historically, only around 10% of UFO sightings end up getting unidentified
An alleged unidentified flying object (UFO) sighting in Minnesota nearly 43 years ago was a "genuine" extraterrestrial encounter, according to an investigator.
Marshall County Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson was patrolling Minnesota Highway 220 near the town of Stephen at around 2 a.m. on Aug. 27, 1979, when he saw a beam of light that hovered above the road.
The beam engulfed Johnson and his patrol car in light, and the then-35-year-old was left unconscious for 39 minutes.
Johnson would wake up with bruises and eye irritation that a physician later compared to "welder's burns," newspaper The Kingman Daily Miner reported at the time.
His vehicle also sustained damage, with a windshield shattering and a radio antenna bending by 90 degrees.
Both Johnson's watch and the clock on his car's dashboard were reportedly 14 minutes behind as well.
Skeptics argued that Johnson's alleged encounter was a hoax and that he had damaged his squad car, but a Minnesota UFO investigator believes the incident was real.
"My opinion is that's completely genuine," Bill McNeff, the chief investigator for the Minnesota chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) volunteer group, told FOX 9.
"The deputy ran into an unidentified object that was of unearthly origin and suffered these very strange effects in his car," said McNeff, a retired electrical engineer from Burnsville.
MUFON receives an estimated 100 reported sightings each year, while the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), another nonprofit that studies UFO reports, have recorded more than 2,000 possible sightings, according to the organization's database.
In the past five years, MUFON and NUFORD recorded 449 and 425 sightings, respectively, in Minnesota.
Historically, only around 10% of UFO cases end up being unidentified, McNeff claimed.
UFO sightings can be explained by satellites, planets, twinkling stars and weather phenomena, among other things.
Dane Enerio
Classified UFO videos would 'harm national security' if released, Navy says ( )
The Navy admitted it has a lot more footage of UFOs — but won't share them anytime soon.
The U.S. Navy holds unseen videos of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) — or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), as the Department of Defense (DOD) prefers to call them — but will not release the footage publicly because it would "harm national security," a Navy spokesperson wrote (opens in new tab) Wednesday (Sept. 7).
The admission came in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the government transparency site The Black Vault, which has previously shared thousands of pages of UFO-related documents (opens in new tab) received via FOIA requests to the CIA and other government agencies. The Black Vault filed the FOIA request to the U.S. Navy in April 2020 — just one day after the Navy declassified three now-infamous videos (opens in new tab) shot by Navy pilots showing high-tech aircraft moving in seemingly impossible ways. The Black Vault requested that the Navy now turn over any and all other videos related to UAP.
More than two years later, the government responded with a letter that both confirmed that more UAP videos exist and denied the request to turn them over due to national security concerns.
"The release of this information will harm national security as it may provide adversaries valuable information regarding Department of Defense/Navy operations, vulnerabilities, and/or capabilities," Gregory Cason, deputy director of the Navy's FOIA office, wrote in a response letter. "No portions of the videos can be segregated for release."
Cason added that the Navy was able to declassify the three UAP videos released in April 2020 only because the videos had been previously leaked to the media and had already been "discussed extensively in the public domain." The Navy deemed it possible to officially release the footage "without further damage to national security," Cason wrote.
Interestingly, in its response to The Black Vault's request, the Navy did not make any attempts to conceal the existence of additional UAP videos. There are clearly more videos of inexplicable UFO encounters in the Navy's archives, but how many and what they depict will have to remain a mystery for now.
It's clear, however, that the U.S. military takes the potential threat of UAP very seriously. In May 2022, the DOD held its first public hearing on UFOs since the 1960s. The hearing primarily discussed a June 2021 Pentagon report (opens in new tab) that revealed U.S. Navy pilots had reported 144 UAP sightings since 2004. More recently, the DOD announced that it will receive federal funding to open a new office focused exclusively on managing reports of UFO sightings (opens in new tab) by the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force.
