
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Stazione Spaziale cinese Tiangong-1, protezione civile riunita in seduta permanente: alle 18.30 nuovi aggiornamenti

Stazione Spaziale cinese Tiangong-1, stasera alle 18:30 a Roma nuovo briefing della protezione civile con la stampa per gli ultimi aggiornamenti

Per fare un aggiornamento sul monitoraggio e sulle attività in corso per il rientro sulla Terra della Stazione Spaziale cinese Tiangong-1, si terrà, alle ore 18.30, un punto stampa presso la sede del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, via Vitorchiano 4. La protezione civile è mobilitata con un tavolo tecnico riunito in seduta permanente da ieri sera. All’incontro saranno presenti il Capo del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, Angelo Borrelli e il Direttore dell’Ufficio Emergenze Luigi D’Angelo oltre ai referenti dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Borrelli valuterà inoltre la convocazione del Comitato Operativo nazionale, sia per analizzare gli scenari che per prendere le dovute decisioni in tempo reale.
Peppe Caridi 

Professore di cosmologia scopre... Marte!

Aveva condiviso in Internet l'entusiasmo per la scoperta di un oggetto brillante nella costellazione del Sagittario, ma era Marte. Fa bene sapere che anche i professori di cosmologia sbagliano.


Il prof scopre una stella, ma era Marte. ''La lezione che ho imparato? Controllare sempre''
Peter Dunsb, il "cosmologo" scopritore... si fa per dire, di Marte



Il professore vede col suo telescopio un oggetto luminoso là dove, secondo le mappe stellare, non c'erano stelle. Travolto dall'entusiasmo pubblica subito la sua scoperta, senza accorgersi che stava guardando... Marte, piuttosto noto da svariati millenni!

Astrosvista. 40 minuti dalla sua pubblicazione Peter Dunsby aveva già capito l'errore grossolano e pubblicato un altro post, per scusarsi. La piattaforma Astronomer Telegram - una specie di "megafono" col quale gli astrofili si scambiano notizie e scoperte - ha però voluto premiare i suoi sforzi con uno speciale riconoscimento per la scoperta del Pianeta Rosso: per la scoperta di Marte, congratulazioni professore!

Risultati immagini per metodo scientifico vignette
Il fallace metodo scientifico si basa sull'osservazione con sensi che sono imperfetti e limitati dall'intelligenza, dalle conoscenze e dalle sensibilità di chi li sta utilizzando.

Dunsby, professore di cosmologia, è stato al gioco e via Twitter ha fatto il suo mea culpa: «la lezione di oggi: controllare, controllare, controllare per la terza volta e poi controllare ancora!»

Leggero ritardo. Un errore in buona fede, dettato da un evidente entusiasmo per la materia. Il desiderio di condividere i propri interessi, anche al di fuori dell'orario di lavoro, è il risultato tipico della passione. E, in effetti, se Dunsby avesse condiviso la sua osservazione qualche millennio fa, sarebbe stata proprio una gran bella scoperta.

Davide Lizzani 


Le mie foto
Il sottoscritto al telescopio dell'osservatorio di Arcetri

Commento di Oliviero Mannucci: L'ho sempre detto io che il metodo scientifico non esiste, perchè i nostri sensi e la nostra intelligenza è limitata da tutta una serie di condizionamenti che ci vengono instillati dalla nascita, compreso il metodo scientifico stesso! Ora mi domando, cosa farà il "grande" professore quando scoprirà gli UFO e che gli alieni esistono su tutti i pianeti e in molteplici dimensioni?! Comunque è capitato anche a me di vedere un neolaureando in astronomia che stavo assistendo sotto la cupola dell'osservatorio di Arcetri inquadrare nel telescopio Spica ( stella principale delle costellazione della Vergine) al posto del pianeta Saturno che era a una ventina di gradi di distanza nel cielo. Il bello è che eravamo nel pieno di una serata con un certo numero di fisici teorici piuttosto importanti. Mi toccò con molto garbo avvicinarmi al neo astronomo, proprio sotto la scaletta sulla quale si trovava e con voce bassa ( per non fargli fare un evidente figura di merda) dirgli: Quello non è Saturno, è Spica la stella alpha della Vergine. Risposta: Ah, è vero, infatti non ha gli anelli.  Ma và!? Dissi io, fra me e me, sempre per non offenderlo!

Artificial intelligence identifies 6,000 new craters on the Moon

The advanced method could streamline the formerly manual technique.

A new artificial intelligence algorithm is designed to locate craters on the Moon with more speed and precision than previous methods. The image shows Daedalus, a crater on the far side of the Moon, sitting in heavily cratered terrain.

Despite vast developments in technology over the last few decades, our method for counting craters on the Moon hasn’t advanced much, with the human eye still being heavily relied on for identification. In an effort to eliminate the monotony of tracking lunar cavities and basins manually, a group of researchers at the University of Toronto Scarborough came up with an innovative technique that resulted in the discovery of 6,000 new craters.
“Basically, we need to manually look at an image, locate and count the craters, and then calculate how large they are based off the size of the image. Here we’ve developed a technique from artificial intelligence that can automate this entire process that saves significant time and effort,” said Mohamad Ali-Dib, a postdoctoral fellow at University of Toronto’s Centre for Planetary Sciences and co-developer of the technology, in a news release.
The method utilizes a convolutional neural network, the same machine learning algorithm used for computer vision and self-driving cars. The research team used data from elevation maps, collected by orbiting satellites, to train the algorithm on an area that covers two-thirds of the Moon’s surface. They then tested the technology on the remaining third, an area it hadn’t yet seen.
The algorithm was able to map the unseen terrain with incredible accuracy and great detail. It identified twice as many craters as manual methods, with about 6,000 new lunar craters being discovered.
“Tens of thousands of unidentified small craters are on the Moon, and it’s unrealistic for humans to efficiently characterize them all by eye,” said Ari Silburt, a former University of Toronto Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics grad student, who helped create the AI algorithm. “There’s real potential for machines to help identify these small craters and reveal undiscovered clues about the formation of our solar system.”
Because the Moon doesn’t have flowing water, plate tectonics, or an atmosphere, its surface undergoes very little erosion. With its ancient craters remaining relatively intact, researchers are able to study factors like size, age, and impact to gain insight into our solar system’s evolution and the material distribution that occurred early on.
Ali-Dib and his research team, whose paper is being reviewed by the journal Icarus, plan to keep improving the algorithm and eventually test it on celestial objects like Mars and the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. If the program follows its early path of success, it may not only help researchers understand galactic formation and evolution, but also eliminate chalk boards and tally marks from the crater counting equation.

News source

Alien Craft at Hobo Campground - Ufo Seekers

DESCRIPTION: UFO Seekers received a report of a UFO Sighting at Hobo Campground in California's Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains. We visit the area to find out what's going on... ABOUT US: UFO & Alien Investigators. In the field sky-watching 365 days a year. UFO Seekers investigates UFO sightings, alien encounters, black projects, and military installations in an attempt to document UFO evidence or to have an alien encounter. Our exclusive content is posted through this YouTube channel. Tim Doyle - UFO Investigator Tracey Sue - UFO Researcher WEBSITE: REPORT UFO SIGHTING: UFO Seekers GIFT SHOP: DONATE via PayPal: Support UFO Seekers by becoming a PATRON to learn about upcoming videos, see behind-the-scenes videos/pictures not available to the public, secret live chats, and more. Get your SECURITY CLEARANCE or LEARN MORE: SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST:

Luis Elizondo Interview for the 2018 International UFO Congress (Video and Transcript)

This is an exclusive interview of Luis Elizondo, the former head of a secret Pentagon project to investigate UFOs. The project was called the Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program (AATIP).  

