
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tiny alien visited Bolivian city following UFO sighting, eyewitness claims ( International Business Times )


Local media reports from Bolivia revealed that a tiny alien from deep space paid a visit to the region


Conspiracy theorists all across the world strongly believe that alien existence on earth is real, and they argue that advanced extraterrestrials from deep space have been visiting the blue planet for hundreds of thousands of years. Adding up the heat to these seemingly unbelievable theories, fresh reports from Bolivian media suggest that an advanced tiny alien from space has visited earth. 

Tiny alien measuring just 30 centimeters

According to the eyewitness who saw the bizarre event, the space visitor climbed out of its UFO and strolled down streets in the Monteagudo neighborhood of the city. The eyewitness also made it clear that the alien was just 30 centimeters tall. Later, the alleged alien returned to the spaceship and the UFO vanished in the skies.

According to a report published in the EI Tribuno newspaper, a UFO made its appearance in the skies before the alien sighting. 

"As the object entered the sky, there was a crash, like thunder. Furthermore, the characteristic of this object is as if it were throwing fire," said UFO enthusiast Javier Aliaga, reports

The media report also added that the only traces of the UFO visit on earth were just circles in the grass from where the alleged spaceship took off. 

UFO sightings increased dramatically during pandemic times

According to the latest statistics, UFO sightings have increased dramatically during the times of the coronavirus pandemic. According to data from National U.F.O. Reporting Center, UFO sightings in the United States have increased from 1,000 to 7,200 over the past year. According to conspiracy theorists, people have started looking up the skies during pandemic times, and it is one of the main reasons behind an increase in UFO sightings. 

It was on last year that the Pentagon released three UFO videos that showed alleged space vessels screeching across the skies at a mindblowing speed. Earlier, US Navy spokesman Joseph Gradisher had also revealed that these UFO videos are real. However, he made it clear that these videos were not supposed to be released in the first place. 

Nirmal Narayanan

Source News 


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