Brandon Specktor
Originally published on Live Science.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
The Pentagon should release dozens of UFO videos ( msn )
The Pentagon has at least two dozen, and likely far more, UFO videos in its possession. Despite public commitments to transparency, officials refuse to release any of the footage. But the government’s rationale – that disclosure would jeopardize sensitive “sources and methods” – likely holds no water with many of the videos.
In March 2019, amid increasing military encounters with objects appearing to exhibit highly advanced flight characteristics, the Navy instituted a standardized UFO reporting mechanism. Despite heavy redactions, these reports show that fighter pilots are frequently left stunned by such incidents.
Importantly, the Navy’s new reporting procedures allow aviators and intelligence officers to submit video footage and other sensor data. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the Navy confirmed that 24 videos are associated with 19 UFO reports, spanning June through December 2019.
If the Pentagon continued receiving 20 UFO videos every six months, it would have well over 100 videos in its possession by now. Of course, increased awareness of the new reporting mechanism and reduced stigma likely resulted in aviators submitting far more UFO footage. Moreover, with 24 videos accompanying 19 reports, it appears that aircrews are unlikely to submit a UFO report without including corroborating data.
As noted by a former director of national intelligence, the government also possesses UFO data – such as “images and videos” – recorded by satellites.
Of course, the public release of satellite data and radar displays could jeopardize sensitive platforms and capabilities. But many, if not most, of the UFO videos in the government’s possession were likely recorded by infrared targeting pods.
Infrared video technology is not inherently sensitive. At the same time, footage from targeting pods is widely available. Most importantly, three famous UFO videos – all recorded with the Navy’s primary infrared targeting pod – are unclassified (and were never classified in the first place).
These facts make it impossible for the government to claim that the release of UFO footage recorded by such platforms (not to mention cell phones) would compromise sensitive technology or intelligence collection capabilities.
Importantly, since targeting pods are fighter pilots’ technological “eyes” in the sky, such videos likely account for a significant proportion of the UFO data held by the Pentagon.
At the same time, the government has no evidence “to indicate any [UFOs] are part of a foreign collection program or indicative of a major technological advancement by a potential adversary.” Therefore, the Pentagon cannot plausibly claim that its UFO videos can be classified as sensitive “foreign government information.”
For its part, Congress does not appear concerned that UFOs are part of a foreign intelligence effort. According to draft legislation approved unanimously by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, a muscular new UFO office must immediately stop investigating any object determined to be “man-made” and turn its analytic attention to another case. If lawmakers are truly concerned that some UFOs are adversarial surveillance platforms, they would not direct a powerful new office to stop investigating as soon as an object is determined to be of human origin.
Of equal importance, officials are confident that none of the 143 unexplained encounters described in a landmark UFO report involve secret American technology. Therefore, the Pentagon cannot withhold UFO videos under the pretext that aviators may have inadvertently captured footage of sensitive U.S. “weapons systems.”
With Congress demanding answers and government officials admitting their own impatience with the slow pace of progress, the public release of non-sensitive UFO videos could quickly resolve several cases. For instance, it took the government “several years” to determine that two UFO videos showed a common camera artifact. Mick West, a prominent UFO skeptic, identified the artifact in a matter of days.
At the same time, verifiable, repeatable geometrical analyses of one of the most well-known UFO videos showed that the object’s flight path matches eyewitness descriptions. This implies that the UFO demonstrated highly anomalous flight characteristics, including controlled flight without any apparent wings, control surfaces or means of propulsion. Perhaps most intriguingly, the analyses indicate that the object thwarted a Navy fighter jet’s attempt to sneak up behind it.
Ultimately, the parameters (approved by a senior intelligence official) under which the government classifies UFO data are at stark odds with that same official’s public promise to declassify information that does not reveal sensitive “sources and methods.”
With infrared targeting pod footage – including three well-known, unclassified UFO videos – widely available in the public domain, the government’s “sources and methods” claim does not hold water. The Pentagon must abide by its emphatic commitments to transparency and release all such UFO footage.
