
Monday, July 8, 2013

SETI : Il Regno Unito alla ricerca dell'intelligenza extraterrestre

Una nuova rete per la ricerca dell'intelligenza aliena, Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI), ha preso il via nel Regno Unito.
Arecibo Response

L'UK SETI Research Network (UKSRN) riunisce accademici da 11 istituzioni di tutto il paese e si dedicherà a diversi aspetti della ricerca, tra cui i potenziali metodi per ascoltare il cosmo, la sfida linguistica che accompagna un linguaggio da decifrare, la probabilità che una cività extraterrestre possa interagire con la Terra e la longevità di un popolo.
Il dott. Alan Penny, coordinatore del UKSRN ha detto: "Ci auguriamo che questa rete aumenterà l'interesse delle persone della comunità astronomica del Regno Unito che stavano pensando al SETI e li spingerà a contribuire con il loro lavoro. Nella prossima sessione al NAM - National Astronomy Meeting - presenteremo l'intera gamma delle attività".
Punto di inizio sarà proprio il Progetto Phoenix del SETI (1998 - 2003), focalizzato su sistemi vicini simili al nostro, con un'analisi condotta su circa 800 stelle in un raggio di 200 anni luce. Anni fa infatti, analizzare questa mole di dati era un problema e richiedeva anche investimenti proibitivi ma con le tecnologie attuali sarà tutto più semplice.
I ricercatori utilizzeranno la rete e-MERLIN formata da sette radiotelescopi: questo approccio multi-telescopio sarà uno strumento potente per distinguere i veri segnali extraterrestri dalle interferenze generate qui sulla Terra.


Comment by Oliviero Mannucci:  Do you want seek yet? The answer is arrived. They are here! Open your mind!

Arecibo Response

 The Arecibo response is a mysterious crop circle which appeared in farmland next to the Chilbolton radio telescope where the famous Arecibo message was sent into space in 1974.[1]


The response message itself differs substantially from the original Aricebo message. The 1974 transmission contained binary-encrypted information about our base-ten number system, organic elements needed for life on earth, formulae for sugars & bases found in human DNA, the number of base-pairs in DNA, the structure of DNA, a simplified representation of a human being, the average height of a human, the population of earth (in 1974), our solar system (indicating earth as a raised third planet relative to the system), a representation of the Aricebo telescope as well as the diameter of the telescope itself. [1]
The message found near the Chilbolton radio telescope had the following characteristics: [2] [3]
  • The number system is indicated as base-ten, just like the original message.
  • The atomic numbers for life is almost the same, except silicon has been inserted between oxygen and phosphorous.
  • A new set of nucleic formulae is included, some of which appear to be derived from silicon.
  • A new value in base-pair amount, indicating more base-pair sequences (roughly 4,294,966,110 bp's).
  • The structure of the DNA has been changed, indicating an additional strand to our own.
  • A simplified representation of the intended sendee. Indicates a larger head, as well as more pronounced set of eyes.
  • Average height of the intended sendee is drastically less than that of the average human. It comes out to about 3'4.
  • The population of the intended sendee has been changed to reflect a much larger population to our own: 12.7 billion. This may or may not be a population value taken in 1974, or of that in 2001.
  • The visual representation of the solar system has changed. The intended sendee's sun is smaller in size to our own. Not only this, but three planets are highlighted instead of the one planet (Earth) indicated in the first message. In the response message planets three, four and five are highlighted, with an extra emphasis on the fifth planet. There are also nine planets in the response message, just like our own, however it is purely speculative as to why this is so.
  • The "communication device" has changed. Instead it depicts a crop circle that also appeared near Chilbolton observatory in 2000.
  • The diameter of the "communication" device is changed. The new diameter is now 2789.52'.

Not far from that message, another crop cicle formed just before the Chilbolton response. This formation forms what could be described as a humanoid face generated from a series of dots which create a contrasting effect. So far, nobody has attempted to repeat the Aricebo resonse at Chilbolton observatory.


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