Spazio: ultima frontiera. Credere che si sia soli nell'universo è come credere che la Terra sia piatta. Come disse l'astrofisico Labeque al palazzo dell'UNESCO, durante il congresso mondiale del SETI di Parigi del Settembre 2008, " SOMETHING IS HERE", "Qualcosa è qui", e I TEMPI SONO MATURI per farsene una ragione. La CIA, l'FBI, la NSA, il Pentagono, e non solo, lo hanno confermato!
Van Tassel was born in Jefferson, Ohio in 1910, and grew up in a fairly prosperous middle-class family. He finished high school in the 10th grade and held a job at a small municipal airport near Cleveland; he also acquired a pilot's license. At age 20, he moved to California, where at first he worked as an automobile mechanic at a garage owned by an uncle. George Van Tassel started hosting group meditation in 1953 in a room underneath Giant Rock
excavated by Frank Critzer.
That year, according to Van Tassel the
occupant of a space ship from the planet Venus woke him up, invited him
on board his space ship, and both verbally and telepathically gave him a
technique for rejuvenating the human body. In 1954, Van Tassel and
others began building what they called the "Integratron" to perform the
Van Tassel was a classic 1950s contactee in the mold of George Adamski, Truman Bethurum, Daniel Fry, Orfeo Angelucci and many others. He hosted "The Giant Rock Spacecraft Convention" annually beside the Rock, from 1953 to 1978, which attracted at its peak in 1959 as many as 10,000 attendees. Guests trekked to the desert by car or landed airplanes on Van Tassel's small airstrip, called Giant Rock Airport.[4]
Over the years, every famous contactee of the period appeared personally at these conventions, and many more not-so-famous ones. References often state that the first and most famous contactee, George Adamski, pointedly boycotted these conventions; however, Adamski did, in fact attend the third convention, held in 1955, where he gave a 35-minute lecture and was interviewed by Edward J. Ruppelt, once head of the Air Force Project Blue Book. It was apparently the only such convention Adamski ever attended.[4]
Van Tassel founded a metaphysics research organization called The Ministry of Universal Wisdom, and The College of Universal Wisdom to codify the spiritual revelations he was now regularly receiving via communications with the people from Space.[2]
According to Van Tassel, the Integratron was to be a
structure for scientific research into time, anti-gravity and at
extending human life, built partially upon the research of Nikola Tesla and Georges Lakhovsky.
Van Tassel described the Integratron as being created for scientific
and spiritual research with the aim to recharge and rejuvenate people's
cells, "a time machine for basic research on rejuvenation, anti-gravity
and time travel".
The domed wood structure has a rotating metal apparatus on the outside
he called an "electrostatic dirod". Van Tassel claimed it was made of
materials: wood, concrete, glass, and fibreglass, lacking even metal
screws or nails. The Integratron was never fully completed due to Van
Tassel's sudden death a few weeks before the official opening. In recent
times some people who visit the unfinished Integratron claim to be
rejuvenated by staying there, and experiencing "sound baths" inside.
George Van Tassel died of a heart attack in Landers, California in 1978.
Laboratorio del dipartimento di Geoscienze dell'università di Padova
È il più grande diamante mai ritrovato in una meteorite, delle dimensioni di un decimo di millimetro.
E come se questo già non bastasse, va aggiunto che, per la prima volta
insieme a diamanti “grandi” di questo tipo, sono stati individuati
diamanti nanometrici (un diamante di un decimo di millimetro è circa
100.000 volte più grande di un diamante di 1 nanometro), grafite
nanometrica, leghe ferro-nickel, carburi di ferro e fosforo.
Associazione, questa, che permette di avvalorare l’origine “da shock”
dei diamanti extraterrestri.
A fare la scoperta è stato un gruppo di ricerca internazionale
coordinato da Fabrizio Nestola del dipartimento di Geoscienze
dell’università di Padova e da Maria Chiara Domeneghetti del
dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente dell’università di
Pavia, in collaborazione con Cyrena Goodrich del Lunar and Planetary
Institute di Houston, con Frank E. Brenker dell’università di
Francoforte, con Annamaria Fioretti dell’Istituto di Geoscienze e
georisorse del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche e con Konstantin
Litasov del Vereshchagin Institute for High Pressure Physics di Mosca.
Lo studio, dal titolo Impact shock origin of diamonds in ureilite meteorites, è stato pubblicato su Pnas.
Fabrizio Nestola illustra lo studio pubblicato su "Pnas". Servizio di Monica Panetto, montaggio di Elisa Speronello
Gli scienziati hanno esaminato tre frammenti di speciali
meteoriti contenenti diamanti (dette ureiliti), di cui uno proveniente
dalla meteorite denominata NWA 7983 e due dalla cosiddetta Almahata
Sitta. Quest’ultima, in particolare, era già stata studiata in
precedenza, tra il 2015 e il 2018, da un gruppo di scienziati che al suo
interno aveva rinvenuto “grandi” diamanti extraterrestri della
dimensione di circa 0.04 millimetri. Proprio questi ritrovamenti hanno
fatto discutere sulla loro possibile formazione. Allora i ricercatori
avevano ipotizzato, infatti, che diamanti di simili dimensioni potessero
essersi formati direttamente nelle profondità di un pianeta della
grandezza di Marte o Mercurio e con meccanismi simili a quelli con cui
si formano all’interno della Terra. Il pianeta all’interno del quale si
sarebbero formati tali diamanti, sarebbe poi andato distrutto. Una
seconda ipotesi propone, invece, la trasformazione della grafite in
diamante per effetto di un grande impatto da shock subito dai corpi
planetari genitori delle meteoriti piovute sulla Terra: l’ammasso
stellare, con la grafite al suo interno, avrebbe subito un grande urto e
generato direttamente il diamante a causa del forte aumento di
pressione e temperatura. Gli scontri spaziali dell’asteroide genitore
nel sistema solare iniziale avrebbe generato i diamanti con la
trasformazione della grafite.