L'universo del telescopio Webb diventa musica ( ANSA )
Immagini e dati tradotti in suoni per un'esperienza immersiva
Immagini e dati raccolti dal nuovo telescopio James Webb diventano suoni e melodie, per offrire una nuova esperienza immersiva non solo alle persone con deficit visivi, ma a tutti gli appassionati di astronomia che vogliono lasciarsi trasportare dalle note per sognare atmosfere extraterrestri.
Grazie alla 'sonificazione', fatta da un team di ricercatori e musicisti, diventa così possibile ascoltare le 'scogliere cosmiche' che formano il bordo della Nebulosa Carina, esplorare due diversi ritratti della Nebulosa Anello del Sud e identificare i singoli punti che compongono lo spettro dell'esopianeta Wasp-96 b.
I video sono disponibili sul profilo YouTube del telescopio, gestito da Nasa, Agenzia spaziale europea (Esa) e canadese (Csa).
"La musica agisce sui nostri centri emozionali", afferma Matt Russo, musicista e docente di fisica all'Università di Toronto. "Il nostro obiettivo è quello di rendere immagini e dati del telescopio Webb comprensibili attraverso i suoni, aiutando così gli ascoltatori a crearsi le proprie immagini mentali".
I suoni permettono di 'leggere' le immagini da sinistra verso destra, con suoni più forti dove la luce è più intensa e frequenze più alte per indicare ciò che si trova più in alto rispetto a ciò che si trova in basso.
Nell'immagine della Nebulosa Carina, per esempio, i gas blu e le polveri sono stati tradotti in suoni che ricordano il vento, mentre una melodia rappresenta la salita e la discesa della scogliera, con toni più forti che rappresentano la luce più brillante.
Per quanto riguarda le due immagini della Nebulosa Anello del Sud, la luce nel vicino infrarosso (a sinistra) è rappresentata da frequenze più alte, mentre il medio infrarosso (a destra) da frequenze più basse.
Il grafico che rappresenta lo spettro dell'atmosfera dell'esopianeta Wasp-96 b è stato invece tradotto in modo che l'altezza di ciascun punto dati corrisponda alla frequenza della luce, mentre il volume indica la quantità di luce rilevata.
Quattro suoni di goccioline rappresentano infine le 'firme' dell'acqua.
Frank Drake morto: era il pioniere degli studi sugli extraterrestri ( msn )
È morto Frank Drake, l'astronomo e astrofisico pioniere della ricerca di civiltà aliene, padre del programma Seti, dedicato alla ricerca di forme di intelligenza extraterrestri.
È sua e porta il suo nome la celebre equazione che permette di stimare il numero delle civiltà aliene capaci di comunicare.
Addio a Frank Drake, astronomo straordinario che lanciato e spinto tantissimo la ricerca SETI (per segnali di eventuali civiltà extraterrestri) ed è autore dell'Equazione di Drake, per calcolare la probabilità che la fuori ci siano altre civiltà come noi, intorno ad altre stelle
— Adrian Fartade - Link4Universe (@Link4Universe) September 2, 2022
La notizia della morte di Drake, avvenuta il 2 settembre, è diffusa su Twitter da decine di studiosi e appassionati di scienza e fantascienza. All'età di 92 anni, Drake è morto per cause naturali nella sua casa di Aptos, in California.
Ci siamo, gli USA cercheranno degli UFO "non umani" ( Esquire )
In un recente documento il Pentagono ha rivelato un'importante distinzione sul concetto di UFO. Ovvero quelli di origine umana e quelli che invece hanno una natura imprecisata.
Il documento è un'addendum all'Intelligence Authorization Act per l'anno fiscale 2023. Quello a cui si fa riferimento quando si citano gli "UFO umani" (sì suona strano), è in realtà la possibilità di minacce da parte di altre super potenze di campi non tradizionali. Il report usa proprio l'espressione "multidominio", cioè non per forza di armi convenzionali, ma vantaggi strategici basati sulla tecnologia.
L'atra parola citata è "transmedium". Questo si riferisce alla tecnologia che sarebbe in grado di viaggiare attraverso diversi media, letteralmente: spazio, aria e acqua sono tutti media in questo contesto. I lanciatori del programma di atterraggio sulla luna della NASA conterebbero tecnicamente come transmedium perché attraversano l'atmosfera terrestre e poi viaggiano nello spazio.
