
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

UFO Photographed Over Edgemoor Barn in Santee

More strange activity happening around Santee's oldest building, which is said to be haunted

Posted by Steven Bartholow  

 Credit: Ellen Henry

 A member of the Santee Historical Society (SHS) added a page to the paranormal history of Santee when she snapped a photo of an "unidentified flying object" over the Edgemoor Barn a couple weeks ago.

Ellen Henry, a SHS researcher, said she didn't hear or see what looks like a metallic saucer shaped object (see photos), but noticed an anomaly in the photo when she uploaded it to her computer and enlarged the image.

Credit: Ellen Henry

Reports of strange happenings at Edgemoor Barn, which just turned 100 years old, have led to investigations by paranormal investigators and the idea that the barn is haunted. The issue has been discussed at SHS board meetings and the museum even has a "ghost log," with numerous incidents reported, including shadow figures and the sounds of stomping boots.

Henry also reported that the camera she was using when she shot the UFO photo stopped working completely after that day. UFO witnesses often report similar accounts of electronics malfunctioning during or after a sighting.

 Credit: Ellen Henry

Santee sits right under a military flight path and borders Gillespie Field, so the city gets a wide variety of aircraft in its skies. Could this photo be an unusual military craft, a drone, a on-of-a-kind plane testing for Wings Over Gillespie, or simply a blurred insect? Or could there be even stranger things over head?

Here's her account of the sighting:

I did not see or hear the object, nor did the guys at Balfour Beatty who were out there at the same time I was taking the pics. I thought it could be military, but being from a military background I am familiar with these types of air crafts, and at this point the closest aircraft that is often mistaken for a UFO are the Stealth Fighter Bombers, and that was definitely not one. Someone did mention perhaps it was a drone, however I have not seen any drones that were round, or oval, and lacking wings, rudders,or propellers, even the drone that looks like a fly has wings.

 Credit: Ellen Henry

I was at the Edgemoor property, in the middle of the day, to take pics of the barn to update the SHS barn logo. I was constantly looking up and around the area, including the sky's background, so I can get it just right, and not at anytime did I see anything in the sky, or heard a sound of an aircraft. I did however noticed a "speck" on my LCD screen after I took the shot to check for clarity, and only realized it wasn't a speck when I downloaded it on my computer.
There is no way this was a commercial aircraft I would have heard it, especially as low as it seemed to be. As you know, we already have paranormal activities occurring at the barn on a regular basis, now this.
See the original Youtube post


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