In questo dibattito si inserisce la ricerca coordinata da Nestola
che, ora, consente di confermare questa seconda ipotesi. Secondo il
gruppo di ricerca internazionale, infatti, sia i diamanti più grandi che
quelli nanometrici si sarebbero formati dalla trasformazione diretta
della grafite dovuta a uno o diversi impatti nello spazio. Un ruolo
fondamentale, in questo processo, assume il ferro metallico. Gli autori
spiegano, infatti, che in laboratorio è possibile sintetizzare diamante
direttamente da grafite e la sintesi risulta più veloce se viene
aggiunto anche ferro metallico che funge da vero e proprio
catalizzatore. O, per dirla altrimenti, da “lievito istantaneo”
Microfotografia della meteorite denominata NWA 7983 che mostra aree
costituite da diamante e grafite (aree scure), aree costituite da
minerali silicatici a magnesio-ferro-calcio (foto: Oliver Christ) e aree
costituite da ferro metallico (aree molto chiare
Secondo gli scienziati, proprio la presenza di questo materiale
all’interno delle associazioni a carbonio (la grafite è la comune forma a
bassa pressione del carbonio puro) ha aiutato a “far crescere” il
diamante fino alle dimensioni di almeno 0.1 mm. Si ipotizza inoltre che
il corpo planetario, genitore delle meteoriti studiate, possa aver
subito un impatto piuttosto lungo, di almeno 4-5 secondi, una
circostanza questa che avrebbe aiutato il diamante a crescere a
pressioni relativamente basse. Questo periodo di tempo sarebbe
sufficiente per la formazione di diamanti di dimensioni micrometriche
grazie all’effetto catalizzatore del metallo. Il fatto che il ferro
metallico sia onnipresente e associato alle fasi di carbonio nelle
ureiliti spiega dunque la formazione di grandi diamanti dalla grafite
originale a causa di uno shock. Escludendo, in questo modo secondo gli
autori, l’ipotesi di un corpo genitore delle dimensioni di Marte o
Un altro traguardo importante quello raggiunto dal team coordinato da
Fabrizio Nestola, che da anni ormai si dedica a questo filone di
ricerca. Con risultati che, in più di un’occasione, si sono guadagnati
le copertine di riviste scientifiche internazionali. Nel 2018 era il
caso di Nature, con le indagini sui diamanti super-profondi blu
che devono il loro colore alla presenza di boro, secondo gli scienziati
proveniente da antichi oceani superficiali; nel 2016 era la volta di Science
e di una nuova categoria di diamanti super profondi e super giganti
(detti Clippir). Qualche anno prima, nel 2014, un’altra pubblicazione
importante, su Nature, riferiva di un frammento di ringwooditerinvenuto
all’interno di un diamante super profondo proveniente dal Brasile, che
mostrava un significativo contenuto di acqua e faceva supporre che la
quantità di acqua presente all’interno del nostro pianeta fosse tre,
quattro volte superiore a quanto si era ritenuto fino a quel momento. E,
ora, sempre grazie ai diamanti, viene aggiunto un altro tassello di
rilievo alle nostre conoscenze.
The potential underground salt lake reported by the Mars Express
spacecraft in 2018 is located near the planet's permanent south polar
ice cap.
New research adds fresh evidence for salty lakes below the Red Planet's south pole.
Two years ago,
planetary scientists were abuzz with the potential discovery of a
subsurface lake on Mars — buried deep beneath layers of ice and dust at
the planet's south pole.
Now, new research adds more weight to that possibility, suggesting there is not just one but several briney lakes.
These aquifers would represent the first
known martian bodies of liquid water — albeit extremely salty water.
Taken with other recent discoveries — such as lakes beneath the surface
of the dwarf planet Ceres — it is part of a growing picture that liquid water is more widespread in the solar system than previously thought.
Looking salty
In 2018, an Italian team of researchers announced evidence
of salt water beneath the southern polar cap of Mars: the radar sounder
of the ESA Mars Express orbiter had detected unusually bright,
reflective patches below the ice. This, the researchers argued, could be
a lake of liquid water 12 miles (20 kilometers) across that melted from
the ice cap and was trapped beneath it, over a kilometer beneath the
On Earth, similar lakes form beneath
glaciers, where heat from the ground and the pressure of the glacier
above melt some of its ice. And although Mars is too cold for pure water
to remain in liquid form below its glaciers, it could do so if it were
extremely salty with a much lower freezing point, the team says. This
briney mixture might be filled with salts called perchlorates, dissolved
from rocks.
But it wasn't a slam-dunk case. Mars is
not very geologically active, and it's not clear whether the planet's
interior can supply the amount of heat to create a lake of that size.
Now, the team is back with a new study, published September 28 in Nature Astronomy, that they say bolsters their argument.
The team returned to data from the Mars
Express radar sounder, called MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface
and Ionospheric Sounding). This time they analyzed a dataset of 134
radar profiles, compared to 29 in their previous study.
They also brought a new approach,
adapting radar techniques used by satellites orbiting Earth to image
buried geological features. Their analysis looks not just at how bright
an area is but other metrics as well, such as how the signal strength
varies, indicating how smooth the reflecting surface is. Previously,
this method has found subglacial lakes in Antartica, Greenland, and the
Canadian Arctic.
By running their analysis on sounding
data collected by the spacecraft over the previously-identified bright
area and comparing it to surrounding regions, the team could see major
differences in their characteristics that suggested the presence of
liquid water, strengthening the evidence that the original bright patch
is indeed a salty lake.
In addition, they spotted other, smaller
areas that met their detection criteria for liquid water — or came
close, suggesting they're ponds or mucky sediments.
Life below Mars?
The prospect of these underground, salty
lakes also add an intriguing wrinkle to the debate about whether life
could exist on Mars today. The extreme salt content doesn't sound
hospitable for life, but some researchers think it could be possible.
A recent paper by a pair of researchers
at Harvard University and the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) also
addressed the possibility of life in underground environments on Mars
and even the Moon.
“Extremophilic organisms are capable of
growth and reproduction at low subzero temperatures," said Harvard's Avi
Loeb, one of the study authors, in a press release.
"They are found in places that are permanently cold on Earth, such as
the polar regions and the deep sea, and might also exist on the Moon or
In their paper, published September 20 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters
they calculate that even without the addition of salt, liquid water is
possible on Mars several miles deep. And although any life at those
depths would be subjected to crushing pressures from the rock above,
some known single-celled organisms can survive them.
One thing is certain: actually searching
for such life will require drilling technology far beyond what we are
capable of sending into space at the moment. But, write Loeb and his
coauthor Manasvi Lingam of FIT, NASA's Artemis program could pave the
way for such subsurface exploration by returning humans to the moon —
beginning as soon as 2024.
Asteroide o detriti spaziali: resta l’incertezza sulla reale natura
dell’oggetto denominato “ SO 2020 ” che ad ottobre potrebbe attraversare
l’orbita terrestre, finire per essere catturato per qualche mese dalla
forza di gravità del nostro pianeta.
Avremmo così una nuova mini-luna
che ci terrebbe compagnia fino a maggio 2021: le simulazioni prevedono
anche due passaggi ravvicinati (1 dicembre e 2 febbraio), utili per
studiare da vicino questo strano oggetto.
Al momento 2020 S0 è
classificato come un asteroide Apollo, è un tipo di asteroide che
incrocia il suo percorso con quello della Terra, ma la sua orbita
particolare e la bassa velocità fanno pensare che sia in realtà un
oggetto artificiale artificiale.
