
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

OBAMA: Everyone has to chip in 2013

Pubblicato in data 26/mag/2012
RFID Chip will be obligatory for all Americans in 2013

Micro Chip Implants Coming March 23, 2013?

Obamacare - RFID Chip - HR 3962

Grant Jeffrey - The 666 System & RFID Chips\The 666 System & RFID Chips

RFID Chip can Kill Disobedient Slaves - Already being Implemented !

RFID Chip Kills you if you disobey

Globalist De-Population Agenda and Sinister DNA Plan

Christian Family Refuses Mandatory RFID Chip at Texas School

Denounce God, De-populate & Dis-arm, Develop Global Gov/Enslavement

The Whore of Babylon: Solving the Mystery (full Version)

Bible Mention RFTD Chip:
Not that I plan on accepting a chip in my body, but God would not punish people for taking a chip, for that is NOT the mark of the beast.

To incur the wrath of God, you would have to worship the beast and his image, and accept his mark.

Revelation 14:9-10 says "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man WORSHIP THE BEAST and HIS IMAGE, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God..."

Verse 14 says "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth THE MARK OF HIS NAME."

So it's about who you submit to worship. The Protestant Reformers John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Wesley and many other revered scholars all pointed to the Roman Catholic Church as the 'little horn' of Daniel and the 'beast' of Revelation.

During the dark ages, the RCC killed upwards of 100 million 'heretics', mostly Christians, because they did not bow to them and follow their rules.

And the RCC will be revived in the last days, and the Pope will ascend in power and demand that people worship their antichrist religion, and if you do, THEN you've accepted the mark of the beast.

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