
Monday, May 20, 2013

UFO expert shares insights, sightings

UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania

He spoke to a rapturous audience at the Levittown Library on Saturday in a free presentation called “UFOlogy and Much More” sponsored by the Friends of Levittown Library.

Witkowski, of Lancaster, is the director of the UFO Research Center of PA, a nonprofit group of investigators dedicated to confirming the veracity of all manner of unexplained events.
The UFORCOP team travels across Pennsylvania to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects, legendary animals and monsters, the paranormal, reports of alien abduction, spontaneous combustion, unexplained mutilations and other highly strange events. The group has seven affiliated organizations across the country and one in Poland, Witkowski said.
“Hoaxing is 99 percent of this field. If we find a hoax, I expose it. I put it on the website. We will tell you the way it is,” Witkowski said. “We do not charge a fee for research. We do our own lab work. We don’t take somebody’s word for it.”
Witkowski said he didn’t believe in a government coverup involving aliens until he attended a conference in Washington in which a retired longtime news reporter and Washington insider told him aliens were real and lived among the citizenship.
“Why are they here?” one woman asked from the audience.
“Nobody knows,” Witkowski said. “There are theories. Some people say that they are us.”
Another question came from the audience: “Do you think that there’s a connection between UFOs and the Bermuda Triangle?”
“Yes,” Witkowski said, adding that there have been many UFO sightings over the ocean.
“Is there a government cover-up, and why?” asked one woman.
“Yes,” Witkowski answered. “There’s a government cover-up. Can you imagine what would happen if the government told you aliens live with us? They can’t do that. How could they admit that they’ve been lying to us all these years?”
Audience members who said they had seen unexplained objects in the sky shared their experiences with Witkowski and others in the audience.
“Are things out there? Absolutely. Do we know what they are? Absolutely not,” Witkowski told the crowd after hearing their stories.
Jack, a Fairless Hills resident who would only give his first name, attended the presentation after seeing a flier about it.
“I’ve had an interest in this. I used to be into this in the ‘90s,” Jack said. “I’ve never seen a UFO. I’m interested in the cryptozoology, the study of unknown animals.”
Witkowski encouraged everyone to visit if they see something unexplained or want to speak with a researcher.

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