Nella comunità astronomica si sta
affermando l’ipotesi che sia lo stadio Centaur del razzo utilizzato nel
1966 per lanciare il lander lunare Surveyor 2. Questa ipotesi,
attribuita all’esperto della NASA Paul Chodas , sembra trovare una prima
conferma nelle dimensioni del 2020 SO: secondo i dati riportati nel
database Cneos della NASA, l’oggetto avrebbe una lunghezza compresa tra
6,4 e 14 metri, mentre lo stadio Centaur misurava 12,68 metri.
fossero proprio questi detriti, sarebbe molto interessante studiarli in
dettaglio durante i due passaggi ravvicinati previsti per il 1 dicembre
(con una distanza di 50.000 chilometri) e il 2 febbraio (220.000
chilometri): in entrambe le occasioni sarà possibile osservarne meglio
la superficie per capire come si è degradata negli anni, preziosa
informazione per future missioni spaziali a lungo termine.
o no, 2020 S0 può ancora essere ufficialmente riconosciuta come la
terza mini-luna catturata dalla Terra: in precedenza era accaduto
all’oggetto RH120 del 2006, che ha dato una sbirciatina tra il 2006 e il
2007, e il ‘oggetto 2020 CD3, è finito in orbita terrestre tra il 2018 e il 2020.
La straordinaria scoperta è stata effettuata da un gruppo di ricercatori italiani.
è arrivato nella rivista Nature Astonomy: "c'è una rete di laghi salati
sotto i ghiacci del Polo Sud di Marte". La scoperta è eccezionale, e
rappresenta un ulteriore tassello nel tentativo, da parte della comunità
scientifica, di riscrivere la storia climatica del pianeta rosso al
fine di individuare, tra le altre cose, anche l'eventuale presenza di
forme di vita elementare. L'area è la stessa oggetto della scoperta del 2018:
il gruppo italiano che aveva individuato oramai due anni fa il lago al
di sotto della calotta glaciale, ha descritto la presenza di altri tre bacini di acqua salata. Anche questi nuovi bacini sono stati scoperti con il radar Marsis, fornito dall'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Asi) alla missione Mars Express dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea.
ricerca, coordinata da Elena Pettinelli e Sebastian Emanuel Lauro
dell'Università di Roma Tre, hanno partecipato ricercatori del Cnr e
italiani che lavorano in Australia e Germania. Il loro entusiasmo è
tangibile: "la scoperta del 2018 è stata solo la prima prova di un
sistema molto più ampio di corpi idrici liquidi nel sottosuolo marziano:
è esattamente quello che avrei sperato, un gran risultato, davvero!"
osserva Enrico Flamini, presidente della Scuola Internazionale di
Ricerche per le Scienze Planetarie (IRSPS) presso l'Università di Chieti
-Pescara. Soddisfatto anche il responsabile scientifico del radar Marsis, Roberto Orosei, secondo cui "la scoperta di un intero sistema di laghi implica che il loro processo di formazione sia relativamente semplice e comune, e che questi laghi probabilmente siano esistiti per gran parte della storia di Marte".
Commento di Oliviero Mannucci: chi segue questo blog sa quante volte ho detto che sotto la superficie di marte è pieno d'acqua ( guardate il post del 4 Luglio 2014, ad esempio) ma anche di forme di vita complesse. Piano, piano...è preprio il caso di dirlo, la verità sta venendo a galla!
This video talks about the UFO sighting made by astronaut Jhon Blaha, to whom in 2012 I had the pleasure of shaking hands at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
UAP are a scientifically interesting problem. Interdisciplinary teams of scientists should study them.
UFOs have been back in the news because of videos initially leaked, and later confirmed, by the U.S. Navy and officially released by Pentagon that purportedly show "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) in our skies. Speculations about their nature have run the gamut from mundane objects like birds or balloons to visitors from outer space.
It’s difficult, if not impossible,
to say what these actually are, however, without context. What happened
before and after these video snippets? Were there any simultaneous
observations from other instruments, or sightings by pilots?
Judging the nature of these objects (and these seem to be “objects,” as confirmed by the Navy) needs a coherent explanation that should accommodate and connect all the facts of the events. And this is where interdisciplinary scientific investigation is needed.
The proposal to scientifically
study UAP phenomena is not new. The problem of understanding such
unexplained UAP cases drew interest by scientists during the 1960s,
which resulted in the U.S. Air Force funding a group at the University
of Colorado, headed by physicist Edward Condon, to study UAP from 1966
to 1968. The resulting Condon Report concluded that further study of UAP
was unlikely to be scientifically interesting—a conclusion that drew
mixed reactions from scientists and the public.
Concerns over the inadequacy of the methods used by the Condon Report culminated with a congressional hearing in 1968 as well as a debate
sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) in 1969 with participation by scholars such as Carl Sagan, J.
Allen Hynek, James McDonald, Robert Hall and Robert Baker. Hynek was an
astronomy professor at the Ohio State University and led the Project Blue Book
investigation, while McDonald, who was a well-known meteorologist and a
member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and AAAS, performed a
thorough investigation of UAP phenomena. Sagan, a professor of astronomy
at Cornell University, was one of the organizers of the AAAS debate. He
dismissed the extraterrestrial hypothesis as unlikely but still
considered the UAP subject worthy of scientific inquiry.
Recent UAP sightings, however, have
so far failed to generate similar interest among the scientific
community. Part of the reason could be the apparent taboo around UAP
phenomena, connecting it to the paranormal or pseudoscience, while
ignoring the history behind it. Sagan even wrote in the afterword of the
1969 debate proceedings about the “strong opposition” by other
scientists who were “convinced that AAAS sponsorship would somehow lend
credence to ‘unscientific’ ideas.” As scientists we must simply let
scientific curiosity be the spearhead of understanding such phenomena.
We should be cautious of outright dismissal by assuming that every UAP
phenomena must be explainable.
Why should astronomers,
meteorologists, or planetary scientists care about these events?
Shouldn’t we just let image analysts, or radar observation experts,
handle the problem? All good questions, and rightly so. Why should we
care? Because we are scientists. Curiosity is the reason we became
scientists. In the current interdisciplinary collaborative environment,
if someone (especially a fellow scientist) approaches us with an
unsolved problem beyond our area of expertise, we usually do our best to
actually contact other experts within our professional network to try and get some outside perspective.
The best-case outcome is that we work on a paper or a proposal with our
colleague from another discipline; the worst case is that we learn
something new from a colleague in another discipline. Either way,
curiosity helps us to learn more and become scientists with broader
So, what should be the approach? If
a scientific explanation is desired, one needs an interdisciplinary
approach to address the combined observational characteristics of UAP,
rather than isolating one aspect of the event. Furthermore, UAP
phenomena are not U.S.-specific events. They are a worldwide occurrence.