An article on Dec. 16, 2017 in the New York Times revealing the program made worldwide headlines. Thus far, mostly short media interviews are all Elizondo has participated in. In this exclusive interview, Elizondo answers questions from UFO Congress social media followers and friends. See the entire 2018 International UFO Congress presentation, including a review of how this revelation came about, and insight from Nick Pope, who ran a similar UFO program for the UK’s Ministry of Defense, at the UFO Congress Video-on-Demand page.
IUFOC Video-on-Demand:
Thank you to To The Stars Academy for filming this interview.
The following is a transcript of the video interview. The questions are presented as they are in the video.
Luis’ introduction….
Pursuit of the truth is the fundamental endeavor of mankind. The truth, whether it’s for knowledge, enlightenment, or even love. The truth is the only thing that allows us to ensure our azimuth remains true and our destination assured. It is my experience that the success of any journey relies on the people who are along for the trip. As with every expedition, each person plays a critical role and serves a purpose on that trip. And yes, that includes healthy skepticism and even dissenting views and opinions. Only with all views and voices heard will we be able to plot a course that represents the best chance of our success for reaching far off shores. So I say to you, here and now, let’s not be afraid to ask the hard question or challenge the words of our experts. Let’s not be shy to own our passion, and push the boundaries of our horizon. In conclusion, thank you for your courage and your time and your audience today. You are the true heroes, and the ones who deserve awards. Thank you again.
How did you first get involved with AATIP?
My first involvement with the advanced aerospace threat identification program began back in 2008. The former program manager at the time was looking for somebody to provide dedicated counter intelligence support to the effort, which I wasn’t aware of at the time. So in 2008, a couple folks came to my office and they asked to have a conversation with me, and usually as a fed in our line of work when strange people come to your door and they want to talk to you, it’s usually not a good thing. In this particular case, we had several meetings, they asked me a little bit about my background, and after the third meeting I was introduced to the program manager. At that point it became apparent to me why they were asking me the questions they were asking me, so in 2008 I was asked to come on board. I did and I worked for the former program manager at the time, and in 2010 upon his departure, I was asked to take over the program formally as the director.
Did you work with Bigelow? If so, what was that like?
My personal experience with Mr. Bigelow has been nothing but unbelievable. A complete privilege and honor to work with such a titanic force in the aerospace industry. Mr. Bigelow is not only a commensurate professional, he is also a true gentleman. I found working with Mr. Bigelow’s folks, all his folks, to be extremely rewarding. These individuals are truly some of the best of the best that we have, working in areas that very few individuals have really any understanding of the complexity involved. You’re talking about putting space vehicles in orbit around earth and potentially around the moon. So any time you have an opportunity to work with individuals like that, it’s always a privilege and an honor.
Where did AATIP receive its cases from?
AATIP receives the cases from various different channels, so where our office sat at the top of the office of the secretary of defense, we had multiple avenues of approach, so you had in some cases reporting would come up through navy channels, in other cases it would come up through air force channels, in other cases it would come through the intelligence community, and as the focal point, if you will, for this capability, all roads I guess lead to Rome in this particular case. All roads led to our office regarding the phenomena.
How did AATIP continue without funding after 2012?
So AATIP did continue, continued in earnest after 2012, and additional funding was provided to our organization. Unfortunately the congressional verbiage was a little bit vague and so the funding was diverted to another office but the funding was intended for us. It was supposed to go from 2013 to 2014 and then at that point fiscal constraints became increasingly tight within the department and we were forced to do more with less or in some cases more with nothing. So we very quickly continued our efforts and we started to dual use a lot of what we were doing, so as an example, one may be interested in putting out a requirement looking for let’s say advanced ICBM technology. So you would go out and you would ask folks, I want you to be able to give me a paper that helps me understand anything coming into Earth’s orbit with these particular profiles. So hypersonic velocities, loads over ability et cetera, and what might be useful for let’s say identifying North Korean ICBM missiles coming into continental United States could also be useful in identifying other objects, things that are coming in with that same flight pattern but not necessarily a ballistic missile.
So we got very clever at dual using and the reporting continued to come in through our office, and quite frankly the program never went away so we became very clever as everybody else in the department of having to manage our resources I think in an increasingly constrictive way that still allowed us to obtain the data we were trying to obtain, but in the same respect not require additional resources to come in for new projects. I guess in short, in lay terms, we got very clever at managing our money and our time and our resources. We learned to confederate a lot more so rather than us shouldering the burden of everything, we learned to leverage our partners in the intelligence community and within the services to help us do a lot of the functions that we were trying to do in house.
How were the videos released? Was it under false pretense, or a trick as the Washington Post suggests?
No, there was no trick and there was no false pretense. The videos were released in accordance with the strict manner that DOD prescribes to DOD manuals and regulations involving the release of information. It went through the official DOPSR process and then furthermore an additional step was taken to have the videos reviewed by foreign disclosure representatives. In fact, the most senior foreign disclosure representatives in the department, and ultimately required OCA or original classification authority approval and review to release the video. So in essence, I didn’t release anything, the department of defense released those videos. The documentation is held by the department of defense and the justification for releasing those videos were exactly as stated, and that was to create an unclassified database that people could then access and help us identify the signatures we were seeing.
Will we ever get more information about the GIMBAL video?
I suspect we will always get more information, as people with additional expertise and experience and backgrounds continue to look at the videos, and not just well I think any and all videos, we will begin to put together more pieces of the puzzle. There are experts I would submit now that are out there, perhaps within this audience that is watching this video now that have the ability to look at some of these videos and help us have a better understanding of what exactly we’re looking at. I think it’s important to understand that what people chalk up as atmospheric anomalies or fear phenomena resulting from infrared glare, I think it’s important that the audience understand that we already have the equipment. When this information is being collected, we can ascertain very, very quickly whether or not this is infrared heat glare or an atmospheric disturbance. I think it’s important to know that you can’t get a radar lock on an atmospheric disturbance, I think it’s important to recognize that we have already the technology that will tell us very, very quickly if something is simply FLIR fuzz or IR Haze if you will. So these things are certainly beyond our understanding at this point but it is not as some have stated, just some sort of atmospheric anomaly or reflection that we’re seeing.
Why are the videos so short and why do we not have more information about them?
So videos can be short for many reasons just like audio or anything else. Keeping in mind there’s a legal requirement to protect sources of method within the US government and classified information and even some unclassified information that remains sensitive. It is important to note if someone is looking at a video, it is highly probably that the portion you’re watching is what has been cleared for public dissemination and release, but there may be portions of audio immediately following that clip that gets into classified sources and methods. Perhaps it starts talking about the operating AOR at the time that the film was taken, or by precise capabilities and technologies that the US government would want to understandably protect. So a lot of these videos and audios and things that people are seeing are short because of the fact that it’s quite possible the government is protecting sources and methods, plain and simple.
How did you discover To the Stars Academy and did it have anything to do with your decision to leave the Department of Defense?
My decision to leave the US government was before I ever knew anything about to the stars of academy of arts and sciences. My initial plan was to frankly fade off into the sunset, take a job working something that I could enjoy, one that was completely unrelated to the US government, and if you will like I said fade off into the sunset. It was actually the to the stars of academy of arts and science that found me. Through some colleagues of mine in the intelligence community, once they found out that I was leaving had suggested that maybe I should talk to some of the folks at to the stars who were interested in talking to me.
Do you think the story of the pilots and the aviation threat program has “sunk in” enough with the masses?
I can’t answer on behalf of the masses, I sure hope so. Sad to say that I’ve been doing this for long enough where we have a lot of compelling information and data and documentation, eyewitness testimony and there is still for some reason this hesitation, this blockage, that prevents people from having an open and honest dialogue and conversation about the phenomenon. I think from my perspective that’s actually more troubling than the phenomena itself.
How can I best bring up the UFO subject without being scoffed at? And what is the best way to get non-believers to take it seriously?
So one sure statement, the best way to not get scoffed at and ridiculed is not to have a conversation, sadly enough. That’s the truth. However, cowardice will never get us where we need to go, so we have to have a conversation. I think the best way to have a conversation is having it where we allow the science and the data to speak for itself. Opinions, suppositions, things to that nature aren’t overly helpful. In the end it doesn’t matter what me, Luis Elizondo thinks. What matters is what the data says, then you formulate your own opinion, and I think that is the strength and when we’re using the scientific method, it is imperative that we strictly adhere to those rules, because ultimately in the end the data is going to speak for itself and it doesn’t’ really matter what I think. What matters is what you think based upon the data. So the easiest way to have the conversation, let the data speak for itself. Sometimes data, the truth sometimes she whispers and sometimes you have to really listen hard, but if you listen carefully you can hear what she has to say and that was my job for the last 10 years.
Were you previously subject to a non-disclosure order and have you been released from it?
First of all, I was never released from any non-disclosure between me and the US government. In fact, I still maintain a security clearance or at least I think I do, and so I’m obligated to protect classified information at which point until information becomes unclassified or I die. So I have not been released from any non disclosure agreement and I am legally bound by those, and that’s why sometimes when I’m asked questions what may come across as being vague or in general terms a bit evasive, it’s not on purpose. The problem is I’m legally bound to protect that information. So in short, no I haven’t been relieved of that obligation at all.
Is it possible that the evidence and analysis for each case will be made available to scientists like us?
I think it’s more than a possibility, I think it’s an imperative. That conversation needs to occur between the American people and our lawmakers, and if the American people insist on it, then it’ll happen. I think it’s a matter of time. I’m not sure we can put, at this point the cat back in the bag. I think the conversation has already been started, and I think it’s inevitable. At least that’s my hope.
What are your day to day activities and involvement at To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science?
Well, I was hired to be the director of global security and special programs, so right now it’s pretty simple. My job is to protect people, places, and things. So as any person in the security realm is aware of, it’s a pretty basic function and I think pretty important. Keeping in mind that this is not just a function where we’re worried about traditional acts of crime, someone stealing something or something like that, there is potentially some counter intelligence perspective to this, there is some personnel security, there’s a whole spectrum of issues and things that we need to I think keep a handle on, especially if this company is going to grow, which hopefully it does. Those equities that the company has will have to continue to be protected.
What would you say to those who are skeptical because of your intelligence background and suspect that you are spreading disinformation and falsehoods mixed with some truth?
I would say remain skeptical. Healthy skepticism is very important, in fact it’s imperative. In fact, in my job as an intelligence officer, I was paid to be skeptical. I think you should always question all the information that comes before you by anybody who says anything, and I think that’s true not just with people like me, I think it’s true with government, religion and everything in between. However, in this particular perspective, I don’t really care if you believe me, that’s not my intent. My intent is for you to listen to the data, and look at the data yourself, and allow you to come to that conclusion. In the end it doesn’t matter if you believe me or not, what matters is if you have access to the data then you can formulate your own opinion. The one thing I’ve learned long ago as an intelligence officer is I could be absolutely sure and certain of something, and I could still be absolutely wrong. In the end, those of you who are healthy skeptics remain skeptical. I think you need to ask the hard questions, continue to push the boundaries, because that’s how we find the truth. The truth has nothing to fear. If you don’t believe something, then keep asking the question. Keep doing the research, keep demanding the data and hopefully you then can come to the same conclusion that some of us came to.
Why do you think these crafts are likely extraterrestrial and not from another country that has discovered more advanced physics?
