
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tribute to UFO Hacker Gary Mckinnon October 16, 2012 Extradition to US Blocked! UfoDisclosure2012

Pubblicato in data 16/ott/2012 da & - ~sub: & &

Gary McKinnon extradition to US blocked by Theresa May:

Gary McKinnon has won his 10-year battle against extradition to the US after Home Secretary Theresa May stepped in to halt proceedings.

Self-confessed computer hacker from north London cannot be sent to the US to face trial due to fears for his health, Mrs May told the Commons.

She also announced a shake-up for the UK's extradition arrangements, introducing a so-called forum bar which will allow a UK court to decide if a trial should be brought here instead.

Mr McKinnon suffers from Asperger's syndrome - a high-functioning form of autism, admits hacking into US military computers but claims he was looking for evidence of UFOs.

46-year-old could have faced up to 60 years in prison in America if convicted.
Mrs May has taken the highly unusual step of blocking the application after Home Office medical evidence found he was very likely to attempt suicide if he was extradited.
She told MPs: "Mr McKinnon is accused of serious crimes but there is also no doubt that he is seriously ill. He has Asperger's syndrome, and suffers from depressive illness.
"The legal question before me is now whether the extent of that illness is sufficient to preclude extradition.

"After careful consideration of all of the relevant material, I have concluded that Mr McKinnon's extradition would give rise to such a high risk of him ending his life that a decision to extradite would be incompatible with Mr McKinnon's human rights.
"I have therefore withdrawn the extradition order against Mr McKinnon. It will now be for the Director of Public Prosecutions to decide whether Mr McKinnon has a case to answer in a UK court."

Mmother Janis Sharp said: "Thank you Theresa May from the bottom of my heart - I always knew you had the strength and courage to do the right thing."

London mayor Boris Johnson said: "At last, justice"

"To extradite a man diagnosed with Asperger syndrome to America for trial would have been extraordinarily cruel and inhumane. I applaud the Government's stance."
Mr McKinnon was arrested in 2002 and then again in 2005 before an order for his extradition was made in July 2006 under the 2003 Extradition Act.

That triggered three successive applications for judicial review, questions about the fairness of the UK-US extradition treaty, which critics claim is "one-sided".
Prime Minister David Cameron & Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg had both publicly condemned plans to send Mr McKinnon to the US.

Gary McKinnon has been living under the threat of extradition and prosecution in the US for more than 10 years.

2001-2002 Between February 1 2001 and March 19 2002, the Glasgow-born computer expert allegedly hacks into 97 US government computers from his home in north London.

He is accused of leaving 300 computers at US Naval Weapons Station Earle in New Jersey unusable immediately after the September 11 2001 terror attacks on America.

US prosecutors also allege he deleted files which shut down the US army's military district of Washington DC network of more than 2,000 computers for 24 hours.

Mr McKinnon later denies causing any damage and says he was only looking for files that would prove the existence of UFOs.

All this he did using a Dial Up internet link. He must be some sort of genius

CHICAGO Change the World sung by Chrissie Hynde David Gilmour Bob Geldof and Gary McKinnon. This is a song chosen by Janis Sharp gary's mom as a plea to Barack Obama to Raise awareness of Gary's plight and to raise money for Aspergers/Autism causes. Gary is a UFO enthusiast with Aspergers/autism who is wanted by the US and is facing 60years in prison if they extradite him using the one sided treaty where America does not need to show any evidence.

David Gilmour and Chrissie Hynde have joined Bob Geldof and Gary McKinnon to sing the Graham Nash song Chicago Change the World to help bring Gary's plight to the ears of Barack Obama.

Whenever the Government says they are going to keep you safe, get ready, because you are going to lose your freedom!

I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass ... and i'm all out of bubble gum!

All truth passes through three stages: First - it is ridiculed. Second - it is violently opposed. Third - it is accepted to be self-evident. (Arthur Schopenhauer 1788 - 1860)

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good (wo)men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

"The exact contrary of what is generally believed is often the truth."
-Jean de la Bruyère

It is dangerous to be right, when those in power are wrong.

Condemnation without investigation, is the height of ignorance.

~ Tactical Media Network:


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