Several other countries studied them. So shouldn’t we as scientists
choose to investigate and curb the speculation around them?
A BLACK disc flying was spotted in the sky above Chirk last week.
Residents and dog walkers watched the strange object fly from the direction of Chirk towards Hawarden and Broughton.
One 60-year-old witness was in his back garden when he saw the disc
flying at an estimated height of 100m at 5.30pm on Thursday (September
Although he has no idea what it was, he is certain it wasn't an aircraft, drone or balloon.
He said: "It came from Chirk towards Queensferry.
"It was a flat disc, it was very strange. The wind was going in
another direction, so I don't think it was floating, so it wasn't a
balloon or a bin liner, it went in a straight line.
"It seemed to be 100ft high at the most. It was about as big as a car."
"There was nobody attached to it and their wasn't a cabin, so it
didn't appear to be a craft. It wasn't a drone, when I first saw if I
thought someone has let a balloon go. But when I looked at it I could
see it was flat.Then it turned over so the bottom was the top, and then
it flew again. It wasn't going up or done, or side to side, it was going
in a perfectly straight line.
"I could hear dogwalkers saying 'Look at that?' and 'What is that?'.
He believes others will have saw the object as it was at a time when
people would be driving home from work, and it appeared to pass over
Brymbo, Pentre Broughton, Tanyfron, Caergwrle, and possibly Queensferry,
as it headed in the direction of Hawarden and Broughton.
He hopes someone can explain what it was.
The witness added: "I took a video of it on my tablet for about 12
seconds. But when I looked it hadn't worked. But I tried videoing
something later and it was absolutely fine."
Delamere actor Nathan Head, who hosts the paranormal investigation
series Apparitions on Amazon Prime, says Wrexham is a hotspot for UFO
He said: "Its not the first time. In 2019 there were lots of reports of sudden flashes of light in the sky above Wrexham.
"I've not heard of a black disc before, usually its a black triangle
if it is black. Perhaps it was metallic but because of the light and
shadow it appeared black.
"In the 1970s there were lots of UFO sightings in Llandrillo, which
isn't too far from Wrexham really. That too was flashing lights in the
sky. Independent scientists claimed they were a rare type of lightning
caused by earthquakes, a loud noise and bright flashes. The MOD
suggested it was a crashed meteor, but no official explanation was
"An earthquake light doesn't explain the black disc though. That
sounds more physical, like an actual spacecraft. Its exciting to
consider the possibilities."
There’s been a lot going on
this year. Between the pandemic and the derecho, it’s understandable if
you missed some big news — including news there might be life outside of
Here’s all the alien news no one paid attention to this year (because, ya know, 2020):
Life on Venus
recently, scientists announced that they discovered possible life on
Venus, Earth’s closest neighbor in the solar system. In the clouds above
the planet, a group of astronomers from all over the world found traces
of a chemical only created by living beings.
According to the Washington
Post, the chemical is called phosphine. Traces of phosphine that appear
in Earth’s skies are directly linked to human activity, scientists say.
However, that’s not a
guarantee there’s aliens living in the clouds above Venus. To be sure,
NASA and other scientists that study space will have to send a
spacecraft to explore the planet’s atmosphere.
And if there’s signs of life on Venus, then news about UFO sightings make things a lot more interesting.
A UFO — or unidentified
flying objects — is an unknown object in the sky. When people talk about
UFOs, they’re mostly talking about flying saucers that people believe
come from other planets.
Back in May, The New York
Times reported that Navy fighter pilots had strange encounters with
mysterious flying objects eight times between 2013 and 2019. According
to the reports, the fighter pilots and other military officials couldn’t
explain where the flying objects had come from.
The U.S. Pentagon has a
program to investigate these UFOs called the Unidentified Aerial
Phenomenon Task Force, according to The New York Times. Some think these
UFOs might not be actually be little green men from outer space, but
the program’s findings are still a bit of a mystery to reporters and
others in the public.
Incredibile trasformazione di un giovane francese che ha deciso di
cambiare radicalmente la sua vita nel 2017. Per definire la sua
trasformazione in alieno Anthony è dovuto andare a Barcellona perché in
Francia questo tipo di operazioni chirurgiche estreme sono vietate
Anthony Loffredo ha 32 anni e vive in Francia. Non è un ragazzo come tanti altri perché ha una passione che lo ha letteralmente cambiato. Anthony infatti ama molto gli alieni, inizialmente si è ricoperto di tatuaggi e piercing per sembrare un extraterrestre, poi è passato alla chirurgia estetica facendosi asportare il naso e le orecchie per trasformarsi in un “alieno nero“.
“Fin da giovanissimo mi sono appassionato alle mutazioni e trasformazioni del corpo umano – ha dichiarato l’alieno umano al quotidiano francese Midi Libre
nel 2017 – Ho preso una decisione definitiva quando lavoravo come
guardia di sicurezza perché ho capito che non stavo vivendo la mia vita
come volevo. Amo calarmi nei panni di un personaggio spaventoso”.
L’operazione definitiva si è svolta a Barcellona ad opera di Oscar Marquez
poiché un intervento del genere è illegale in Francia. “Grazie a te
Oscar che hai segnato la mia vita. – ha scritto il ragazzo sui social –
Ora posso camminare a testa alta grazie e sono orgoglioso di quello che
abbiamo fatto insieme”. Questa operazione estrema arriva qualche tempo
dopo la rimozione di entrambe le orecchie e l’intervento sulla lingua
che è stata divisa in due con un bisturi. Oltre a tutto questo Anthony si è fatto tatuare i bulbi oculari,
correndo il grande rischio di rimanere cieco. Infine il ragazzo si è
fatto fissare degli impianti sul viso affinché abbia un aspetto più
irregolare sulla fronte e sugli zigomi.
Grande Mela attira gli Ufo: nei primi 9 mesi dell’anno si sono
registrati ben 184 avvistamenti sopra il cielo di New York. A riportarlo
è il National Ufo Reporting Center. In tutto il 2019 gli avvistamenti
degli Oggetti non identificati arrivati dallo spazio erano stati 151.
Le testimonianze raccolte dal centro parlano di «luci verdi
abbaglianti», «suoni strani», navicelle dalle «forme allungate». Una
persona a Staten Island ha raccontato di essersi sentita «attraversare
da una sensazione di calore». «Stavo camminando - ha detto - quando ho
sentito un forte calore alla testa. Ho alzato lo sguardo e ho visto
qualcosa volare in aria». «Eravamo sul tetto di casa - ha raccontato un
altro - per vedere le stelle di notte, quando a un certo punto è apparso
un oggetto strano, con una luce verde. Volava a bassa quota. Poi
abbiamo sentito il suono simile a quello di un aereo, ma non era un
Top gun.
