
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Unearthing San Antonio's reported UFO sightings with an ex-military expert ( CHRON )


Skeptics may believe extra-terrestrial life is found only in cinematic forums, but when it comes to understanding UFOs, there are real-life experts keeping their eyes towards the skies, including here in San Antonio. Since 1969, clusters of people across the country, united by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), have devoted their time to debunking and confirming reported UFO sightings.

While the organization tends to fly under the radar, I became aware of the unique group while attending San Antonio's first annual "UFO Festival" at the Wonderland of the Americas mall in August. While I didn't oblige the festive create-your-own tinfoil hat station at the time, it was admittedly interesting to hear some alien insights. 

Ken Jordan, state director of the Texas division of MUFON and head of the San Antonio chapter, was happy to oblige. Jordan is among the local experts who have studied evidence of UFOs whizzing through San Antonio airspace. 

"In the last 20 years, we've had 311 reports specifically out of San Antonio, and a little bit over 8,000 in the state of Texas," Jordan tells me, while combing through a meticulous MUFON database. "About 90 percent of what we investigate is mundane, or can be explained as natural or man-made incidents, but the rest we can't explain."

The most frequently deceptive objects are things like Chinese lanterns, drones, and inflatable LED balloons. Natural planetary phenomenon and tricks of the eye can also lead some to dial MUFON in a panic. But not everything is so readily dismissed. 

"Out of the 10 percent that we can't explain, I would say half of those would be what we think of as a UFO," says Jordan.

From U.S. Army to MUFON

A retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S Army and a lifelong San Antonian, Jordan believes these UFOs represent advanced extra-terrestrial life. He didn't always feel this way though.

"I was very skeptical about the whole thing. I didn't really know what the deal was about UFOs. I wasn't totally sold," says Jordan. Still, through his faith, he says, he's always been open to the notion that human beings aren't alone in the universe. 

After retiring from the military in 2006, Jordan returned for several years to work on building future combat systems. During a project in California's Napa Valley, a group of service members were gathered after hours at a wine tasting when the topic of UFOs came up. After one man had a bit too much to drink, he shared some classified information that piqued Jordan's interest. Jordan says some of the group thought the man was a loon, but what he said stuck with him.

Not too long after, he received an email from MUFON, inviting him to a meeting. Curious, he soon found himself at a local Denny's to listen in on a chapter meeting. 

"I just wanted to come and check it out. I didn't know if they were serious researchers are just a bunch of nuts," says Jordan.

After one meeting, he deemed the group to be legitimate and has been steadily involved in the pursuit of the "UFO question" since 2013. Officially, he retired from active-duty  military in 2014. 

Local case of interest

There are currently around 50 MUFON members researching UFO reports made here in San Antonio, and around 280 members in all of Texas. The research methodology typically includes thorough review, with trained members examining things like weather patterns occurring at the time of a given sighting and cross-referencing descriptions with previous reports, local police stations, and the Federal Aviation Administration. If necessary, the team will also consult with Gregory Cisko, MUFON's amateur astronomer.

Reports are typically called in from a variety of sources, from your garden variety alien watchers to regular people who choose to remain anonymous. Sometimes, according to Jordan, they'll even get calls from military personnel. Mufon's most recent verifiable case based in San Antonio happened just a few days ago on October 29, 2021.

According to MUFON files, a couple driving to get coffee near I-10 and DeZevala Road around 2 p.m. witnessed and recorded what appears to be a saucer-like object fading in and out from view. After examining the report, MUFON closed the case by assigning the object the rare true UFO designation. 

In Texas, MUFON describes a variety of UFO phenotypes that have been observed, with shapes ranging from saucer and Tic Tac to triangle and donut. 

Since former military personnel disclosed the possibility of UFOs in 2017, Jordan believes the general public has begun to open up to the idea. Earlier this year, the U.S. government officially confirmed unidentified aerial phenomena, which spurred even more interest. Previously popular on the fringes, UFOs have officially touched down as a popular topic of conversation. 

Whether these aerial objects in MUFON's "unknown" bucket are intelligent extraterrestrial life, products of terrestrial military technology or something else entirely has not been officially or publicly identified and disclosed by officials. We may never know the answers to these questions.

For those interested in exploring UFOs more, Jordan shares some sage words of advice: "Start researching and reading the articles that are out there, but the one thing I would always caution anybody on is whatever you read, whatever you hear, check your source."

Camille Sauers

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