
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Última Hora: NASA cree que puede haber vida en Marte, pero no estamos preparados para saberlo!

Dr. Jim Green, a NASA scientist, said the American space agency or the European Space Agency (ESA) will discover extraterrestrial life on Mars in the coming months. Dr. Green went on to say that the discovery will take place before 2021, but the world is not ready to accept the reality of extraterrestrial existence. In an interview with the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, he also added that the discovery of extraterrestrial life will be revolutionary and will open a completely new line of thinking. “It will be revolutionary,” Dr. Green said. “It’s like when Copernicus said ‘the Sun is at the center of the solar system. I don’t think we’re prepared for the results we’re about to announce. We are not. I was worried about this because I think we are close to finding extraterrestrial life and making some announcements. “Dr. Green is one of the main” thinkers “behind the missions of NASA and ESA who will begin drilling the Martian surface in 2020. The ESA ExoMars rover and NASA’s Mars 2020 will collect samples and tests of these samples which will be completed in 2021. The NASA scientist believes that the important clues behind the existence of extraterrestrial life will be revealed after testing these samples. Also, during the interview, Dr. Green made it clear that there may be advanced civilizations in the deep corners of the universe, since there are more planets in the cosmos than the number of stars. “Venus was a blue planet for a significant period of time,” the American scientist continued. “There is no reason to think that there are no civilizations in other places because we are finding exoplanets everywhere. Now we know from the observations of the Kepler Space Telescope that there are more planets in the galaxy, that there are stars.” Without a doubt, Dr. Green’s words have left no one indifferent. NASA recognizes that in the coming months it will make public the existence of extraterrestrial life and then … then it will be known that they are already among us. The day of the announcement is imminent and now we just need to know: what is behind all this revelation?

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