Se queste testimonianze potrebbero essere frutto di invenzioni o
suggestioni, resta un documento ufficiale a insinuare il dubbio che gli
alieni esistano davvero e sono venuti a visitare la Terra: il rapporto,
depositato al Pentagono, del comandante dell'aeronautica David Fravor.
Il pilota mise per iscritto il suo “incontro ravvicinato” con un Ufo nel
2004, durante un volo d’addestramento lungo la costa della California.
Tanto che poi una divisione per studiare gli Ufo avvistati dai militari
Usa è stata messa in campo al Pentagono con l'obiettivo di "comprendere e
conoscere meglio la natura e l'origine" dei fenomeni riguardanti gli
oggetti volanti non identificati. Il vice segretario alla Difesa David
Norquist aiuterà a supervisionare la task force. I precedenti tentativi
di esaminare ciò che il Pentagono definisce fenomeni aerei non
identificati sono stati condotti dalla Marina degli Stati Uniti poiché
molti degli incontri documentati hanno coinvolto loro aerei e dunque
potrebbero "rappresentare una minaccia per la sicurezza nazionale
nazionale degli Stati Uniti".
The recently retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast gave a lecture last month that seems to further signal that the next big battlefield will be space. Steven Kwast's lecture, which was held at the prestigious Hillsdale College, included comments that strongly suggest the possibility that the U.S. military and its industry partners may have already developed next-generation technologies that have the potential to change.drastically the aerospace field and human civilization, forever, as also reported by The Drive magazine in an extensive article on advanced space technology.Between 11.55 - 12.10 minutes of the video you can see below, Kwast somehow bizarrely claims that the United States currently possesses revolutionary technologies that could make current aerospace capabilities obsolete: “The technology is today on the engineering stage.But most Americans and most members of Congress haven't taken the time to really look in depth at what's happening here.But I had the benefit of 33 years of study and friendship with these scientists.This cutting-edge technology can be built today with a not very evolutionary technological system, suitable for transporting (or rather teleporting - n.d.a) any human being from any place on planet Earth, to any other place in less than an hour. "So General Kwast, in his speech at Hillsdale College, blatantly stated that STARGATE technology really exists.Dr. Dan Burisch, a former employee of the secret military forces of the United States, who worked directly under the orders of the "Majestic 12", also talks about these technologies.One of his most important statements is that relating to "Stargates" or dimensional portals.They are devices also made on Earth, but with technology of extraterrestrial origin.According to Dr. Burisch, the information on how to build Stargates is in the tables of the Sumerians who were used to communicating with other extra-planetary civilizations.Through this Stargate technology, any human being can access a wormhole and teleport from Earth to any other location, even in space, to the Moon or Mars.Dan describes a Stargate located in Area 51, saying that next to this huge apparatus there was a platform that allowed the object to be thrown into the wormhole to travel to other stars, transporting people or materials from one place to another.other instantly.
Il governo italiano ha sottoscritto un accordo di cooperazione spaziale con la NASA, grazie al quale i nostri astronauti potranno raggiungere la Luna in seno al programma Artemis, quello che dovrebbe portare la prima donna (e il prossimo uomo) sul satellite della Terra nel 2024. Luca Parmitano e Samantha Cristoforetti sono i due astronauti che hanno le maggiori possibilità di sbarcare sulla regolite lunare.
Per la prima volta nella storia dell'esplorazione spaziale gli astronauti italiani potranno calpestare il suolo della Luna. Alle 16:30 di venerdì 25 settembre a palazzo Chigi è stato infatti firmato uno storico accordo tra Stati Uniti e Italia per una futura e sempre più proficua cooperazione spaziale, che porterà appunto i primi italiani sulla regolite del satellite della Terra. A sottoscrivere il documento James Frederick “Jim” Bridenstine, attuale amministratore della NASA ed ex pilota della marina americana, e Riccardo Fraccaro, il sottosegretario alla presidenza del Consiglio con delega alle politiche spaziali.
L'accordo bilaterale tra i due Paesi, che si affianca a quello tra l'Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) – di cui fa parte anche l'Italia – e la NASA, è il trampolino di lancio per proiettare il tricolore nel cuore del virtuoso programma Artemis, quello che punta innanzitutto a portare “la prima donna e il prossimo uomo” sulla Luna nel 2024. Essendo guidato dall'agenzia aerospaziale statunitense, naturalmente i primi astronauti a tornare sul satellite (a 52 anni dall'Apollo 17, l'ultima con equipaggio umano) saranno americani, ma il programma prevede una vera e propria spola col satellite. L'obiettivo è stabilire una presenza costante sul suolo lunare – con un campo ad hoc – per gettare le basi di un traguardo ancor più ambizioso: la conquista ben più impegnativa del “Pianeta Rosso” Marte (che potrebbe avvenire attorno alla metà degli anni '30, secondo le più ottimistiche previsioni). La partnership tra Italia e Stati Uniti non deve tuttavia sorprendere più di tanto, considerando che già lo scorso anno il presidente dell'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) Giorgio Saccoccia e lo stesso Bridenstine avevano sottoscritto un primo documento atto a stabilire un rafforzamento nella cooperazione delle missioni spaziali. Del resto l'Italia è considerata uno dei Paesi più avanzati nell'ambito delle tecnologie aerospaziali, in particolar modo per quel che concerne la costruzione dei moduli abitativi, come ad esempio il “Leonardo” (Permanent Multipurpose Module, PMM) della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, realizzato da una delle vecchie società confluite nella Thales Alenia Space. L'Italia è inoltre già in prima linea nel progetto Lunar Gateway, che prevede la costruzione di una stazione spaziale analoga alla ISS ma in orbita lunare; per questo il contributo del nostro Paese è considerato estremamente prezioso dai partner internazionali.
I due astronauti dell'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) e dell'ESA più quotati per far parte della missione italiana sulla Luna sono indubbiamente Luca Parmitano e Samantha Cristoforetti, entrambi veterani della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS), nella quale hanno dato lustro al nostro Paese in tutto il mondo, portando avanti pionieristiche ricerche in campo bio-medico.
What is Bigfoot/Sasquatch? Where did the modern "Bigfoot/Sasquatch" come from? Is it a creature, a humanoid, or maybe something paranormal like a demon? UFO Seekers, for the first time, will seek the elusive Legend in the Sequoia National Forest, in the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, of Central California. Hear about real Bigfoot sightings and also the Native American (First Peoples) Legend of the Indian Bogeyman. Let's see what's out there!