So let’s look at the term extraterrestrial. I don’t like to use that term very much but in a definitive way, when you look at the definition of extraterrestrial, it just means beyond terra forma, beyond terrestrial, beyond this thing that we call Earth. The question is, do they come from outer space, inner space or the space in between. I don’t know. I have my own personal opinions on it, but it would be very misleading to give you those opinions because in the end we don’t have enough data. It would be great if we could point our finger and say ah, it was the Russians, or the Chinese or someone else. The problem is, the data that we’re seeing we’ve been seeing for a while, and it’s so advanced that by now, it is hard enough by now for us to replicate our observations with our understanding of quantum mechanics.
But for this type of technology to be available when we first started seeing it, I think is beyond improbable. I’m not going to say impossible, but it is really, really, really unlikely. So that leads then to the next question, if it’s not ours and it’s not theirs then who’s is it? I don’t know who’s it is, that’s why we’re asking the hard questions, that’s why we did what we did for the last 10 years and why we need to continue doing what we’re doing, because we need to ask those questions. We don’t know who they belong to, we don’t know who they are or what they are, but we know that they’re real. So I would submit to you that because of that, we need to continue to explore, we need to continue asking the hard questions.
Why is the running time of the two released videos (NIMITZ and GIMBAL) so short? Was there was additional footage captured?
It’s important to know that the US government has a responsibility to protect classified information or sensitive information to include sources and methods, by law. Often times when you see information before you, you are looking at a snapshot in time, under a very particular set of circumstances, keeping in mind the information that may have come before that or after that, could be very classified. It could discuss things for example of who took the footage, or under what circumstances were they in combat, was it in peace time, was it an exercise. Things that would give away what we call tactics, techniques and procedures, TTP in the department of defense and in the intelligence community. So to protect that information from getting in the wrong hands, what you are seeing is information that has been deemed by the department to be unclassified and that way everybody can look at it. What comes before that or after that, I can’t discuss that, I’m not at liberty to discuss that because frankly that’s the government’s call to make that determination not mine.
Regarding the Gimbal video, do you know anything about the chain of custody documentation?
The chain of custody documentation is the province of the department of defense. I think if anybody wanted to see it, it would be up to the department of defense to release it. It is a DOD form. It is not classified, but unfortunately as a DOD form you have to go through DOD to ask for a copy of it.
What are the possibilities of additional releases of information from these incidents? Are you still working to release additional information? How can we help?
Now that I’m in the private sector, my intent is to push the envelope as hard and as fast as I can. I know what I’ve been privy to, and I think we need to have the information available so the American people can have the discussion amongst themselves and with our lawmakers and then make a determination if it should be a national security imperative. That shouldn’t be a decision that I make, that should be a decision that you make and then you tell your leadership what you want to do and then your government does that.
Is there any reason to believe UAPs may be dangerous? Have there been any incidents where UAPs were aggressive, or defensive in a way that could cause harm?
So, no outward aggression, but please allow me a moment to provide you a very rudimentary analogy. I’ve used it before but I think it’s fitting. I think most people, not all but most people, would agree that locking your front door is probably a good idea to do before you go to bed at night, so most people do. It’s not that they expect something bad to happen, but we do it as a precaution. So imagine every night now you lock your front door, you go ahead and you secure your windows and you lock your windows and right before you go to bed you go to your keypad, you punch in your keypad and now your house, the alarm is armed and everything is secure. But for some reason, every morning you wake up, you go downstairs to have your coffee, you look in your living room and there’s muddy boot prints in your living room and they’re not your boot prints. Now, nothing’s been taken from your house, no one has been injured or harmed, and nothing is out of place and yet, here you go every night, locking your front doors, you secure your windows, and you turn on your alarm and still these muddy boot prints continue to show up day after day.
The question is, how do they get there? The question is, is it a threat? Well, I think you have to presume it could be a threat until you’re sure it’s not a threat, and that was my job when I was in the department of defense was to make sure things were not a threat, and until I could prove they were not, I had to make the presumption that they could be.
Given the history of misinformation, disinformation, lies, concealment, omissions and other cover ups in the past regarding this subject… what gives you and your associates more credence compared to the past talking heads to give us faith?
I think in the past it was just that, you had talking heads. You had people that had political motivation for one reason or another, some of them had political allegiances. My organization when I was in the department of defense were apolitical. We didn’t care if you were democrat, republican, independent, or anything in between. Our job, our loyalty was to the American people and that’s who we took an oath to defend. Keeping in mind all of us, whether military or national security, took an oath to defend this country from all enemies foreign and domestic and that’s exactly what we did. To this point, even after I left government, I’ve never been officially relieved of that responsibility. So is this some massive effort for misinformation, if it is, it’s probably the worst effort to do so because there would be holes all in it.
I think from my motivation to come out, I gave everything to do this. I gave up a fantastic job, I was at the top of my career doing very well, financially had a great 401K plan, great benefits, pension, everything. It’s easy to sit back and armchair quarterback and on a weekend go through blogs and say this or that or this or that, it’s another thing to give up every single thing you have going to pursue this in order to have the conversation with the American people. This I can tell you was not a financially good decision for me, it was not a good decision in any way because I had spent my entire career living in the shadows. In fact, to some degree my survival depended on it. Coming out in this way, if anybody were to ask my opinion, I would say this is the last thing you’d ever want to do. But at the end of the day, I believe in what I’m doing. I believe it is the right thing to do and if albeit for nothing but us to have the conversation, at least have the conversation now where we can do it and you can hold your heads up high and not worry about the social stigma that’s attached to this and the labels that have been given to you, then I think I’ve accomplished my mission.
What articles of evidence can you and your colleagues provide that you are willing to submit for independent scientific review?
Oh my goodness, I think I’m going to have to leave that question to some of our smarter folks in the organization, some of our scientists, some of the folks like Steve Justice and Hal Puthoff and some of the folks out there who have probably forgotten more about physics than I’ll ever know. As far as releasing that type of data and those types of theoretical arguments, that’s not really my forte, and the problem is if I try to pretend to be that person, I would probably do a terrible job at it, so I’m going to leave that question to far smarter people than myself and hopefully they can give you a better answer than I can.
You have said in interviews that AATIP has made significant progress in understanding the advanced physics of UAP. Are you going to share this knowledge freely?
That’s what we’re trying to do, I think before you share any information we first need to make sure, we need to ensure the veracity and the valid information is what it is. The last thing you ever want to do and you would reinforce the whole misinformation campaign notion, if we put out information prematurely that has not met a rigorous standard of the way we look at information, then we would actually be doing a disservice to you and everybody else. When we were in AATIP we applied the same level of rigor to these incidents investigating these incidents as we would to any other type of investigation, espionage, or terrorism investigation and I think you need to have that level of scrutiny when you’re doing this type of thing to make sure that the data is real and it’s pure. Because what we don’t want to do is get into a situation where we don’t want to either inadvertently or on purpose mislead anybody. We have to make sure that we preserve the integrity, the information, to the very best of our ability, so sometimes it’s not necessarily on the time line, but our hope is to get it out there eventually in a way that is clear and makes sense and preserves the data in a way that anybody could look at, and if this was a court of law, say yes that information has been preserved according to the way it should be preserved.
What are two or three books on the subject that you think most accurately represent the phenomenon as you currently understand it?
Wow, so people are going to hate me for answering this way. I have deliberately for the last 10 years not read any books, any blogs, any movies, anything related to UFO’s. I’ve done that on purpose, not because I don’t like anything about it, it’s because as I understand from a scientific perspective, and as an investigator I want to, if you will, sequester the jury. I want to preserve the information the best I can and if that means ensuring I don’t have any type of subconscious thought about something because I may have read an article where now all of a sudden subconsciously there’s this idea or notion in my head that will then cloud my judgment of looking at the data that I’m looking at. So in order to prevent myself, protect myself from even being tempted to have some sort of conclusion before I have the data, I have purposely steered away from reading books … and it’s not that they’re not good books and they’re not worth reading, I am absolutely certain they are, now that I am out I plan to do so. But it was critically important for me to make sure I remain as unbiased and objective as possible while collecting and processing this data with my colleagues. So for that reason I avoided as much as possible trying to read anything that could somehow bias my approach.
You say “not from any nation” but have not used the word “Alien”, why?
Well because I think alien means a lot of things to a lot of different people. We’re here in San Diego and right now people are trying to build a wall to keep out aliens, so I hesitate to use aliens because what does that mean? Alien just simply means something not from here, so by definition, there’s a lot of aliens that we have. I prefer to keep it without labels, for that exact reason because I think we prejudice, if we say aliens, we immediately assume outer space or out there and when we could be talking about inner space or as I said the space in between. The bottom line is we just don’t know, and by putting a label on something I think we prematurely prejudice the jury and our objectivity when we’re talking about the subject. So that is why I hadn’t used the term aliens because I’m not sure that’s even accurate. We truly don’t know what’s behind the wheel, or at least I don’t so for that reason I’m not going to speculate.
There have been claims that the audio of the GINBAL video does not seem to be original. Professional pilots on duty would not use language like “Dude” and “Bro”. Also, the sentence, “The wind’s a hundred knots out of the west” would not be pilot jargon. What would you say in response to such claims?
I would say these videos have been pulled off of US government systems, and they are absolutely indeed from pilots on US military platforms and capabilities. I will tell you in stressful situations, whether it’s a combat situation or not, sometimes radio discipline goes out the window. I’ve been guilty of it myself. Stress does things to individuals, it does different things, I think if one were to ask commander Fravor or any of his colleagues if they ever talk like that, they’d probably tell you yes. I’m not going to answer on their behalf but they will absolutely talk like that and that’s just unfortunately the way sometimes stress we react to it as human beings.
Your background includes “Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, with research experience in tropical diseases.” Where did you study these subjects and for what purpose?
So I attended University of Miami, probably spent less time studying than I should have. But I realized very quickly after nearing the end of my education there, that I wanted to serve my country and I wanted to serve my country in a way that I could use some of my education in microbiology, immunology, and parasitology in a productive way, so I joined the United States Army. Best decision of my life. Hardest decision of my life, but the best decision. And I quickly realized, initially I wanted to go in and do some sort of biomedical intelligence, perhaps maybe dealing with WMD, but after I came into the Army I realized that my true passion lied in the intelligence discipline at large. It was less the medical side of it and it was just intelligence. To me, intelligence was an awful lot like playing a game of chess against an enemy you may never see, and so to me that was very intriguing.
Can we expect more footage and/or classified documents to be released anytime soon?
Classified information, no. I don’t think we’ll ever get classified information released. I think you can get classified information declassified, and once that information is declassified then absolutely it can be released. But the government is usually not in the habit of releasing classified information, so if the expectation is for people that classified information is going to be revealed, I think they’re going to be sadly disappointed. But on the good side of it, there’s plenty of opportunity to have information that may be sensitive or considered classified now, have that information stripped of sources and methods and have it downgraded and declassified. And yes, I do think intelligence community does this all the time, in fact I know they do, and I think this is something that can be done in this area no differently than anything else. Look what just came out recently with the papers on the Kennedy assassination et cetera, so it is possible and I think it’s certainly within the realm of reality, and if you ask me I would certainly champion that effort myself.
What specific actions can regular people take to help the government release more UFO information to the public?
I think we need to engage our leaders. I think we need to engage those individuals we put in office, to represent us and our equities and our interests. We need to let them know it’s okay to have a conversation. It’s okay to support things like Harry Reed and Senator Stevens in what they did, and have the courage to ask the hard questions and pursue doggedly the things that we don’t understand. In fact I think that is one of our sacred missions as mankind, is to pursue those deep dark recesses that we have a hard time understanding and a hard time reaching. I think it’s in our nature, I think it’s in our spirit, and I think it’s in our DNA, so I would encourage everybody to reach out to their elected officials and keep asking the hard questions. Insist that the truth be made public.

