
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Spectacular UFO over Oregon Nov. 1, 2012

Pubblicato in data 02/nov/2012 da
© whotookmymojo 2012 The UFO is filmed using two camcorders. A digital HI8 and Gen 3 NV/HD. The object was first noticed pulsating rapidly which is what caught my attention as I had just arrived at the sighting location and was getting prepared unpacking the equipment. It was traveling North and under 500 feet in elevation and the Night Vision was utilized to tell if it was one solid or two and it appears to be two separate objects traveling in tandem. Each cluster of lights also appear to rotate around a different axis noted in the NVsection as the object moves in the sky. (Video Notes: After review the object did not drop any plasma or lights as I thought in the video narration and the worn bearings in the HI8 cam are creating noise you hear in the HI8 portions of the filming.)


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