Adam Kehoe has a PhD in Information Science and is interested in ML/AI, data science, and defense policy issues. He has been blogging about Unidentified Aerospace Phenomenon (UAP aka UFOs) with a focus on the policy issues related to the creation of an official UAP Task Force and the request for more information on the topic form the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Adam Kehoe has a PhD in Information Science and is interested in ML/AI, data science, and defense policy issues. He has been blogging about Unidentified Aerospace Phenomenon (UAP aka UFOs) with a focus on the policy issues related to the creation of an official UAP Task Force and the request for more information on the topic form the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Australian investigator Phil Tindale, who witnessed an “air battle between two UFOs” 40 years ago and is interested in Scottish sightings, explains why he is convinced we are not alone.
Australian man Phil Tindale has good reason to have a strong interest in UFOs. As
10-year-olds in the South Australian town of Aldgate just over 40 years
ago, he and his twin brother Rob witnessed a “hostile chase between two
highly advanced craft resulting in one of those craft crashing into a
Phil Tindale
The crash was reported by a third witness who was able to have a close
look at the craft which resembled an “eight metre long yellow speed boat
from it’s under side”. However, by the time police arrived, the object had disappeared leaving only unexplained broken branches. Phil
recently contacted The Courier from Australia after reading a Courier
feature online about renowned Scottish UFO investigator and
self-confessed UFO sceptic Malcolm Robinson who believes that aliens
have almost certainly visited Tayside and Fife.
Like Malcolm, Phil has concluded 95% of UFO sightings are explainable by “natural identifiable solutions”. However, he also takes the view that 5% fall into the unexplained category. Four
decades on from his own experience, Malcolm says he is “100%” convinced
what he saw was extra-terrestrial, and not military. But he also believes the question is no longer “are we alone”. Instead we must ask “what is the alien agenda”?
“It’s a question that we have ignored for the past 70 years,” says Phil.
UFO cases date back to the 1500’s when a township in Germany witnessed a
battle between celestial objects which was reported in the broadsheet
journals of Nuremberg.
“From the 1940’s a new and increased wave of alien activity began.
“Pilots reported seeing strange spherical craft following them into battle during WW2.
“Known as the Foo Fighters, they were initially thought to be advanced Nazi technology.“Later came the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, made famous by the military report printed in the local paper.“The report was quickly redacted and replaced with an explanation involving a weather balloon.“First hand witnesses have since validated the initial report, leading to an explosion of conspiracies.“Then in 1961 came the first reported alien abduction.“Betty and Barney Hill provided compelling and consistent testimonies of
the incident which occurred along a roadside late at night.
“They described being taken on board a craft and subject to various procedures.“Subsequent investigations seemed to verify the Hills experience, and left authorities scratching their heads.”Phil says that since then mass sightings have been reported on numerous occasions.One
of the more compelling events occurred in 1994 in Zimbabwe at the town
of Ruwa where a craft landed near the Ariel primary school.No less than 60 people witnessed the event. Not only was this a close encounter, it also involved alien contact.Humanoid entities disembarked the craft and approached the children.
Some reported telepathic communication that included a warning about humanity’s destructive trajectory.A number of investigators looked into the event including John E. Mack, head of Harvard Medical Psychiatry.“The environmental message is now recognised as a common theme of the contact experience,” adds Phil.“It
is estimated that nearly 40% of people who have had alien contact
receive some variation of an environmental message or warning.“Mass
sightings and high quality witnesses have been useful in confirming the
reality of the alien presence, but it is the individual and detailed
accounts that provide better insight into what is truly going on.
Some reported telepathic communication that included a warning about humanity’s destructive trajectory.A number of investigators looked into the event including John E. Mack, head of Harvard Medical Psychiatry.“The environmental message is now recognised as a common theme of the contact experience,” adds Phil.“It
is estimated that nearly 40% of people who have had alien contact
receive some variation of an environmental message or warning.“Mass
sightings and high quality witnesses have been useful in confirming the
reality of the alien presence, but it is the individual and detailed
accounts that provide better insight into what is truly going on.
“The emerging picture is complex and incomplete. It shows multiple
alien groups exist with different intentions, and varying degrees of
interest in humanity’s well being, ranging from benevolent to hostile.“Disagreement and even conflict between alien groups has been observed.“Reports describe varying physical features, some are indistinguishable from humans.” Phil tells how Terry Lovelace, a lawyer, describes a terrifying abduction while camping at Devils Den. “It left himself and a friend badly burned by radiation,” says Phil. “Both worked for the military at the time and both were brutally interrogated and humiliated by the army’s investigation unit. “It
was made clear to them that the event was not to be discussed ever
again. Yet other people describe ongoing contact with entities that seem
benevolent and appear to be concerned for our welfare.
“Many people are helped physically and spiritually by these contact events.“Over half of all contact experiences are described as positive and nearly all communication is said to be telepathic.“Telepathic ability seems to vary between alien groups, but it appears to be the galactic language.”Abductees
describe being “willed” to perform tasks or comply with requests. The
experience resembles a compelling need to obey, or just a personal
desire. These instructions are difficult to refuse. Some abductees
report using their own will power to deny the alien requests, but claim
that it is considerably difficult to do so. The glaring and
unmistakable fact of this phenomenon is the scale and secrecy. Reports
of alien contact and craft sightings are world-wide, but their
operations are at the fringes of our awareness.
In May 2018, at Melkbosstrand South Africa, a witness described
seeing a fleet of around 100 craft pop out of the sky and fly towards
the horizon at incredible speed.He described a point in the sky that looked “crinkled”, from this small area cloaked craft emerged.Their
colour matched the blue sky but not perfectly. Varying shapes and sizes
entered our atmosphere a short distance from the witness, some so
large, they covered as much as 90 degrees of his field of vision. All were totally silent. He also described a short conflict that occurred at the beginning of the event.
Artist impression of aliens described by Falkland witnesses in 1996
Three objects appeared to attack an emerging craft during the first few minutes.
is not difficult to understand the secrecy, both from an
extra-terrestrial perspective and from our own military’s point of view.
knowledge of this reality affects every aspect of our society. It
challenges our beliefs in religion, science and even politics.
are now faced with arguably the greatest challenge in human history,
from a position of inferior technology and inferior mental ability,”
says Phil.
“One consolation that comes to view is the common environmental interest that we share with these beings.
“Whether this intervention ultimately helps humanity or not our response will be paramount.
“Will this new reality change our view towards each other, can we
learn to appreciate the creatures that we share our planet with, and
appreciate the value of our own beautiful Earth?”
A green laser beaming into the Milton
Keynes sky was caught on camera last night (Thursday, September 24) with
some people comparing it to a UFO incident.
The laser was reportedly active
in the Kingston area of the town at around 10pm. It is unknown who or
what was responsible for it as of yet, but some people have given their
version of events.