—End Transcript—


New Harvard theory: Aliens have star-powered spaceships

Scientists discovered a massive radio wave, and they can't find a good explanation for it. Unless ...

A couple of scientists from the well-respected Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics recently wrote an astrophysics paper that is so awesome, it will make you want to read an astrophysics paper. The scientists have been puzzling over some weirdly strong radio wave bursts in space, and they've come up with an explanation: aliens. 

 Risultati immagini per Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics

“An artificial origin is worth contemplating and checking,” said Avi Loeb, an Israeli-American professor who worked on the study.
It all started when an astrophysicist was combing through the archives in Australia's Parkes Observatory, and he noticed a mysterious spurt of radio activity. It was short but intense. Really intense. Like, 500 million times the power of the sun intense.
Space is full of weird light, so that's no big deal, right? Wrong, apparently. Scientists have been trying to figure out what the burst could be for 10 years, and they still don't know. Some think it's a massive, particularly weird star that collapsed into its core. Or maybe it's a solar flare that somehow managed to travel across the known universe. Or ...
Yep. Aliens. At least, that's what the Harvard-Smithsonian scientists are proposing. You can start freaking out now.
Risultati immagini per Avi Loeb, an Israeli-American professor harvard university
Avi Loeb Israeli-American professor

Here's the theory: There's a faraway alien civilization that uses artificial beams to power spaceships with light sails. They harness energy from a star and cool their beam machine with planet-sized buckets of water.
Cool, right? We're not talking about boring, single-celled aliens here. We're talking about an advanced civilization, way more advanced than, you know, us. Our sail-related ships are limited to the kind that stay in water.
“Deciding what’s likely ahead of time limits the possibilities,” said Loeb, an alumnus of Hebrew University in Jerusalem. “It’s worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge.”
It's still a theory, but we at From the Grapevine are definitely rooting for it. Discovering alien life would mean a total change in how we view reality. Plus, we could do so much cool stuff with aliens. Like discover new things about the universe and have alien romances.

Ilana Strauss 

Source news 

Diamond UFO over Haleiwa mountain, Hawaii, USA

Date of sighting: March 20, 2018
Location of sighting: Haleiwa, Hawaii, USA
Source: MUFON #91118

This diamond craft was captured in Hawaii last week. The object is sitting just over a cloud at the top of the mountain, which makes me think it may have come from the mountain area. The diamond object is tilted, telling me its trajectory was either going up or down. Not left or right like a bird or drone. The diamond shape is just incredible...and over Hawaii. 

