
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

More UFO sightings reports recorded in 2013

Numbers of reported UFO sightings had increased in 2013 and most of the places of such sightings may surprise even the UFO enthusiasts. This article features some interesting insights being gathered after taking a look at the UFO sighting reports compiled by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

ufoMUFON is the largest US-based civilian organization, compiling and investigating some interesting UFO reports. They have assigned investigators in every U.S. states and representatives across the globe. According to former MUFON director Clifford Clift, the organization received more than 6,000 UFO reports in 2011 and in early 2012 they had already received hundreds.

In 2013, MUFON received a total of 7,646 reports around the world and out of the total numbers, 6,457 were from the United States. Below is the list of top 20 countries when it comes to the most number of UFO sighting reports.

- United States – 6457 UFO sighting reports
- Canada – 421
- United Kingdom – 183
- Australia – 90
- Mexico - 34
- Brazil – 28
- Argentina – 25
- Germany- 24
- India – 24
- South Africa – 20
- New Zealand – 18
- Italy – 17
- Spain – 17
- Colombia – 15
- France – 15
- Ireland – 13
- Romania – 13
- Uruguay – 12
- Chile – 10
- Israel – 10

UFOs are reportedly seen all over the U.S. The states with the largest populations have most sighting reports. When the number of sightings is divided by the recent estimated population of every state to get the number of sightings per 100,000 individuals in every state, the results do not necessary vary to the number of population in each state. California with 820 sightings can’t make it to the top 20 when the number is run up against its population. Meanwhile, Maine is on top of the list with 4 reports per 100,000 persons but the state is not part of the top 20 when it comes to number of sighting reports. Here are the complete list of sighting reports in each U.S. states and reports per 100,000 persons in each state. 

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