Marvin, from Broughton, captured the incident on video. He said: "It
first caught our attention as the beam shone through our bedroom window
and it was really bright. My first thought was that it was a search
light from a police helicopter but, after seeing the light shine as high
into the sky as we could see, we knew it wasn’t.
we looked again we thought it was a huge UFO-shaped drone going up and
down through the beam. This drone let off another beam which was shining
in all different directions."
Westley Gilbert, from Brooklands, said he saw news about the laser on Facebook and had to go and check it out for himself.
said: "When I went into the garden to look I realised this was no
ordinary laser, so I decided to get in the car and see where it took me.
It was coming from a factory in the industrial estate in Kingston. I
got out of my car to have a look and couldn't believe how big this beam
was, shooting straight up into the sky.
started filming, and then this massive drone took off. I started
following the laser up into the sky, it got halfway up and started
shooting lasers all over the sky. It was truly amazing."
After some research, Westley believes it was a laser test carried out by a tech company based in the Midlands.
The Open University has said it was not involved, despite reports.
Milton Keynes Council has been contacted for comment.
The center of our Milky Way galaxy is too distant for us to visit in
person, but we can still explore it. Telescopes gives us a chance to see
what the Galactic Center looks like in different types of light. By
translating the inherently digital data captured by telescopes in space
into images, astronomers create visual representations that would
otherwise be invisible to us.
But what about experiencing these images with other senses like hearing?
Sonification is the process that translates data into sound, and a new
project brings the center of the Milky Way to listeners for the first
time. As the bar moves from left to right across the image, the sounds
represent the position and brightness of the sources detected by NASA's
Chandra X-ray Observatory, Hubble Space Telescope, and Spitzer Space
Telescope. The light of objects located towards the top of the image are
heard as higher pitches while the intensity of the light controls the
volume. Each type of light reveals different phenomena in this region,
which is roughly 400 light years across at a distance of about 26,000
light years from Earth. The supermassive black hole at the center of the
Galaxy, called Sagittarius A*, resides in the bright region to the
lower right of the image.
In addition to the Galactic Center, this team has also produced sonified
versions of the remains of a supernova called Cassiopeia A, or Cas A,
and the "Pillars of Creation" located in Messier 16. Sonification
projects like this allow different audiences — including blind and
visually-impaired communities — to explore space through data.
Se trató de un evento que generó conmoción. Pilotos de dos aviones y
personal de la torre de control del aeropuerto fueron testigos.
El Ministerio de Defensa de la Nación desclasificó por primera vez
documentos vinculados a una investigación oficial por el avistamiento de
un objeto volador no identificado (OVNI) en el denominado “caso
Bariloche”, ocurrido en 1995.
A pesar de que ya en 2018 se había descartado que este objeto visualizado en el cielo por pilotos y técnicos del aeropuerto internacional de Bariloche, se corresponda a algún elemento extraterrestre,
el Gobierno accedió a entregar el expediente completo a pedido de la
Comisión de Estudios del Fenómeno OVNI de la República Argentina
La documentación fue desclasificada en el marco de la ley de Derecho a la Información Pública e informa la investigación realizada por el presunto avistamiento de un OVNI el 31 de julio de 1995.
Cefora recordó que en este caso se encuentran los testimonios del piloto Jorge Polanco que, en operación de aterrizaje en el aeropuerto local, “fue interceptado por un objeto que lo obligó a realizar una maniobra de escape de alto riesgo”.
También consta de la información aportada por otros testigos que comandaban un avión
de Gendarmería Nacional, que realizaba un vuelo sanitario, pilotado por
los comandantes Juan Domingo Gaitan y Rubén Cipuzak; y del entonces jefe del Aeropuerto, el suboficial Daniel García, que se encontraba en la torre de control
El Gobierno en 2018 había publicado un informe final sobre este caso, en el que descartó que el hecho se tratase de una nave extraterrestre. Pero ahora desclasifica todos los archivos, incluyendo los diálogos de los pilotos con la torre de control, entre otros.
En ese informe oficial revelado hace dos años, la Fuerza
Aérea consideró que el episodio se debió a una confusión ocasionada por
una persona que desde tierra decidió hacer pruebas de un potente
proyector hacia las nubes. Es en ese momento en que las dos
aeronaves se encontraban en proximidad del aeropuerto y detectan esta
situación que en un principio creyeron que se trataba de un OVNI.
massive core stage for NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket is in
the B-2 Test Stand at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis,
Mississippi, for the core stage Green Run test series. NASA and Boeing,
the core stage lead contractor, installed the stage into the test stand
in January 2020. The core stage Green Run test series is an important
step toward safely launching SLS and NASA's Orion spacecraft beyond
Earth's orbit forward to the Moon for the agency’s Artemis program. The
212-foot-tall rocket stage -- the largest stage the agency has ever
produced -- contains the cryogenic liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen
tanks that will feed four RS-25 rocket engines, along with the vehicle's
avionics and flight computers. The comprehensive test campaign will
validate the core stage design and ensure it’s ready for the first and
future Artemis missions to the Moon.
Credits: NASA
Media accreditation is now open for NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS)
rocket Green Run hot fire test – the test of the rocket’s core stage and
all of its integrated systems before its flight on the Artemis I
lunar mission, scheduled for 2021. NASA is targeting early November for
the test in the B-2 Test Stand at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay
St. Louis, Mississippi.
The hot fire is the final in a series of eight tests
that ensure the stage’s systems are functioning and ready for
operation. The test replicates the launch by loading the propellants and
allowing them to flow throughout the system as the four RS-25 engines
fire simultaneously to demonstrate that the engines, tanks, fuel lines,
valves, pressurization system, and software can all perform together
just as they will on launch day.
Following the test, NASA will ship the core stage to the agency’s
Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where it will be assembled with the
other parts of the Artemis I rocket and the Orion spacecraft.
Media accreditation deadlines for SLS Core Stage Green Run test are as follows:
International media without U.S. citizenship must apply by 4p.m. EDT Friday, Oct. 2.
U.S. media must apply by 4p.m. EDT Friday, Oct. 16.
All accreditation requests should be submitted online at:
NASA continues to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and
will credential a limited number of media for access to Stennis Space
Center in order to protect the health and safety of media and employees.
International media based in the U.S. may apply. Due to COVID-19 safety
restrictions at Stennis, all attendees will need to follow quarantine requirements.
NASA will follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, along with the agency’s chief health and medical officer,
and will immediately communicate any updates that may impact media
access for the test.
For other questions, contact the Stennis Office of Communications at 228-688-3333.
Reporters with special accommodations requests should contact Valerie Buckingham at by Friday, Oct. 16.