Eyewitness states: 
Saturnesque object taken on my LGV20 phone on March 20, 2018 Halewia, Oahu.

News source 

UFO over river in Minnesota near small town

Date of sighting: 7-4-2011
Location of sighting: Nimrod, Minnesota, USA
Source: MUFON #91099

This UFO was seen back in 2011, but reported today. The photo was taken in the city of Nimrod which has a sparse population of just around 67. UFOs are known to be frequently seen around areas where there are less humans. The UFO is a disk viewed from the side. The suns reflection off its metallic surface gives it away.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Picture was taken on a 4th of July camping trip in 2011. Noticed the object when going through old photos this week.

News source 

La montaña Gangkhar Puensum de acceso restringido Hay una base Alien escondida?

Gangkhar Puensum es la montaña más alta de Bután y, dentro del listado de montañas a las que todavía no se ha alcanzado la cima, es la quinta montaña más alta del mundo. Tiene una elevación de 7.570 metros y una prominencia de 2.990 metros. Los pobladores han sido testigos numerosas veces de extrañas luces que salen de la montaña, naves que entran y salen, y las leyendas dicen que hay vida inteligente en esa montaña. EsclavosDelDestino

Tre invenzioni ‘moderne’ che esistevano milioni di anni fa

Esistono prove che dimostrano come le civiltà preistoriche fossero evolute quanto la nostra o forse anche di più.

Queste prove potrebbero rimettere in discussione le nostre certezze scientifiche. Non sarebbe la prima volta: la storia, del resto, dimostra che la scienza si è sbagliata di grosso in moltissime occasioni.
I cambiamenti sono accompagnati da numerose polemiche. Le seguenti scoperte sono state contestate, ma alcuni scienziati hanno sostenuto che si tratta della prova inconfutabile che decine di migliaia, se non addirittura molti milioni di anni fa, l’uomo viveva sulla Terra con le stesse conoscenze e la stessa cultura dell’uomo moderno.

1. Un reattore nucleare risalente a 1 miliardo e 800 milioni di anni fa

Nel 1972, una fabbrica francese importò uranio grezzo dalla miniera di Oklo, nella Repubblica del Gabon in Africa. Per sua sorpresa, scoprì che l’uranio era stato già estratto.
Si scoprì che il sito di origine era un reattore su larga scala altamente avanzato, esistito 1 miliardo e 800 milioni di anni fa e rimasto in funzione per circa 500 mila anni.
Gli scienziati si sono riuniti per studiare il caso e molti di loro lo hanno indicato come un fenomeno sorprendente, eppure naturale.
Il dottor Glenn T. Seaborg, ex capo della Commissione per l’Energia atomica degli Stati Uniti e vincitore del premio Nobel per il suo contributo sulla sintesi dei materiali pesanti, ha spiegato per quale motivo non si tratta assolutamente di un fenomeno naturale, bensì di un reattore nucleare artificiale.
Perché l’uranio ‘bruci’ in una reazione, occorrono condizioni molto precise.
Prima di tutto, l’acqua deve essere estremamente pura. Molto più pura di quella che esiste in qualunque parte del mondo.
Il 235U è l’elemento necessario per la fissione nucleare. È uno degli isotopi naturalipresenti nell’uranio.
Diversi specialisti di ingegneria nucleare hanno affermato che l’uranio di Oklo non poteva contenere quantità di 235U sufficienti a innescare una reazione naturale.
Inoltre, sembrava un reattore più avanzato di qualsiasi congegno che potremmo costruire oggi. Si estendeva per interi chilometri e l’impatto termico sul territorio circostante era limitato a un raggio di 40 metri. I rifiuti radioattivi sono trattenuti ancora dagli elementi geologici e non hanno superato il sito minerario.

The Oklo, Repubblica del Gabon, sito del reattore nucleare (Nasa)

2. Una pietra peruviana raffigurante un antico telescopio e abiti moderni
Si ritiene che Galileo Galilei abbia inventato il telescopio nel 1609. Una pietra che sembra risalire a 65 milioni di anni fa, tuttavia, mostra una figura umana intenta ad osservare le stelle con un telescopio.
Circa 10 mila pietre conservate nel Museo Cabrera di Ica, in Perù, raffigurano uomini preistorici che indossano copricapi, abiti e scarpe. Alcune pietre mostrano scene simili a trapianti di organi, parti cesarei e trasfusioni di sangue; altre rappresentano incontri con i dinosauri.
Sebbene alcuni affermano che si tratta di falsi, il dottor Dennis Swift, che ha studiato archeologia presso l’Università del New Mexico, nel suo libro Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines [I segreti delle Pietre di Ica e delle Linee di Nazca] ha fornito le prove che le pietre risalgono alle civiltà precolombiane.
Swift sostiene che uno dei motivi per cui le pietre furono considerate false negli anni 60 è che, all’epoca, si credeva che i dinosauri camminassero trascinando la coda, mentre le pietre raffigurano i dinosauri con la coda alzata, pertanto non sono state ritenute attendibili.
Studi successivi, tuttavia, hanno dimostrato che i dinosauri probabilmente camminavano con la coda alzata, così come sono rappresentati sulle pietre.

(Per gentile concessione di Eugenia Cabrera/Museo Cabrera)

3. Cultura avanzata nelle pitture rupestri
Le grotte di La Marche nella Francia Centro-Occidentale contengono raffigurazioni di oltre 14 mila anni fa di esseri umani con i capelli corti, le barbe curate e abiti su misura, a cavallo e vestiti con indumenti moderni.
Tutt’altra cosa rispetto agli abiti in pelle di animale che immaginiamo di solito.
Questi dipinti sono stati riconosciuti autentici nel 2002. Studiosi come Michael Rappenglueck dell’Università di Monaco sostengono che questi importanti repertivengono semplicemente ignorati dalla scienza moderna.
Rappenglueck ha studiato le avanzate conoscenze astronomiche delle civiltà paleolitiche e ha scritto: «Per alcuni anni è stata la stampa (con il supporto di materiale cartaceo e audiovisivo, strumenti elettronici e programmi per planetari) ad occuparsi di promuovere la conoscenza della protoastronomia (così come della protomatematica e di altre protoscienze) durante il Paleolitico».
Alcune pietre delle grotte di La Marche sono in mostra al Museo dell’Uomo di Parigi, ma quelle che ritraggono chiaramente gli uomini primitivi con un pensiero e una culturanon sono esposte.

Pittura rupestre delle Grotte di Altamira nel Padiglione Anthropos del Museo Moravo, Repubblica Ceca. (Wikimedia Commons)

Quando nel diciannovesimo secolo furono scoperte delle pitture risalenti a più di 30 mila anni fa in alcune grotte europee, queste sfidarono il comune concetto di preistoria. Uno dei più grandi critici della scoperta, Emile Cartailhac, subentrò dopo qualche decennio e diventò un punto di riferimento nella dimostrazione che le pitture erano autentiche e nella valorizzazione della loro importanza.
Le prime pitture furono scoperte nel 1879 da Don Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, un nobile spagnolo e da sua figlia Maria nelle Grotte di Altamira. Le pitture mostravano un’inaspettata raffinatezza.
La scoperta è stata respinta fino agli inizi del ventesimo secolo, quando Cartailhac ha pubblicato uno studio su questi dipinti.

Articolo in inglese: 3 ‘Modern’ Inventions That Existed Millions of Years Ago: Nuclear Reactor, Telescope, Clothes

Toledo native recalls close encounter with UFO

Toledo native and retired Navy Cmdr. David Fravor chuckles at how the most famous story of his 24-year military career invariably tops all others when he finds himself chitchatting with friends and acquaintances.

 Risultati immagini per Toledo native recalls close encounter with UFO

Many people on Earth claim to have seen an unidentified flying object. But Commander Fravor, a 1982 Whitmer High School graduate, is one of the few who claim to have been in pursuit of a UFO while flying military aircraft.

 Risultati immagini per Toledo native recalls close encounter with UFO

“What was unique with ours is we actually interacted with it. We chased it. I went after it,” Commander Fravor, 53, told The Blade in a telephone interview from his house in Windham, N.H., a city of 14,439 people that’s 37 miles north of Boston.

