
Friday, February 12, 2021

Ireland has most UFO sightings in Europe, including 'unnerving' reports last year

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Ireland seems to be the hub of UFO activity in Europe.

According to The Mirror, new data complied by Psychic World, reveal that there have been 105 recorded UFO sightings in Ireland, putting us at the top of the list for most sightings in Europe, behind France and Spain.

The majority of sightings in Ireland have been described as unexplainable bright lights, as well as glimpses of flying disks.

Three of these sightings occurred last year, with people reported seeing unexplained moving lights above the Irish sky.

 In January 2020, a family in Cork claimed to have seen a collection of circular objects in the sky.

The father, and his son and daughter, noticed the strange activity, which lasted ten minutes, while having their morning tea.

Although thinking the object was a satellite at first, they began to believe it was something extraterrestrial due to the speed at which they were moving.

The family then reported to have seen more objects travelling in a formation, similar to a that of a fleet of aircrafts.

Calling the sighting 'unnerving', the family filed a report  revealing that the lights travelled from horizon to horizon in a matter of minutes.

In Dublin, a man noticed a number of travelling dots in the sky in October 2020.

In his report he explained what happened, saying "I first saw a bright dot travelling from north to south saying to myself that's a satellite. Next another one three seconds later and then for about 40 minutes in sequence a number of travelling dots (as high as a plane would travel)."

"After every five or so there would be two dots travelling one behind the other and this happened about three times. They didn't seem like planes too close together, satellites maybe, birds at that height I don't think so, very strange" he added.

In Waterford, a man claimed to have seen 'three bright lights as a triangle connected together' flying over 100 miles above the ground last June.

Filing his report, he called the sighting very strange.

Ireland has the most UFO sights in Europe (via Getty)

There were also six more sightings reported in Ireland from 2010 to 2018, according to The Mirror.

Kerry - 2018

The Irish Aviation Authority launched an investigation into an unidentified flying object in November 2018 after pilots reported seeing one off the coast of Kerry.

There were reports of an object flying alongside planes before vanishing at "a very high speed".

Wicklow - 2014

A report was filed by a Wicklow resident after a they saw 'bright light in the sky' above Rathnew.

"I don't believe in things from space. But now I'm freaking out a little. This was something I have never seen before it came from space and it was quick" they man explained.

"This thing was so far out like the moon then it was about a mile above me." he added.

Meath - 2013

A man in Meath reported seeing an unexplained light after being woken up by his dogs.

Hearing his dogs barking in the middle of the night, he looked out the window to see what could be disturbing them. He then noticed "a huge orange coloured light in the sky which slowly started to get bigger before it eventually got to the size of about two or three full moons put together".

He claimed that this happened for around 45 minutes. 

Dublin - 2012

In September of 2012, a Dublin reported seeing "five large fireballs plummeting sideways through the sky" over the city.

He also reported seeing two more mini balls of fire "making weird movements" before they disappeared.

Westmeath - 2011

Another report of a flashing light moving in a strange pattern was reported to have been seen over Mullingar in November of 2011.

While out walking their dog, they tried to take a photo of the strange lights but when the flash went off on their phone, it disappeared.

Mayo - 2010

A green, semi-translucent beam of light was reported to have been coming down from the clouds in Claremorris in August of 2010.

A man was oit walking with his grandmother when they noticed this strange light flashing on and off.

In his report, he says, "I was with my gran, who is very sceptical about such things, but she was frightened by this, and wanted to get away. She described the clouds as having a strange two-dimensional appearance, with the one emitting the beam being dome-shaped."

"The beam went off suddenly and nothing occurred since. My gran is very straight-laced, so to see her so affected is a measure of the strangeness of the event." he added.

Kelly O'Sullivan 

Source News 



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