"Gli oggetti temporanei non attribuiti, o quelli che sono identificati positivamente come artificiali dopo l'analisi, saranno passati agli uffici appropriati e non dovrebbero essere considerati sotto la definizione di fenomeni aerospaziale-sottomarini non identificati", afferma il documento.
Insomma come era ormai chiaro da un bel po' di tempo, il Pentagono è interessato a identificare in fretta i fenomeni strani che lo circondano per capire se sono minacce umane imprevedibili. Gli alieni li lasciamo agli appassionati.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
NASA Going "Full Force"on UFO Research (
Given the changing landscape around UFOs or, as the government calls them, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), NASA will soon get in on the action. The space agency is gearing up to launch an extensive study into the unknown flying vessels; in fact, one official even says NASA is going "full force" on the research.
"We're going full force" NASA assistant deputy associate administrator Daniel Evans said in a town hall meeting this week (via "This is really important to us, and we're placing a high priority on it."
According to Evans, NASA's panel will included 15 to 17 people, which will be made up of "some of the world's leading scientists, data practitioners, artificial intelligence practitioners, aerospace safety experts, all with a specific charge, which is to tell us how to apply the full focus of science and data to UAP."
The study was first announced in June, when NASA announced it planned to research the safety of UAP. The study is expected to parse through existing data and come up with procedures on recording future sightings.
"NASA believes that the tools of scientific discovery are powerful and apply here also," Thomas Zurbuchen, the associate administrator for science at NASA Headquarters in Washington said at the time. "We have access to a broad range of observations of Earth from space – and that is the lifeblood of scientific inquiry. We have the tools and team who can help us improve our understanding of the unknown. That's the very definition of what science is. That's what we do."
During the town hall last Wednesday, Evans said he thinks the study can be done by October should things go well.
"NASA really is uniquely positioned to address UAP, because we know how to use the tools of science and data to discern what might be happening out there in the skies," Evans added. "And, to be frank, no other agency is trusted as much by the public as us."
Adam Barnhardt
Black 'snowflake' UFO caught on video hovering over city ( TweakTown )
A woman has filmed a black UFO hovering above a city in Mexico, with the footage showing the object to have a snowflake-like shape.
A woman has filmed what she claims to be a black UFO hovering above a city in Mexico, and the video has since been viewed thousands of times.
TikTok user "xixsteph" or Stephany posted the above video three days ago, and it has since been viewed nearly 200,000 times. The video shows a recording of a black object hovering in the sky near Merida, Mexico, at 7:30 pm, with Stephany even zooming in on the object to reveal a unique-looking snowflake shape. Most citizen UFO videos are terrible in quality, or the focused object is extremely hard to see, but Stephany's footage is overall very smooth and high quality. But is this a UFO?
The video was posted to the /r/UFO subreddit, and the community of UFO hunters began to quickly debunk the footage while simultaneously praising its quality. Moderators categorized the video as "likely identified," with many users reporting that it's a helium balloon that has an interesting shape, with one user writing that there was a recent balloon festival happening near Merida, the vibrant capital of the Mexican state of Yucatan.
Judging by the response in /r/UFO and the fact that there was a recent balloon festival, it's likely that the object seen in the video is a snowflake-shaped balloon. More angles of the object would be needed to make any confirmation, however, the balloon seems to be the most likely explanation, especially after viewing the below video that shows a pilot getting what seems to be dangerously close to a high-altitude balloon. The balloon in the video has a colorful pattern and a pillow-like shape.
In other UFO news, Congress has changed the definition of UFO by doing so implies UFO offices are searching for objects that haven't been created by humans. Additionally, a former Navy pilot that has witnessed government-confirmed UFOs has explained his experience being in the cockpit of a fighter pilot. The former fighter pilot also explained a famous UFO "Gimbal" video that was released by the US military. More on those stories below.
Jak Connor