 Risultati immagini per Toledo native recalls close encounter with UFO

Commander Fravor’s mysterious encounter occurred way back on Nov. 14, 2004, when he and another pilot were on a training mission 140 miles southwest of San Diego.
To read more, and watch the video, download Blade NewsSlide at


Pilots in two separate planes report seeing the same UFO over Arizona

UFO sightings are often hard to believe, and for pretty obvious reasons. When a sighting originates from a single person it is often written off immediately, simply because it’s impossible to verify what one individual believes they saw in the sky. However, when two or more witnesses say they saw the same thing — and when those witnesses are seasoned airline pilots who know a thing or two about what should and shouldn’t be speeding around above the clouds — thing start to get a lot more interesting.


On February 24th, two pilots reported seeing the same bizarre object in the sky above their heads and nobody, including the FAA, has any idea what it was. The audio recording of the banter between the pilots and their air traffic controller reveals just how strange the sightings were, and it’s clear the pilots had no idea what it was they were seeing.
The audio of the conversations, first reported by The Drive, begins with the pilot of a Learjet owned by Phoenix Air radioing in to the air traffic control center to ask if another plane had passed over the top of them a few seconds earlier.
“Negative,” the controller responds, prompting another pilot to chime in “a UFO,” to which the pilot of the Learjet offers a lighthearted “yeah.”
The controller than contacts another pilot, this time on an American Airlines flight headed over the same area that the strange sighting was reported. The controller asks the pilot to radio in if they see anything pass over them over the next few miles of their flight.
“I don’t know what it was, it wasn’t an airplane but it was… the path was going in the opposite direction,” the Learjet pilot explains. It’s not long before the American Airlines pilot hops on the radio to say that they, too, saw the bizarre object.
“Yeah, something just passed over us, like a… I don’t know what it was,” the American pilot says. “But it was at least two, three thousand feet above us. Yeah, it passed right over the top of us.”
According to the FAA, no other planes should have been over the area at the time of the sightings. The fact that the pilots identified the objects as not being a plane or a balloon just makes things all the more confusing. Aliens? Maybe.

Kerry Cameraworks: What UFO is this?

Just flew over Turky somewhere over Izmir and Khios Agean sea, heading into Athens around 4.30pm today we'd 21 March 2018. It appears to be flying away at right angles from our commercial jet and somehow without either of us appearing to turn we end up almost following it. Please KLK like share and follow. Regards Kerry

L’8 marzo 1639 il primo avvistamento Ufo in America

Sono passati 379 anni dal primo avvistamento Ufo in Nord America.

Era l’8 marzo del 1639, nell’epoca dei Padri Pellegrini, quando a Boston, sul Charles River (chiamato nel gergo locale Muddy River), comparve il primo oggetto non identificato della storia degli Stati Uniti. L’evento venne riportato da John Winthrop, il governatore coloniale del Massachusetts: l’amministratore descrisse quello che oggi verrebbe certamente indicato come un avvistamento ufologico, il primo in assoluto sul suolo americano. Winthrop annotò nel suo diario lo straordinario evento: «Un certo James Everell, uomo sobrio e discreto, a bordo di una piccola imbarcazione sul Muddy River con altri due uomini, ha visto una grande luce durante la notte, lunga circa 9 piedi (2,7 metri) che correva verso Charinton e tornava indietro. Inizialmente ferma e immobile, ha poi iniziato a muoversi a zig-zag sul fiume. Infine la luce è scomparsa nel nulla. A volte l’oggetto si contraeva assumendo la forma di un maiale. Erano circa le 22, il fenomeno è andato avanti per due o tre ore. Altre persone credibili hanno visto la stessa luce, nello stesso luogo». Everell raccontò di essere rimasto letteralmente pietrificato dallo spavento, come anche i suoi compagni di avventura. Dopo essersi ripresi dallo shock i tre si sono accorti, con grande sorpresa, che la luce doveva averli sospinti, dato che si trovavano più a monte rispetto alla loro posizione iniziale, nonostante la marea contraria. Il giornalista irlandese James Savage nel 1835 pubblicò il diario del politico, attribuendo l’avvistamento a “qualche operazione del diavolo”.

Giorgio Giordano


USA: Due piloti avvistano oggetto non identificato

È successo in Arizona, nei pressi di Roswell. La FAA non ha rilasciato dichiarazioni

 Risultati immagini per arizona map

WASHINGTON - Due piloti, di due voli commerciali Usa hanno avvistato, a pochi minuti di distanza l'uno dall'altro, un grande oggetto non identificato, sopra i cieli dell'Arizona. Entrambi i piloti lo hanno comunicato in diretta ai controllori di volo dell' 'Albuquerque Center air traffic control'( che si trova in New Mexico), specificando che l' 'oggetto' volava in direzione contraria alla loro. O forse era quasi fermo,almeno sopra uno dei due aerei in questione. La Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ha ora reso pubblici i nastri della registrazione,pubblicati dei media Usa,e accompagnati da un 'no comment'. "Non abbiamo alcun commento da aggiungere - dice la nota della FAA - al di la' di quello che potete ascoltare".
L'evento ha avuto luogo il 24 febbraio alle 3:30 pm ora locale: il primo avvistamento e' stato fatto dal pilota della 'Phoenix Air':
"C'e' qualche aereo in rotta che ci e' passato sopra 30 secondi fa?".
La risposta della FAA e' stata:"Negativo".
Nessuno aereo previsto in zona. Ma i controllori della FAA di Albuquerque hanno subito allertato il volo 1095 della American Airlines Flight poco distante, sollecitandolo a tenere gli occhi aperti per un possibile oggetto nel cielo.Neanche un minuto dopo il pilota dell'aereo della AA ha comunicato via radio che un oggetto non identificato li aveva appena passati.
"Sì qualcosa ci ha appena superato, e'passato sopra a noi. Non so cos'era ,era circa 3.000 piedi (meno di 1 km)sopra".

 Albuquerque New Mexico Map

Il pilota non ha saputo dire con certezza se l'oggetto non identificato stava effettivamente volando sopra l'aeroplano o si era posizionato sopra. Il pilota della American ha osservato che l'oggetto aveva "un grande riflesso" ed ha espresso dubbi si trattasse di un pallone Google. I due avvistamenti sono avvenuti a soli 500 miglia da Roswell, nel New Mexico. Luogo della più famosa e misteriosa storia di UFO. Dove alcuni sostengono un oggetto non identificato sarebbe caduto al suolo nel 1947.


Commento di Oliviero Mannucci: Secondo il giornalista di TUTTOSPORT che ha scritto questo articolo, Roswell si troverebbe in Arizona. Ma in effetti Roswell è in New Mexico e neanche tanto vicino al confine con l'Arizona, ma dalla parte opposta. Ma del resto che volete, è già ammirevole che TUTTOSPORT, testata che parla di sport, abbia riportato una notizia ufologica di questa portata, senz'altro un segno di un cambiamento dei tempi. Anche alcuni giornalisti, dopo le rivelazioni del Pentagono, del Dicembre scorso sugli UFO, hanno capito che l'ufologia è una cosa seria !

Thursday, March 29, 2018

La stazione spaziale cinese ruota più rapidamente

Stime per il rientro immutate, arrivata la prima foto scattata dalla Terra

 La stazione spaziale cinese Tiangong1 ha cominciato a ruotare un po' più rapidamente, ma ancora non così tanto da costringere a rivedere le stime per il rientro, che continuano a indicare come data probabile intorno alle 12,00 del primo aprile, con una tolleranza di più o meno un giorno. Una stima confermata anche dalle prime previsioni ufficiali del sistema di sorveglianza spaziale americano, lo Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) del Comando Strategico USA (USSTRATCOM) "Adesso la stazione Tiangong 1 compie un giro completo ogni 2,40 minuti", ha detto all'ANSA Luciano Anselmo, dell'Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione 'A. Faedo' del Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr). "Per il resto - ha proseguito l'esperto - non ci sono particolari novità: le condizioni dell'atmosfera e quelle del campo geomagnetico terrestre hanno continuato a essere tranquille nelle ultime 48 ore e non ha subito variazioni nemmeno il modo in cui il veicolo è orientato nello spazio".