The core stage was built at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New
Orleans with contributions from suppliers across the country. Boeing is
the lead contractor for the core stage, with the RS-25 engines built by
Aerojet Rocketdyne, and the test is being conducted by engineers from
Stennis, Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama and SLS
La Nasa ha pubblicato il piano da 28 miliardi di dollari per riportare
l'uomo sulla Luna nel 2024, ma sul programma incombe l'incognita delle
presidenziali Usa. Inoltre per rispettare la tempistica "aggressiva"
fissata dall'amministrazione Trump lo scorso anno, secondo
l'amministratore della Nasa, Jim Bridenstine, il Congresso dovrebbe
approvare 3,2 miliardi di dollari entro Natale.
Se il Congresso
approverà la prima fetta di finanziamento per avviare lo sviluppo del
lander destinato a fare atterrare l'equipaggio sulla Luna "saremo ancora
sulla buona strada per uno sbarco sulla Luna nel 2024", ha detto
Bridenstine. Il Congresso dovrebbe approvare il finanziamento di un
progetto che è stato definito dal presidente Donald Trump come una
priorità assoluta, ma le elezioni del 3 novembre potrebbero costituire
un rischio per il programma. Bridenstine ha osservato infatti che i
"rischi politici" sono stati spesso la più grande minaccia per il lavoro
della Nasa, specialmente prima di elezioni cruciali.
Il piano
da 28 miliardi di dollari in cinque anni per ritornare sulla Luna entro
il 2024 prevede che gli equipaggi partano con la capsula Orion e il
nuovo sistema di lancio Space Launch System (Sls), e che una volta
raggiunta l'orbita lunare, si trasferiranno in un lander sviluppato dai
privati che porterà gli astronauti sulla superficie lunare.
tre i progetti sono in competizione per costruire il lander: il primo è
stato sviluppato dalla Blue Origin di Jeff Bezos in collaborazione con
Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman e Draper; gli altri due progetti sono
della SpaceX di Elon Musk e dell'azienda Dynetics.
"La Nasa
dispone di tutti i sistemi e i contratti chiave per garantire il
raggiungimento dell'ambizioso obiettivo del presidente di riportare gli
astronauti americani sulla Luna per la prima volta dal 1972", ha
osservato Bridenstine. Il programma prevede nel novembre 2021 il volo di
prova senza equipaggio, nella missione chiamata Artemis I e nella quale
la capsula Orion dovrebbe essere lanciata con il sistema Sls,
attualmente in fase di test. Nel 2023 sarà la volta di Artemis II: la
missione porterà gli astronauti intorno alla Luna ma non atterrerà.
Infine, Artemis III, prevista nel 2024, porterà la prima donna e il
prossimo uomo sulla superficie lunare, per una missione di circa una
"Andremo al Polo Sud", ha detto Bridenstine, mentre
le missioni Apollo avvenute fra il 1969 e il 1972 erano tutte arrivate
sull'equatore lunare. "La scienza che faremo - ha aggiunto - è davvero
molto diversa da qualsiasi cosa abbiamo fatto prima. Dobbiamo ricordare
che durante l'era Apollo, pensavamo che la Luna fosse arida. Ora
sappiamo che c'è molta acqua ghiacciata e sappiamo che questa si trova
al Polo Sud".
Theatre Bristol's on-air production of H.G. Wells "The War of the Worlds" will be available throughout October.
Contributed Photo | Theatre Bristol
Attacks from outer space aliens appear imminent.
Author H.G. Wells first stirred the waters of alien invasion in 1897 with his serialized novel “The War of the Worlds.” In 1938, actor Orson Welles presented the science fiction melodrama to a nationwide audience on radio.Gadzooks, look skyward! Once again, “The War of the Worlds” this way comes. Courtesy Theatre Bristol and its COVID-19-inspired Keeping Drama On — and Off — Stage series, “The War of the Worlds” will broadcast throughout the month of October on the longtime community theater’s website. It begins 8 p.m. Oct. 1.
“This is our maiden voyage for this series,” said Samantha Gray, producer of Theatre Bristol’s “The War of the Worlds.”
For a deeper nod to its radio origins, “The War of the Worlds” as presented by Theatre Bristol will also broadcast via public radio station 89.5 WETS at 8 p.m. Oct. 29.
Dottie Havlik directs. Performers include Steve Basket, Andrew Hunt, Mary Ellis Rice and Bailey George as announcers. Veteran actor Fred Dunagan fills the role of Professor Pierson.
“I love old radio,” said Dunagan, who last performed with Theatre Bristol during 2010’s “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”
“Stephen King said one time [that] eventually you have to show the monster. Not with radio. You’re left with your own imagination.”
Wells’ “The War of the Worlds” broadcast from New York City’s Mercury Theatre in October 1938. Millions listened. Terror gripped many of whom actually believed that Earth was under attack by extraterrestrials from Mars.
“Frightening, just think of the title,” Gray said. “My reaction is how it hit people when they first heard it on the radio. It stirred people up.”
Art should inspire reactions. Wells’ forward-looking novel and its woven threads of science fiction and horror employs a foundation of realism such that, despite its premise, it does not seem so far-fetched. Actor Orson Welles injected heavy doses of realism into the original radio broadcast of “The War of the Worlds.”
It sounded real.
Theatre Bristol actors seek to embrace and project that palpable drama. In the interests of social distancing, actors rehearsed lines and will record the broadcast virtually via Zoom.
“The only challenge we’ve had is different people using different modes of communication,” Dunagan said. “Dottie Havlik and Camille Gray (audio technician) have done a great job ironing that out.”
Bristol native Catherine DeCaterina founded Theatre Bristol in 1965 as a children’s community theater company. She never faced a pandemic akin to COVID. But for Theatre Bristol’s past presentation of “Don’t Touch That Dial,” they’ve rarely hearkened to — much less embraced, radio.
Yet podcasts, a modern-era embrace of radiolike programming, pervade contemporary America. Indeed, radio isn’t dead. Imagination lives.
“This is perfect for a time when people can listen, now more than ever,” Gray said. “With this production, you’re basically watching the radio.”
Suspend the moment, engage the mind and possibilities. Witness widespread carnage under unfathomable assaults by Martians, merciless in their attempts to annihilate.
“The War of the Worlds,” it’s a book come to life, a nightmare reimagined.After its initial broadcast, tune in anytime throughout October. Theatre Bristol seek and will accept donations, but there’s no charge whatever to watch and listen to the show.“It’ll be out there for anybody to watch it online,” Dunagan said. “I’m thrilled! Fill the house.”
If You Watch
» What: Theatre Bristol’s Keeping Drama On — and Off — Stage series presents “The War of the Worlds”
» When: 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 1, and throughout the month thereafter