TINGONG 1 OSSERVABILE NEL CIELOUltimi passaggi visibili della stazione spaziale Tiangong-1, che a pochi giorni dal suo rientro nell'atmosfera  sta sfrecciando sulle nostre teste a 28.000 chilometri orari, a circa 200 chilometri di quota. Chi volesse provare a osservarla dal vivo potrà farlo venerdì 30 marzo, quando la Tiangong 1  sorvolerà per l'ultima volta l'Italia: spettacolo assicurato al Sud, mentre sarà meno favorevole al Centro e praticamente invisibile al Nord, come spiega l'astrofisico Gianluca Masi, responsabile del Virtual Telescope.

Una delle prime immagini della stazione spaziale cinese Tiangong 1 riprese dalla Terra, dall'astrofisico Gianluca Masi (fonte: Gianluca Masi, The Virtual Telescope Project)
"Il passaggio sull'Italia è previsto per il 30 marzo alle prime luci dell'alba, intorno alle ore 6:20. A Palermo - prosegue l'esperto - la stazione spaziale cinese sarà facilmente individuabile a occhio nudo, perché apparirà brillante come la stella Vega e passerà a 60 gradi di altezza. Chi volesse vederla da Roma, invece, faticherà un po' di più: la Tiangong-1 passerà bassa sull'orizzonte e avrà una luminosità ridotta, simile a quella della Stella Polare".
Nessun 'saluto', invece, sopra il Nord Italia: "al momento le stime riferiscono di un possibile passaggio il 2 aprile, ma per quella data, se le previsioni non sbagliano, la stazione spaziale cinese dovrebbe già essere scomparsa". Quello sull'Arizona, invece, "è un passaggio da manuale", sottolinea l'astrofisico. "Prima dell'alba, alle 14:37 ora italiana, la stazione spaziale cinese apparirà brillante come la stella Vega e in tre minuti attraverserà l'intero specchio del cielo passando allo zenit. Proveremo a osservarla con il telescopio ad alto ingrandimento, mentre con le telecamere ad ampio campo cercheremo di mostrare anche la traccia che lascerà fra le stelle".
La stazione spaziale cinese Tiangong 1 si trova adesso alla distanza media di 200 chilometri dalla Terra e a mano a mano che perde energia scende al ritmo di 4 o 5 chilometri al giorno., ha osservato Anselmo.
ORBITA NON CIRCOLARE"Considerando che l'orbita percorsa dalla stazione Tiangong 1 non è circolare, possiamo dire che il punto più vicino alla Terra si è abbassato un po' sotto i 200 chilometri e adesso la stazione spaziale cinese sta scendendo abbastanza in fretta", ha osservato Anselmo. Questo, ha spiegato, accade perché più il veicolo perde progressivamente energia, più l'orbita si abbassa. Al momento "è confermata la tendenza secondo cui il rientro potrebbe avvenire il primo aprile con il margine di un giorno in più o in meno, quindi fra il 31 marzo e il 2 aprile".

La fascia contrassegnata in rosso delimita l'area sorvolata dalla stazione spaziale cinese Tiangong 1 (fonte: ISTI/CNR)

Al momento ogni previsione è indicativa perchè, ha proseguito Anselmo, "ci sono ancora numerose variabili da prendere in considerazione". Ad esempio, il rientro potrebbe essere anticipato da eventuali tempeste geomagnetiche, oppure potrebbe modificare il modo in cui il veicolo è orientato nello spazio: potrebbe. ad esempio, diventare più aerodinamico.
"Idee ragionevolmente più affidabili sulla finestra di rientro saranno possibili soltanto nelle ultime 36 ore", ha detto ancora Anselmo. Da quel momento in poi, ha aggiunto, comincerà una sorta di "gioco di esclusione" che porterà a cancellare aree sempre più vaste dalla mappa dei possibili siti di rientro.

Se i radar americani, russi e tedeschi continueranno a funzionare regolarmente anche nella settimana di Pasqua "si potrebbe arrivare a una situazione nella quale già 6 ore prima si potrebbe escludere il 97% delle aree della fascia a rischio", quella che si trova fra 42,8 gradi di latitudine Nord e 42,8 gradi di latitudine Sud e che comprende anche l'Italia, da Firenze in giù, accanto a gran parte del Sudamerica e parte di quella centro-settentrionale, l'Africa, l'Asia meridionale, l'Oceania e naturalmente gli oceani.

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WIKILEAKS Global extinction in 20 years as magnetic north heads towards the equator

 WIKILEAKS: 'Global extinction in 20 years as magnetic north heads towards the equator' HILLARY Clinton's campaign team was warned of the threat of a global extinction event in as soon as 20 years by a man claiming to be part of a secretive Government organisation, Wikileaks email releases have disclosed. John Podesta, Mrs Clinton's campaign manger, was emailed by a man claiming to work for a secretive Canadian Government organisation who urged for more co-operation or "we could all be dead in 20 years". The writer of the email, sent to Mr Podesta, called himself Ken Coffin and claimed that the movement of the magnetic north pole could see humans wiped of the face of the Earth. The man, who said he was from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, claimed: "I represent a Canadian organisation that doesn't exist that looks lik

National Geographic reports UFO sighting near Kangaroo Island, Australia

National Geographic, in their article published on their website, has indicated that Australia was visited by aliens in the 1960s. According to the website's report, a UFO was spotted on a radar over a Kangaroo island way back in 1969.

The memoirs of a radio technician

Alan Potter

It was in August 1969 that Alan Potter, an amateur radio technician spotted something peculiar on the radar head while he was servicing a radar at the Adelaide airport.
While tracking a Fokker Friendship flying from Adelaide to Kingscote on Kangaroo Island, he stumbled upon a large unidentified flying object approaching from Port Lincoln. The shape of the flying object baffled Alan Potter, as he had never seen such an object in his career.
Upon further analysis, Potter saw a small object detached from the large object which flew in a line towards the Fokker plane. Later, the small object met the Fokker plane above the Rapid bay, and soon the small object returned to the larger one.
After seeing this mysterious sighting, Alan Potter believed that the small and large object might be UFOs from outer planets which were checking out the Fokker plane.
Australia: The hottest hub of UFO sightings
In 2004, Potter's weird experience was logged by the Australian UFO research network and they started investigating this incident. However, neither the passengers nor the pilots in the Fokker plane reported anything out of order during their journey.
Australia was considered the hottest hub of UFO sightings during the latter half of the 20th century. In the 1960s, several UFO sightings were reported in Adelaide alone, but most of these incidents went unexplained. As the number of sightings increased, conspiracy theorists in the country alleged that the government is aware of extraterrestrial life, and they are intentionally covering it up from the general public for unknown reasons.

Bonney Lake crash and UFO mystery reveal hidden history

On the evening of Wednesday, April 1, 1959, an Air Force C-118 – that’s the military version of a DC-6 airliner – was on a training exercise. It was doing “touch and go” landings at McChord Air Force Base, or what’s now JBLM, taking off and landing, and then flying around the nearby countryside.

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A diagram showing the final moments of a US Air Force C-118 that crashed near Bonney Lake on April 1, 1959. (U.S. Air Force)

At about 8:12 p.m. that night, the tower at McChord asked the pilots of the C-118 to delay their next return to the runway because several fighter planes were landing. The C-118 headed east toward Bonney Lake to fly in a holding pattern.
It was about five minutes later when something went terribly wrong. The C-118 went down.
And within a few days, some people were blaming a UFO. Some still aren’t sure what exactly happened.

The crash site


Risultati immagini per bonney lake crash ufo
The US Air Force C-118 that crashed near Bonney Lake in 1959 was similar to this aircraft, and was the military version of the DC-6 airliner. (U.S. Air Force)



Lee Corbin is a retired military and airline pilot who for many years has been researching the story of what happened to the C-118. Last Friday, Corbin led a reporter on a hike to a wooded area not far from Highway 410, during an unusual bout of springtime snow.The woods where Corbin walked are in Pierce County near Bonney Lake, south of Highway 410, and not far from the growing “master planned community” called Tehaleh. Corbin had parked his truck off the side of the road, near a dead end that will one day connect the east and west halves of the development, and then walked up a gentle slope and onto a woodsy plateau.

“At the time this happened, and this is where the UFO controversy comes in, is supposedly the [pilot] made a radio call saying ‘We’ve hit something or something has hit us,’” Corbin said, leading the way along an old logging or fire road leftover from when the land belonged to Weyerhaeuser.
“[And] you don’t find [mention of that] in any of the accident reports, interestingly enough, but several newspapers carried that story,” Corbin said.
That quote mentioned by Corbin – with the pilots reporting some kind of collision – was attributed to Colonel Robert E. Booth, commander of the 1705th Air Transport Group. It appeared in the Seattle Times on April 2, 1959.
What had happened, it was later reported by the Air Force, was that the pilot and co-pilot thought the tower at McChord was tracking the plane’s altitude, and the tower thought the pilot and co-pilot were tracking their own altitude.
It was dark, and there weren’t many houses or lights in that area in those days. As it turned out, the plane was flying too low to clear a place called “Spar Pole Hill” near Orting. The right wing of the C-118 struck the treetops there. The wing was badly damaged, and it caught fire, but the plane kept flying.
Six or so miles north of Spar Pole Hill, the damage from striking the trees proved to be too much.
“The right wing peels off the airplane, and about this same time the co-pilot makes a radio call saying ‘This is it,’ because they know they’re going in,” Corbin said.
The pilot was later credited with somehow steering the plane clear of the homes and businesses in and around downtown Orting.
“So the airplane loses its wing, rolls inverted, then just basically noses in right here,” Corbin said, pointing to a wooded area, dense with underbrush and 50-foot tall evergreens.
The plane crashed and exploded, and a huge fire consumed much of the wreckage and was still smoldering the next day. At the crash site on Friday, Lee Corbin easily found pieces of the wreckage – small chunks of thick and twisted aluminum, some with rivets still attached – just sitting on the forest floor.
All four men aboard the plane died in the fiery crash, including 1st Lieutenant Robert Roy Dimick, the pilot; 1st Lieutenant Thomas E. Lasater, co-pilot; and Technical Sergeant Guy J. Cunningham and Staff Sergeant Arthur T. Foote, both flight engineers.
Corbin has researched military aviation accidents around the Northwest, and he lives not too far from the site of the C-118 crash. He’d ultimately like to see some kind of monument to the crew of the C-118, maybe when the Tehaleh development reaches this, so far, relatively untouched piece of land.
Corbin has also been in touch with the developers and asked them to keep him apprised when work is set to begin in the area near where the C-118 crashed, so that he can help keep a lookout for artifacts that might turn up during any tree removal or excavation.
What actually caused the crash? Officially, the Air Force cited “operator error” and “supervisory error” in the downing of the C-118, pointing to the confusion over who was keeping track of the plane’s altitude.
But in addition to the crash that night, a series of sonic booms had been heard and felt around much of the Puget Sound, and a series of odd and seemingly inexplicable lights had been witnessed near Bonney Lake. This, combined with the news that the pilot had reported that they might’ve hit something, helped spawn theories that the crash was caused by a collision with a UFO.
These theories were collected and written about by a Seattle firefighter named Bob Gribble. Gribble was a pioneer in the amateur scientific study of UFOs – and sharing of information – going back to the 1950s. He’s in his 90s now, and reportedly suffering from dementia.
Gribble is best known in the UFO community for founding the National UFO Reporting Center and UFO hotline in Seattle in the 1970s. When Gribble stepped down from running the hotline, a UW fisheries school graduate named Peter Davenport volunteered to take over.
RELATED: Logger long-ago found missing McChord bomber
Davenport had witnessed a UFO as a small child with his family in St. Louis back in the 1950s, and he wrote about UFOs for a local paper in New Hampshire as a teenager.
In July 1994, Davenport heard that Bob Gribble was thinking of closing down the hotline. So he called him up.
“We talked, and before I knew it, Bob said, ‘Would you like the hotline?’ He said, ‘If you’d like it, it’s yours,’” Davenport said by telephone late last week.
“I accepted the responsibility for the hotline in that conversation,” Davenport said. “There are many times when I wished I’d turned my back on the generous offer and not accepted it, because it has resulted in tens of thousands of hours of work, very interesting work in many instances, but work nevertheless.”
Davenport calls the hotline “work,” but it’s more of a volunteer project or labor of scientific love.
“Most of the expenses are met by me, out of my savings, in order to keep the process going. It’s a measure of my dedication to the field, but I’m convinced that we are being visited, frequently visited, by these objects we call UFOs,” Davenport said.
“The US government, is trying to convince people that it’s all a hoax and a fiction, but I don’t believe so,” Davenport said. “And I think it’s extremely important . . . that the American people know the truth about the UFO phenomenon.”
Peter Davenport was based in Seattle for more than 20 years and only recently moved his residence – and the hotline – to Eastern Washington. He’s heard as a guest, discussing recent UFO reports almost every week on “Coast to Coast AM,” broadcast nightly at 10pm on KIRO Radio.
As for the Bonney Lake crash, it’s not as famous as the time when Kenneth Arnold coined the term “flying saucer” near Mount Rainier in 1947 or the Maury Island Incident in the same year, but Peter Davenport had heard of it.
“I think Bob Gribble did mention this case to me once before,” Davenport said. “What triggered my memory was the fact that the plane appeared to have been pressed down vertically to earth rather than hitting, striking the earth at a slant angle.”
Gribble published an article in May 1959 in a publication called “A.P.R.O. Bulletin” – short for “Aerial Phenomena Research Organization.” Gribble’s piece detailed his investigations into the Bonney Lake crash. He described the odd sounds and lights that many witnesses had reported that evening, and what he described as the “silencing” of local officials in Orting – by the military – about what had really happened on the night of April 1, 1959.

UFO mystery years later

Nearly 60 years later, it doesn’t really help clear things up much to see that the crash investigation report prepared back then by the US Air Force still has about two pages of text redacted—even though Lee Corbin has tried for years to get the full report and has been denied multiple times.
All those details aside, it’s fascinating to hear Peter Davenport describe the big-picture, scientific and non-sensationalized national approach that Bob Gribble took to studying UFOs, from right here in Seattle.
“He set up the National UFO Reporting Center and the Aerial Phenomena Research Group, and he also formed a telephone hotline which is the hotline I run today,” Davenport said. “It’s been in continuous operation since October of 1974.” Gribble, Davenport says, also did mass mailings of information about the hotline to law enforcement agencies around the country, to make sure word got out that there was a place to call to report UFO sightings.
As it turns out, Bob Gribble was just one of several nationally influential people in this area who compiled information and studied UFOs for decades.
Dr. Marilyn Childs and her late husband Laurence Childs moved to Seattle in 1971 and were the first husband-and-wife team of UFO investigators. They were part of a local chapter of group called the Mutual UFO Network, or “MUFON” for short.
“What we did was, we kept the metaphysical part out of MUFON,” Childs said earlier this week. “There’s a lot of us who do believe in this stuff, but we want to keep it strictly scientific . . . because if it’s going to [be taken seriously], we’re going to have to do that.”
“So we concentrated on mainly education and scientific research, and we trained our people,” many of whom were engineers from Boeing and Fluke, Childs said.
The various groups also got along with each other, and the members of different organizations attended each other’s meetings and were supportive of their groups’ respective activities.
Marilyn Childs says this was unusual compared to what she heard about or saw in other parts of the country.
“I haven’t ever heard of anybody working together like we all did,” Childs said. “But we just loved each other and nobody was on a big ego trip, and it just worked out perfectly.”
The earlier era described by Childs sounds downright idyllic, and it also seems to have changed somewhat in recent years.
Meanwhile, Peter Davenport is not sure about who’s going to take over the hotline when he retires. He’s also not sure about what will happen to the decades of UFO reports that he and Bob collected. Aside from their value to UFO researchers, these records likely say much about broad aspects of American culture and the human psyche.
“I’ve approached the University of Washington to inquire whether they’d like to have my records, and they expressed disinterest,” Davenport said. “The library said, ‘Because we don’t have courses in the subject, we’re not interested in having the archives.’ Which makes sense, I guess. I might just burn it. There’s very little good that the archives would do if people are not going to pay attention . . . I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t have a solution to that problem.”
Davenport may also write a book about his experiences, but he says it likely won’t be strictly about UFOs.
“It will be about the peculiar facets of human psychology that I’ve been witness to as a UFO investigator,” Davenport said. “People do and say and believe strange things, some of which are true, most of which, in my opinion, are probably not true.”
“But it’s hard to know for sure.”
Have you seen or experienced a UFO? Peter Davenport wants to hear about it! Reach him via the National UFO Reporting Center.

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